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Created December 27, 2019 14:53
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Unicorn scanner to alert on potential errors in unicorn configurations
[string] $path
function Expand-Tokens{
[string] $configName,
[string] $path
$root = $configName.Split(".")
if ($root.Length -ge 1){
$path = $path.replace("`$(module)", $root[$root.Length-1])
if ($root.Length -ge 2){
$path = $path.replace("`$(layer)", $root[$root.Length-2])
if ($root.Length -ge 3){
$path = $path.replace("`$(tenant)", $root[$root.Length-3])
return $path
function Expand-ConfigToDescendants{
[hashtable] $trie,
[string] $config,
[string] $dependencies,
[System.Xml.XmlElement] $include,
[int] $depth = -1
$s = new-object system.collections.stack
while ($s.Count -gt 0 -and $depth -ne 0){
$tmp = $s.pop()
$null = $tmp.config[$config] = @{
dependencies = $dependencies
include = $include
includeChildren = $true
$tmp.parent.config.values | foreach-object {
if ($_.includeChildren -and -not $tmp.config.ContainsKey($_.config)){
$tmp[$_.config] = $_
$ | foreach-object{
return $trie
function Expand-Trie{
[hashtable] $trie,
[string] $key,
[string] $dependencies,
[System.Xml.XmlElement] $include,
[string] $config = $null
if (-not $$key)){
$[$key] = @{
node = $key
config = @{}
next = @{}
parent = $trie
path = "$($trie.path)/$key"
database = $trie.database
if ($null -ne $config -and $config -ne ""){
$null = $[$key].config[$config] = @{
config = $config
dependencies = $dependencies
include = $include
includeChildren = $true
$trie.parent.config.values | foreach-object {
if ($_.includeChildren -and -not $trie.config.ContainsKey($_.config)){
$trie.config[$_.config] = $_
$mainPath = Expand-Tokens -path $include.GetAttribute("path") -configName $config
$parent = $[$key]
if ($include.exclude.Count -ne 0){
$include.exclude | foreach-object{
if ($_.GetAttribute("children").ToLower() -eq "true"){
$[$key].config[$config].includeChildren = $false
$path = Expand-Tokens -path $_.GetAttribute("path").Replace($mainPath, "") -configName $config
if ($path.Length -eq 0){
$path = Expand-Tokens -path $_.GetAttribute("childrenOfPath").Replace($mainPath, "") -configName $config
if ($path.Length -ne 0){
$tmp = $parent
$path.Split("/") | foreach-object{
if (-not $$_)){
$[$_] = @{
node = $_
config = @{}
next = @{}
parent = $tmp
path = "$($tmp.path)/$_"
database = $tmp.database
$null = $[$_].config[$config] = @{
config = $config
dependencies = $dependencies
include = $include
includeChildren = $false
$tmp.parent.config.values | foreach-object {
if ($_.includeChildren -and -not $tmp.config.ContainsKey($_.config)){
$tmp.config[$_.config] = $_
$tmp = $[$_]
$children = $_.GetAttribute("children")
if ($children.ToLower() -eq "true"){
$_.except | foreach-object{
if ($null -ne $_){
$exceptName = $_.GetAttribute("name")
$exceptIncludeChildren = $_.GetAttribute("includeChildren").ToLower() -eq "true"
$tmp = $parent
if ($exceptName -eq "*"){
Expand-ConfigToDescendants -trie $parent -config $config -depth 1 -dependencies $dependencies -include $include
$exceptName.Split("/") | foreach-object {
if (-not $$_)){
$[$_] = @{
node = $_
config = @{}
next = @{}
parent = $tmp
path = "$($tmp.path)/$_"
database = $tmp.database
$null = $[$_].config[$config] = @{
config = $config
dependencies = $dependencies
include = $include
includeChildren = $exceptIncludeChildren
$tmp.parent.config.values | foreach-object {
if ($_.includeChildren -and -not $tmp.config.ContainsKey($_.config)){
$tmp.config[$_.config] = $_
$tmp = $[$_]
if ($exceptIncludeChildren){
Expand-ConfigToDescendants -trie $parent -config $config -dependencies $dependencies -include $include
$trie = $[$key]
return $trie
function Traverse-Path{
[hashtable] $Trie,
[string] $database,
[string] $config,
[string] $path,
[string] $dependencies,
[System.Xml.XmlElement] $include
$isCore = $database -eq "core"
if ($isCore){
$Trie = $Trie.core
$Trie = $Trie.master
$paths = $path.Split("/")
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $paths.Length-1;$i++){
if ($paths[$i] -ne ""){
$Trie = Expand-Trie -trie $Trie -key $paths[$i] -dependencies $dependencies -include $include
#write-host "$($trie.path)/$($paths[$paths.Length - 1]) - $config" -ForegroundColor red
$Trie = Expand-Trie -trie $Trie -key $paths[$paths.Length - 1] -dependencies $dependencies -include $include -config $config
function Build-Trie{
param (
[hashtable] $Trie,
[System.Xml.XmlElement] $xml,
[hashtable] $Abstract
$config = $xml.GetAttribute("name")
$extends = $xml.GetAttribute("extends")
while($extends -ne ""){
if ($null -ne $Abstract[$extends].include){
$Abstract[$extends].include | ForEach-Object{
Traverse-Path -Trie $Trie -database $_.GetAttribute("database") -config $config -path (Expand-Tokens -path $_.GetAttribute("path") -configName $config) -dependencies $_.ParentNode.ParentNode.GetAttribute("dependencies") -include $_
$extends = $Abstract[$extends].extends
$extends = ""
$xml.predicate.include | ForEach-Object {
if ($null -ne $_){
Traverse-Path -Trie $Trie -database $_.GetAttribute("database") -config $config -path (Expand-Tokens -path $_.GetAttribute("path") -configName $config) -dependencies $_.ParentNode.ParentNode.GetAttribute("dependencies") -include $_
$mainTrie = @{
master = @{
node = "sitecore"
config = @{}
next = @{}
parent = $null
path = ""
database = "master"
core = @{
node = "sitecore"
config = @{}
next = @{}
parent = $null
path = ""
database = "core"
dependencies = @{}
$abstract = @{}
$xmls = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Xml.XmlElement]
get-childitem -Path $path -Filter *.config -Recurse -Exclude node_modules | Foreach-Object{
$xml = $null
$xml = [xml] (Get-Content $_.FullName)
if ($null -ne $xml -and $xml.configuration.sitecore.unicorn -ne $null -and -not $_.FullName.Contains("\obj\")){
$xml.configuration.sitecore.unicorn.configurations.configuration | foreach-object{
if ($null -ne $_){
$configuration = $_
$isAbstract = $null -ne $configuration.GetAttribute("abstract") -and $configuration.GetAttribute("abstract").ToLower() -eq "true"
if ($isAbstract){
$_.predicate.include | Foreach-Object {
if ($_ -ne $null){
if (-not $abstract.ContainsKey($_.ParentNode.ParentNode.GetAttribute("name"))){
$abstract.Add($_.ParentNode.ParentNode.GetAttribute("name"), @{
include = (New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[[System.Xml.XmlElement]])
extends = $_.ParentNode.ParentNode.GetAttribute("extends")
$mainTrie.dependencies[$configuration.GetAttribute("name")] = @{
text = $configuration.GetAttribute("dependencies")
$mainTrie.dependencies.Keys | foreach-object {
$dep = $mainTrie.dependencies[$_]
$dep.dependson = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]
$s = new-object system.collections.stack
while ($s.Count){
$childDep = $s.Pop()
$individualDependencies = $childDep.text.Split(",")
$individualDependencies | foreach-object {
$dependency = $_.trim()
if ($dependency.EndsWith("*")){
$wildcard = $dependency.Replace("*", "")
$mainTrie.dependencies.Keys | foreach-object{
if ($_.startsWith($wildcard)){
$null = $dep.dependson.Add($_)
if ($mainTrie.dependencies.ContainsKey($_)){
$null = $dep.dependson.Add($dependency)
if ($mainTrie.dependencies.ContainsKey($dependency)){
$xmls | ForEach-Object {
Build-Trie -Trie $mainTrie -xml $_ -Abstract $abstract
return $mainTrie
[hashtable] $Trie,
[switch] $ErrorOnOrphans,
[switch] $ErrorOnDependencyMismatch
write-host "`n=======================================================================================" -ForegroundColor Cyan
write-host "Beginning scan of unicorn configurations for potential errors" -ForegroundColor Cyan
write-host "=======================================================================================`n" -ForegroundColor Cyan
$s = new-object system.collections.stack
$PathRequirementsMaster = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]
$PathRequirementsCore = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]
$Orphans = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]
while ($s.Count -ne 0){
$t = $s.Pop()
if ($t.config.Count -ne 0 -and $t.parent.config.Count -eq 0){
if ($t.database -eq "master"){
$null = $PathRequirementsMaster.Add($t.parent.path)
}elseif($t.database -eq "core"){
$null = $PathRequirementsCore.Add($t.parent.path)
if ($t.config.Count -eq 0 -and $t.parent.config.Count -ne 0){
$null = $Orphans.Add($t.path)
$parent = $t.parent
if ($t.config.Count -gt 0){
$t.config.Keys | foreach-object {
$config = $t.config[$_].config
$path = $t.path
while ($null -ne $parent){
$found = $false
if ($parent.config.Count -ne 0){
$parent.config.keys | foreach-object{
if (-not $found -and ($parent.config[$_].config -eq $config -or $Trie.dependencies[$config].dependson.Contains($parent.config[$_].config))){
$found = $true
$found = $true
if (-not $found){
if ($ErrorOnDependencyMismatch){
write-error "The following is a report on a dependency mismatch."
write-host "`nIssue found with configuration:" -ForegroundColor red
write-host "`n`tConfiguration " -NoNewline
write-host $config -ForegroundColor Magenta -NoNewline
write-host " has a path dependency on one of [" -NoNewline
write-host $parent.config.Keys -ForegroundColor Magenta -NoNewline
write-host "] that isn't explicitly defined"
write-host "`n`t$($t.database) => $($path)" -ForegroundColor Magenta
$parent = $parent.parent
$ | Foreach-object {
if ($Orphans.Count -ne 0){
write-host "`n=======================================================================================" -ForegroundColor Cyan
write-host "Orphans detected, items which appear to be required that aren't tracked by any configs" -ForegroundColor Cyan
write-host "=======================================================================================`n" -ForegroundColor Cyan
if ($ErrorOnOrphans){
write-error "The following are orphans detected."
$Orphans | Sort-Object -Property Length | Foreach-Object {
write-host "`t$_" -ForegroundColor Magenta
write-host "`n=======================================================================================" -ForegroundColor Cyan
write-host "Configurations require that these paths exist as part of the default state of Sitecore" -ForegroundColor Cyan
write-host "=======================================================================================`n" -ForegroundColor Cyan
write-host "Core:" -ForegroundColor Cyan
$PathRequirementsCore | Sort-Object -Property Length | Foreach-Object {
write-host "`t$_"
write-host "Master:" -ForegroundColor Cyan
$PathRequirementsMaster | Sort-Object -Property Length | Foreach-Object {
write-host "`t$_"
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