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Created September 3, 2012 13:44
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reseeder takes a list of players (perhaps an existing draw) and generates a (new) draw according to non-strict seeding rules.
import random
from operator import itemgetter
def insertSeedOrNonseed(ndraw, seeds, nonseeds, sj, nj):
if sj < len(seeds):
sj += 1
nj += 1
return ndraw, sj, nj
byerow = [129, 'bye', 'bye', '', 'BYE']
def reseeder(draw, seedloc=3):
## reseeder takes a list of players (perhaps an existing draw) and generates
## a (new) draw according to non-strict seeding rules. 1st and 2nd seeds are
## placed in separate halves; 3 and 4 are randomly placed in the remaining
## quarters; 5 through 8 are randomly placed in the remaining 8ths,
## and so on. If there are byes, they are given to the top seeds.
## parameter "draw" is a list of player entries between 24 and 128 players long, e.g.
## [['1', 'nadalra15', '(1)Nadal', '1', 'ESP'],
## ['2', 'gruelsi15', 'Greul', '', 'GER']
## ...]
## The column contents don't matter, except that seeds must all be in the same column,
## the index of which is the optional 'seedloc' parameter.
## The player rows will be returned in the new order.
## As many seeds can be specified as you wish, but only one-quarter of the field
## (defined as a power of two, e.g. 24 players implies a 32 draw, so up to 8 seeds)
## will be 'seeded' in the sense that they will avoid other seeds until later
## rounds. There must be at least two seeds.
## Byes are ok, too. There cannot be more byes than seeds, and byes cannot
## exceed one-quarter of the draw. reseeder inserts those with a row defined
## by the global variable byerow
## A basic test is included, testReseeder(). It generates sample draws within
## the above parameters, with draw sizes from 24 to 128 and numbers of seeds
## between 2 and one-quarter of the field, then runs reseeder on each.
drawlen = len(draw)
if drawlen > 64: drawbin = 128
elif drawlen > 32: drawbin = 64
else: drawbin = 32
numbyes = drawbin - drawlen
## extract and sort seeds
seedlist = []
for p in draw:
if str(p[seedloc]).isdigit():
newrow = p[:seedloc] + [int(p[seedloc])] + p[(seedloc+1):]
if len(seedlist) < 2:
print 'reseeder requires at least two seeds'
print impossiblevariable
elif numbyes > len(seedlist):
print 'reseeder cannot handle more byes than seeds'
print impossiblevariable
seedlist = sorted(seedlist, key=itemgetter(seedloc))
## place seeds in groups: 1, 2, 3-4, 5-8, etc.
s1, s2, s3, s5, s9, s17, s33 = [], [], [], [], [], [], []
for i in range(len(seedlist)):
s = seedlist[i]
if i == 0: s1.append(s)
elif i == 1: s2.append(s)
elif i < 4: s3.append(s)
elif i < 8: s5.append(s)
elif i < 16: s9.append(s)
elif i < 32: s17.append(s)
else: s33.append(s)
## next few lines place 'extra' seeds with unseeded players
if drawbin == 128: unseeds = s33
elif drawbin == 64: unseeds = s17
else: unseeds = s9
for r in draw:
if str(r[seedloc]).isdigit(): pass
else: unseeds.append(r)
## generate new draw according to non-strict seeding logic
ndraw = []
i = 0
j, k, m, n, p = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ## counters to loop through lists of seeds, e.g. k through s5 for seeds 5-8
while True:
if i == drawbin: break
if i == 0: ndraw.append(s1[0])
elif i == (drawbin/2): ndraw.append(s2[0])
elif i % (drawbin/4) == 0:
ndraw, j, p = insertSeedOrNonseed(ndraw, s3, unseeds, j, p)
elif i % (drawbin/8) == 0:
ndraw, k, p = insertSeedOrNonseed(ndraw, s5, unseeds, k, p)
elif drawbin >= 64 and i % (drawbin/16) == 0:
ndraw, m, p = insertSeedOrNonseed(ndraw, s9, unseeds, m, p)
elif drawbin == 128 and i % (drawbin/32) == 0:
ndraw, n, p = insertSeedOrNonseed(ndraw, s17, unseeds, n, p)
elif numbyes and type(ndraw[-1][seedloc]) is int:
if int(ndraw[-1][seedloc]) <= numbyes:
p += 1
p += 1
i += 1
return ndraw
def generateSampleDraw(fieldsize, numseeds):
fakedraw = []
for i in range(1, fieldsize+1):
if i <= numseeds:
fakerow = [i, 'playerid', 'Player', i, 'XXX']
fakerow = [i, 'playerid', 'Player', '', 'XXX']
return fakedraw
def testReseeder():
## generates sample draws for every acceptable combination of
## field size and number of seeds
for fieldsize in range(24, 129):
if fieldsize > 64: maxseeds = 32
elif fieldsize > 32: maxseeds = 16
else: maxseeds = 8
for numseeds in range(2, (maxseeds+1)):
byes = maxseeds*4 - fieldsize
if byes > numseeds: continue
print fieldsize, numseeds
fakedraw = generateSampleDraw(fieldsize, numseeds)
ndraw = reseeder(fakedraw)
def printSampleReseed(fieldsize, numseeds):
## generates sample draw and sends it to reseeder to get a
## visual check that it is behaving as predicted
sdraw = generateSampleDraw(fieldsize, numseeds)
ndraw = reseeder(sdraw)
for player in ndraw: print player
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This (and other tennis code) now lives in this repo:

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