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Forked from thitemple/dev_setup.ps1
Last active April 14, 2016 22:01
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A PowerShell script for installing a dev machine using Chocolatey.
function Add-Path() {
# Get the current search path from the environment keys in the registry.
$OldPath=(Get-ItemProperty -Path 'Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment' -Name PATH).Path
# See if a new folder has been supplied.
if (!$AddedFolder) {
Return 'No Folder Supplied. $ENV:PATH Unchanged'
# See if the new folder exists on the file system.
if (!(TEST-PATH $AddedFolder))
{ Return 'Folder Does not Exist, Cannot be added to $ENV:PATH' }cd
# See if the new Folder is already in the path.
if ($ENV:PATH | Select-String -SimpleMatch $AddedFolder)
{ Return 'Folder already within $ENV:PATH' }
# Set the New Path
Set-ItemProperty -Path 'Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment' -Name PATH -Value $newPath
# Show our results back to the world
Return $NewPath
# Install apps using Chocolatey
Write-Host "Installing Chocolatey"
iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))
Write-Host "Installing applications from Chocolatey"
cinst git -y
cinst gitkraken -y
cinst poshgit -y
cinst sublimetext3 -y
cinst sublimetext3.packagecontrol
cinst cmder -y
cinst putty -y
cinst GoogleChrome -y
cinst beyondcompare -y
cinst 7zip -y
cinst filezilla -y
cinst dropbox -y
cinst NugetPackageExplorer -y
choco install lastpass -y
cinst lastpass-for-applications -y
cinst chocolateygui -y
cinst linqpad4 -y
# Set environment variables
Write-Host "Setting home variable"
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("HOME", $HOME, "User")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("CHROME_BIN", "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe", "User")
# Install Windows installer through WebPI
Write-Host "Installing apps from WebPI"
cinst WindowsInstaller31 -source webpi
cinst WindowsInstaller45 -source webpi
# Add Git to the path
Write-Host "Adding Git\bin to the path"
Add-Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin"
# Configure Git globals
Write-Host "Configuring Git globals"
$userName = Read-Host 'Enter your name for git configuration'
$userEmail = Read-Host 'Enter your email for git configuration'
& 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\git' config --global $userEmail
& 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\git' config --global $userName
$env:Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine")
# Generate public/private rsa key pair
Write-Host "Generating public/private rsa key pair"
Set-Location $home
$dirssh = "$home\.ssh"
mkdir $dirssh
$filersa = $dirssh + "\id_rsa"
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f $filersa -q -C $userEmail
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