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Created March 11, 2016 18:51
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Example of how to use ABAGAIL for Randomized Optimization of Neural Network Weights
package opt.test;
import func.nn.backprop.BackPropagationNetwork;
import func.nn.backprop.BackPropagationNetworkFactory;
import func.nn.backprop.BatchBackPropagationTrainer;
import func.nn.backprop.RPROPUpdateRule;
import opt.OptimizationAlgorithm;
import opt.RandomizedHillClimbing;
import opt.SimulatedAnnealing;
import opt.example.NeuralNetworkOptimizationProblem;
import shared.*;
import util.linalg.Vector;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.*;
* Created by osama on 3/6/16.
public class PokerTest {
private static String[] labels;
private static Set<String> unique_labels;
private static Instance[] allInstances;
private static Map<String, double[]> bitvector_mappings;
// These fields are hardcoded, depending on your problem
// Filename for your csv dataset
private static final String FILENAME = "src/opt/test/poker.csv";
// How many examples your have
private static int num_examples = 6139;
// How many fields are attributes. This is the number of columns you have minus 1.
// The last column of your CSV will be used as the classification.
private static int num_attributes = 10;
// Number of input nodes is the same as the number of attributes for your problem
private static int inputLayer = num_attributes;
// TODO: Manipulate these value. They are your hyper parameters for the Neural Network
private static int hiddenLayer = 10;
private static int trainingIterations = 5;
// This is determined later
private static int outputLayer;
private static BackPropagationNetworkFactory factory = new BackPropagationNetworkFactory();
private static ErrorMeasure measure = new SumOfSquaresError();
private static DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.000");
// Used by backprop
private static double backprop_threshold = 1e-10;
// Train and Test sets
private static DataSet trainSet;
private static DataSet testSet;
private static final double PERCENT_TRAIN = 0.7;
// For cross fold validation
private static final int K = 10;
private static List<Instance[]> folds;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Handles cross-fold validation using K folds
folds = kfolds(trainSet);
* Randomized Hill Climbing with Random restarts
public static void runRHC() {
System.out.println("===========Randomized Hill Climbing=========");
BackPropagationNetwork[] nets = new BackPropagationNetwork[K];
NeuralNetworkOptimizationProblem[] nnops = new NeuralNetworkOptimizationProblem[K];
OptimizationAlgorithm[] oas = new OptimizationAlgorithm[K];
double[] validationErrors = new double[nets.length];
double[] trainErrors = new double[nets.length];
double starttime = System.nanoTime();;
double endtime;
for (int i = 0; i < nets.length; i++) {
Instance[] validation = getValidationFold(folds, i);
Instance[] trainFolds = getTrainFolds(folds, i);
DataSet trnfoldsSet = new DataSet(trainFolds);
nets[i] = factory.createClassificationNetwork(
new int[] {inputLayer, hiddenLayer, outputLayer});
nnops[i] = new NeuralNetworkOptimizationProblem(trnfoldsSet, nets[i], measure);
oas[i] = new RandomizedHillClimbing(nnops[i]);
BackPropagationNetwork backpropNet = nets[i];
// TODO: Vary the number of iterations as needed for your results
train(oas[i], nets[i], trainingIterations);
validationErrors[i] = evaluateNetwork(backpropNet, validation);
System.out.printf("Fold: %d\tError: %f%%%n", i+1, validationErrors[i] * 100);
trainErrors[i] = evaluateNetwork(backpropNet, trainFolds);
int best_index = -1;
double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (int j = 0; j < validationErrors.length; j++) {
if (validationErrors[j] < min) {
best_index = j;
min = validationErrors[j];
BackPropagationNetwork bestNet = nets[best_index];
double validationError = validationErrors[best_index];
double trainError = trainErrors[best_index];
double testError = evaluateNetwork(bestNet, testSet.getInstances());
System.out.printf("%nMin Validation Error: %f%% %n", validationError * 100);
System.out.printf("Training Error: %f%% %n", trainError * 100);
System.out.printf("Test Error: %f%% %n", testError * 100);
endtime = System.nanoTime();
double time_elapsed = endtime - starttime;
// Convert nanoseconds to seconds
time_elapsed /= Math.pow(10,9);
System.out.printf("Time Elapsed: %s s %n", df.format(time_elapsed));
* Run simulated annealing
public static void runSA() {
// TODO: Tweak these params for SA
double temp = 1E11;
double cooling = 0.999;
System.out.println("===========Simulated Annealing=========");
BackPropagationNetwork[] nets = new BackPropagationNetwork[K];
NeuralNetworkOptimizationProblem[] nnops = new NeuralNetworkOptimizationProblem[K];
OptimizationAlgorithm[] oas = new OptimizationAlgorithm[K];
double[] validationErrors = new double[nets.length];
double[] trainErrors = new double[nets.length];
double starttime = System.nanoTime();;
double endtime;
for (int i = 0; i < nets.length; i++) {
Instance[] validation = getValidationFold(folds, i);
Instance[] trainFolds = getTrainFolds(folds, i);
DataSet trnfoldsSet = new DataSet(trainFolds);
nets[i] = factory.createClassificationNetwork(
new int[] {inputLayer, hiddenLayer, outputLayer});
nnops[i] = new NeuralNetworkOptimizationProblem(trnfoldsSet, nets[i], measure);
oas[i] = new SimulatedAnnealing(temp, cooling, nnops[i]);
BackPropagationNetwork backpropNet = nets[i];
// TODO: Vary the number of iterations as needed for your results
train(oas[i], nets[i], trainingIterations);
validationErrors[i] = evaluateNetwork(backpropNet, validation);
System.out.printf("Fold: %d\tError: %f%%%n", i+1, validationErrors[i] * 100);
trainErrors[i] = evaluateNetwork(backpropNet, trainFolds);
int best_index = -1;
double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (int j = 0; j < validationErrors.length; j++) {
if (validationErrors[j] < min) {
best_index = j;
min = validationErrors[j];
BackPropagationNetwork bestNet = nets[best_index];
double validationError = validationErrors[best_index];
double trainError = trainErrors[best_index];
double testError = evaluateNetwork(bestNet, testSet.getInstances());
System.out.printf("%nMin Validation Error: %f%% %n", validationError * 100);
System.out.printf("Training Error: %f%% %n", trainError * 100);
System.out.printf("Test Error: %f%% %n", testError * 100);
endtime = System.nanoTime();
double time_elapsed = endtime - starttime;
// Convert nanoseconds to seconds
time_elapsed /= Math.pow(10,9);
System.out.printf("Time Elapsed: %s s %n", df.format(time_elapsed));
* Run genetic algorithms.
public static void runGA() {
// TODO: Tweak these params for GA
int populationSize = 200;
int toMate = 100;
int toMutate = 20;
System.out.println("===========Genetic Algorithms=========");
BackPropagationNetwork[] nets = new BackPropagationNetwork[K];
NeuralNetworkOptimizationProblem[] nnops = new NeuralNetworkOptimizationProblem[K];
OptimizationAlgorithm[] oas = new OptimizationAlgorithm[K];
double[] validationErrors = new double[nets.length];
double[] trainErrors = new double[nets.length];
double starttime = System.nanoTime();;
double endtime;
for (int i = 0; i < nets.length; i++) {
Instance[] validation = getValidationFold(folds, i);
Instance[] trainFolds = getTrainFolds(folds, i);
DataSet trnfoldsSet = new DataSet(trainFolds);
nets[i] = factory.createClassificationNetwork(
new int[] {inputLayer, hiddenLayer, outputLayer});
nnops[i] = new NeuralNetworkOptimizationProblem(trnfoldsSet, nets[i], measure);
oas[i] = new StandardGeneticAlgorithm(populationSize, toMate, toMutate, nnops[i]);
BackPropagationNetwork backpropNet = nets[i];
// TODO: Vary the number of iterations as needed for your results
train(oas[i], nets[i], trainingIterations);
validationErrors[i] = evaluateNetwork(backpropNet, validation);
System.out.printf("Fold: %d\tError: %f%%%n", i+1, validationErrors[i] * 100);
trainErrors[i] = evaluateNetwork(backpropNet, trainFolds);
int best_index = -1;
double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (int j = 0; j < validationErrors.length; j++) {
if (validationErrors[j] < min) {
best_index = j;
min = validationErrors[j];
BackPropagationNetwork bestNet = nets[best_index];
double validationError = validationErrors[best_index];
double trainError = trainErrors[best_index];
double testError = evaluateNetwork(bestNet, testSet.getInstances());
System.out.printf("%nMin Validation Error: %f%% %n", validationError * 100);
System.out.printf("Training Error: %f%% %n", trainError * 100);
System.out.printf("Test Error: %f%% %n", testError * 100);
endtime = System.nanoTime();
double time_elapsed = endtime - starttime;
// Convert nanoseconds to seconds
time_elapsed /= Math.pow(10,9);
System.out.printf("Time Elapsed: %s s %n", df.format(time_elapsed));
* This method will run Backpropagation using each
* combination of (K-1) folds for training, and the Kth fold for validation. Once the model
* with the lowest validation set error is found, that is used as the "best" model and the
* training and test errors on that model are recorded.
public static void runBackprop() {
BackPropagationNetwork[] nets = new BackPropagationNetwork[K];
double[] validationErrors = new double[nets.length];
double[] trainErrors = new double[nets.length];
double starttime = System.nanoTime();;
double endtime;
for (int i = 0; i < nets.length; i++) {
Instance[] validation = getValidationFold(folds, i);
Instance[] trainFolds = getTrainFolds(folds, i);
DataSet trnfoldsSet = new DataSet(trainFolds);
nets[i] = factory.createClassificationNetwork(
new int[]{inputLayer, hiddenLayer, outputLayer});
BackPropagationNetwork backpropNet = nets[i];
ConvergenceTrainer trainer = new ConvergenceTrainer(
new BatchBackPropagationTrainer(trnfoldsSet, backpropNet, new SumOfSquaresError(),
new RPROPUpdateRule()),
backprop_threshold, trainingIterations);
validationErrors[i] = evaluateNetwork(backpropNet, validation);
System.out.printf("Fold: %d\tError: %f%%%n", i+1, validationErrors[i] * 100);
trainErrors[i] = evaluateNetwork(backpropNet, trainFolds);
int best_index = -1;
double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (int j = 0; j < validationErrors.length; j++) {
if (validationErrors[j] < min) {
best_index = j;
min = validationErrors[j];
BackPropagationNetwork bestNet = nets[best_index];
double validationError = validationErrors[best_index];
double trainError = trainErrors[best_index];
double testError = evaluateNetwork(bestNet, testSet.getInstances());
System.out.println("\nConvergence in " + trainingIterations + " iterations");
System.out.printf("%nMin Validation Error: %f%% %n", validationError * 100);
System.out.printf("Training Error: %f%% %n", trainError * 100);
System.out.printf("Test Error: %f%% %n", testError * 100);
endtime = System.nanoTime();
double time_elapsed = endtime - starttime;
// Convert nanoseconds to seconds
time_elapsed /= Math.pow(10,9);
System.out.printf("Time Elapsed: %s s %n", df.format(time_elapsed));
* Train a given optimization problem for a given number of iterations. Called by RHC, SA, and
* GA algorithms
* @param oa the optimization algorithm
* @param network the network that corresponds to the randomized optimization problem. The
* optimization algorithm will determine the best weights to try using with this
* network and assign those weights
* @param iterations the number of training iterations
private static void train(OptimizationAlgorithm oa, BackPropagationNetwork network, int
iterations) {
for(int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
Instance optimalWeights = oa.getOptimal();
* Given a network and instances, the output of the network is evaluated and a decimal value
* for error is given
* @param network the BackPropagationNetwork with weights already initialized
* @param data the instances to be evaluated against
* @return
public static double evaluateNetwork(BackPropagationNetwork network, Instance[] data) {
double num_incorrect = 0;
double error = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {
Vector actual = data[j].getLabel().getData();
Vector predicted = network.getOutputValues();
boolean mismatch = ! isEqualOutputs(actual, predicted);
if (mismatch) {
num_incorrect += 1;
error = num_incorrect / data.length;
return error;
* Compares two bit vectors to see if expected bit vector is most likely to be the same
* class as the actual bit vector
* @param actual
* @param predicted
* @return
private static boolean isEqualOutputs(Vector actual, Vector predicted) {
int max_at = 0;
double max = 0;
// Where the actual max should be
int actual_index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < actual.size(); i++) {
double aVal = actual.get(i);
if (aVal == 1.0) {
actual_index = i;
double bVal = predicted.get(i);
if (bVal > max) {
max = bVal;
max_at = i;
return actual_index == max_at;
* Reads a file formatted as CSV. Takes the labels and adds them to the set of labels (which
* later helps determine the length of bit vectors). Records real-valued attributes. Turns the
* attributes and labels into bit-vectors. Initializes a DataSet object with these instances.
private static void initializeInstances() {
double[][] attributes = new double[num_examples][];
labels = new String[num_examples];
unique_labels = new HashSet<>();
// Reading dataset
try {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(FILENAME)));
// You don't need these headers, they're just the column labels
String useless_headers = br.readLine();
for(int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(br.readLine());
attributes[i] = new double[num_attributes];
for(int j = 0; j < num_attributes; j++) {
attributes[i][j] = Double.parseDouble(;
// This last element is actually your classification, which is assumed to be a string
labels[i] =;
catch(Exception e) {
// Creating a mapping of bitvectors. So "some classification" => [0, 1, 0, 0]
int distinct_labels = unique_labels.size();
outputLayer = distinct_labels;
bitvector_mappings = new HashMap<>();
int index = 0;
for (String label : unique_labels) {
double[] bitvect = new double[distinct_labels];
// At index, set to 1 for a given string
bitvect[index] = 1.0;
// Increment which index will have a bit flipped in next classification
bitvector_mappings.put(label, bitvect);
// Replaces the label for each instance with the corresponding bit vector for that label
// This works even for binary classification
allInstances = new Instance[num_examples];
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
double[] X = attributes[i];
String label = labels[i];
double[] bitvect = bitvector_mappings.get(label);
Instance instance = new Instance(X);
instance.setLabel(new Instance(bitvect));
allInstances[i] = instance;
* Print out the actual vs expected bit-vector. Used for debugging purposes only
* @param actual what the example's actual bit vector looks like
* @param expected what a network output as a bit vector
public static void printVectors(Vector actual, Vector expected) {
System.out.print("Actual: [");
for (int i = 0; i < actual.size(); i++) {
System.out.printf(" %f", actual.get(i));
System.out.print(" ] \t Expected: [");
for (int i = 0; i < expected.size(); i++) {
System.out.printf(" %f", expected.get(i));
System.out.println(" ]");
* Takes all instances, and randomly orders them. Then, the first PERCENT_TRAIN percentage of
* instances form the trainSet DataSet, and the remaining (1 - PERCENT_TRAIN) percentage of
* instances form the testSet DataSet.
public static void makeTestTrainSets() {
List<Instance> instances = new ArrayList<>();
for (Instance instance: allInstances) {
int cutoff = (int) (instances.size() * PERCENT_TRAIN);
List<Instance> trainInstances = instances.subList(0, cutoff);
List<Instance> testInstances = instances.subList(cutoff, instances.size());
Instance[] arr_trn = new Instance[trainInstances.size()];
trainSet = new DataSet(trainInstances.toArray(arr_trn));
Instance[] arr_tst = new Instance[testInstances.size()];
testSet = new DataSet(trainInstances.toArray(arr_tst));
* Given a DataSet of training data, separate the instances into K nearly-equal-sized
* partitions called folds for K-folds cross validation
* @param training, the training DataSet
* @return a list of folds, where each fold is an Instance[]
public static List<Instance[]> kfolds(DataSet training) {
Instance[] trainInstances = training.getInstances();
List<Instance> instances = new ArrayList<>();
for (Instance instance: trainInstances) {
List<Instance[]> folds = new ArrayList<>();
// Number of values per fold
int per_fold = (int) Math.floor((double)(instances.size()) / K);
int start = 0;
int end = per_fold;
while (start < instances.size()) {
List<Instance> foldList = null;
if (end > instances.size()) {
end = instances.size();
foldList = instances.subList(start, end);
Instance[] fold = new Instance[foldList.size()];
fold = foldList.toArray(fold);
start = end + 1;
end = start + per_fold;
return folds;
* Given a list of Instance[], this helper combines each arrays contents into one, single
* output array
* @param instanceList the list of Instance[]
* @return the combined array consisting of the contents of each Instance[] in instanceList
public static Instance[] combineInstances(List<Instance[]> instanceList) {
List<Instance> combined = new ArrayList<>();
for (Instance[] fold: instanceList) {
for (Instance instance : fold) {
Instance[] combinedArr = new Instance[combined.size()];
combinedArr = combined.toArray(combinedArr);
return combinedArr;
* Given a list of folds and an index, it will provide an Instance[] with the combined
* instances from every fold except for the fold at the given index
* @param folds the K-folds, a list of Instance[] used as folds for cross-validation
* @param foldIndex the index of the fold to exclude. That fold is used as the validation set
* @return the training folds combined into once Instance[]
public static Instance[] getTrainFolds(List<Instance[]> folds, int foldIndex) {
List<Instance[]> trainFolds = new ArrayList<>(folds);
Instance[] trnfolds = combineInstances(trainFolds);
return trnfolds;
* Given a list of folds and an index, it will provide an Instance[] to serve as a validation
* set.
* @param folds the K-folds, a list of Instance[] used as folds for cross-validation
* @param foldIndex the index of the fold to use as the validation set
* @return the validation set
public static Instance[] getValidationFold(List<Instance[]> folds, int foldIndex) {
return folds.get(foldIndex);
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