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Created January 8, 2022 16:11
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Messing around with R
# hello.r
# Windows one-time setup (requires choco):
# choco install R
# Run this from a shell:
# "/c/Program Files/R/R-4.1.2/bin/Rscript.exe" hello.r
# Or paste it into the online interpreter at:
# Seed the RNG (optional, only for repeatability)
## \n is literal for print()!
#print("Hello world\n")
cat("\nHello world\n\n")
# Rectangular bounds of pointcloud distribution
dxh <- runif(1, 5.0 , 20.0)
dyh <- runif(1, 0.5 , 2.0)
dzh <- runif(1, 0.05, 0.2)
# Rotation angles (radians)
t1 <- runif(1, 0, 2 * pi)
t2 <- runif(1, 0, 2 * pi)
t3 <- runif(1, 0, 2 * pi)
## This is me, learning R
##a <- array(1:6, c(3,2))
## Make a random 3x2 matrix. Note total size vs nrows (no explicit cols)
#a <- matrix(runif(6), nrow=3)
#x <- array(1:2)
#cat("a =\n")
#cat("\nx =\n")
#b <- a %*% x
#cat("\na*x =\n")
# Make np random points, uniformly distributed from -dxh to +dxh in x
# direction, -dyh to +dyh in y, ... . Points are saved in matrix a.
# As np approaches \infty, eigenvalues/vectors of PCA should approach d[xyz]h
# and rotation matrix vectors (columns). Standard deviations will depend on the
# distribution, e.g. normal or uniform
np <- 1000
nd <- 3
cat("dxh, dyh, dzh =\n")
## Setting a by using temp vecs
#x <- runif(np, -dxh, dxh)
#y <- runif(np, -dyh, dyh)
#z <- runif(np, -dzh, dzh)
## Compose a by catting columns
#a <- matrix(c(x, y, z), nrow = np)
# Skip the temp vecs
## Uniform distribution
#a <- matrix(c(runif(np, -dxh, dxh),
# runif(np, -dyh, dyh),
# runif(np, -dzh, dzh)), nrow = np)
# Normal distribution
a <- matrix(c(rnorm(np, -dxh, dxh),
rnorm(np, -dyh, dyh),
rnorm(np, -dzh, dzh)), nrow = np)
cat("dim(a) =\n")
# Rotation matrices about each axis
r1 <- matrix(c(cos(t1), -sin(t1), 0,
sin(t1), cos(t1), 0,
0, 0, 1), nrow = nd)
r2 <- matrix(c(cos(t2), 0, -sin(t2),
0, 1, 0,
sin(t2), 0, cos(t2)), nrow = nd)
r3 <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0,
0, cos(t3), -sin(t3),
0, sin(t3), cos(t3)), nrow = nd)
# Total rotation matrix. Yes, that's really the operator they picked
r <- r1 %*% r2 %*% r3
# Transpose displays better w/ PCA output from prcomp(). Results may differ by
# a sign
## This should be skew-symmetric for all rotation matrices r
#r - t(r)
# Rotate points
a <- a %*% r
#t(a) %*% a
# Open RGui and run this script to see plot
#plot3d(a[,1], a[,2], a[,3])
plot(a[,1], a[,2])
# Run PCA on rotated data to reverse engineer the rotation of the original
# axis-aligned pointcloud, and the standard deviations along each dimension.
# This creates an object which can be assigned, but without assigning it just
# cats the results to the console.
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