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Created January 28, 2022 16:52
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# rsa
# Jeffrey Kozik
# - this link helped me with Miller-Rabin test
num_bytes_in_block = 1
prime_bit = 64
import random # to generate random n-bit numbers and find large prime numbers
import time
start = time.time()
# bit array of file
def file_to_bits(file_path):
L = ""
return_array = []
byte_array =
for byte in byte_array:
L += (bin(byte)[2:]).zfill(8)
print("byte", byte)
current_position = 0
while current_position < len(L):
if (current_position + 8*(num_bytes_in_block)) >= (len(L) - 1):
return_array.append(int(L[current_position:], 2))
return_array.append(int(L[current_position:(current_position + 8*num_bytes_in_block)], 2))
current_position += num_bytes_in_block*8
for block in return_array:
print("block", block)
return return_array
# because regular pow function in python is inaccurate with large numbers
def mypow(base, exponent, mod):
# pow(base, exponent, mod)
res = 1
base = base % mod
if (base == 0):
return 0
while (exponent > 0):
if ((exponent&1) == 1):
res = (res*base) % mod
exponent = exponent >> 1
base = (base*base) % mod
return res
# generate many n bit numbers until you find one that is (probably) prime
def randomNBitNumber(n):
return (random.randrange(((2**(n-1)) + 1), ((2**n) - 1)))
first100Primes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29,
31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71,
73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113,
127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173,
179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229,
233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281,
283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349,
353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409,
419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463,
467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509, 521, 523, 541]
# naive check to filter out numbers that are obviously not prime
def getNumberNotDivisibleByFirst100Primes(n):
while True:
randomNumber = randomNBitNumber(n)
isComposite = True
for prime in first100Primes:
if randomNumber % prime == 0:
isComposite = False
if (isComposite):
return randomNumber
# might not actually be prime if it passes this test (only 75% chance it is)
# When run 20 times 1 - (0.75^20) chance it is
def passedMillerRabin(potentialPrime):
evenComponent = potentialPrime - 1
r = 0
while evenComponent % 2 == 0:
evenComponent >>= 1
r += 1
assert(2**r * evenComponent == potentialPrime - 1)
def isComposite(a):
if mypow(a, evenComponent, potentialPrime) == 1:
return False
for i in range(r):
if mypow(a, 2**i * evenComponent, potentialPrime) == potentialPrime - 1:
return False
return True
numberOfTrials = 20
for i in range(numberOfTrials):
a = random.randrange(2, potentialPrime)
if isComposite(a):
return False
return True
# for computing p & q
def chooseLargePrime(n):
while True:
potentialPrime = getNumberNotDivisibleByFirst100Primes(n)
return potentialPrime
# 65537 is always relatively prime to phi(n) when n is large enough
# source:
def chooseE(n, phiN):
return 65537
# return 3
# ed mod phi(n) = 1
def computeD(e, phiN):
a = 0
b = phiN
u = 1
x = e
while x > 0:
q = b // x
oldX = x
oldA = a
oldB = b
oldU = u
x = oldB % oldX
a = oldU
b = oldX
u = oldA - q * oldU
if b == 1:
return a % phiN
def generatePublicAndPrivateKey(steps):
p = chooseLargePrime(prime_bit) # 1024-2048 bit prime numbers used in industry
if (not "Alice p" in steps):
steps["Alice p"] = p
steps["Bob p"] = p
# print("p", p)
q = chooseLargePrime(prime_bit)
if (not "Alice q" in steps):
steps["Alice q"] = q
steps["Bob q"] = q
# print("q", q)
n = p*q
if (not "Alice n" in steps):
steps["Alice n"] = n
steps["Bob n"] = n
phiN = p*q - p - q + 1
if (not "Alice phiN" in steps):
steps["Alice phiN"] = phiN
steps["Bob phiN"] = phiN
print("phiN", phiN)
e = chooseE(n, phiN)
if (not "Alice e" in steps):
steps["Alice e"] = e
steps["Bob e"] = e
print("e", e)
d = computeD(e, phiN)
if (not "Alice d" in steps):
steps["Alice d"] = d
steps["Bob d"] = d
print("d", d)
publicKey = [e, n]
privateKey = d
return publicKey, privateKey
def encipherMessageForIntegrityAndAuthentication(m, d, n):
c = []
for block in m:
c.append(mypow(block, d, n))
return c
def decipherMessageForIntegrityAndAuthentication(c, publicKey):
m = []
for block in c:
m.append(mypow(block, publicKey[0], publicKey[1]))
return m
def encipherMessageForConfidentiality(m, publicKey):
c = []
for block in m:
c.append(mypow(block, publicKey[0], publicKey[1]))
return c
def decipherMessageForConfidentiality(c, d, n):
m = []
for block in c:
m.append(mypow(block, d, n))
return m
def rsaForConfidentialityIntegrityAndAuthentication(steps, aliceMessage):
alicePublicKey, alicePrivateKey = generatePublicAndPrivateKey(steps)
print("Alice's Public Key: ")
print("Alice's Private Key: ")
bobPublicKey, bobPrivateKey = generatePublicAndPrivateKey(steps)
print("Bob's Public Key: ")
print("Bob's Private Key: ")
print("Alice's Message: ", aliceMessage)
aliceMessageEncryptedForIntegrityAndAuthentication = encipherMessageForIntegrityAndAuthentication(aliceMessage, alicePrivateKey, alicePublicKey[1])
steps["aliceMessageEncryptedForIntegrityAndAuthentication"] = aliceMessageEncryptedForIntegrityAndAuthentication
print("Alice's Message Encrypted for Integrity and Authentication: ", aliceMessageEncryptedForIntegrityAndAuthentication)
aliceMessageEncryptedForConfidentialityIntegrityAndAuthentication = encipherMessageForConfidentiality(aliceMessageEncryptedForIntegrityAndAuthentication, bobPublicKey)
steps["aliceMessageEncryptedForConfidentialityIntegrityAndAuthentication"] = aliceMessageEncryptedForConfidentialityIntegrityAndAuthentication
print("Alice's Message Encrypted for Confidentiality, Integrity, and Authentication: ", aliceMessageEncryptedForConfidentialityIntegrityAndAuthentication)
aliceMessageDecryptedForConfidentiality = decipherMessageForConfidentiality(aliceMessageEncryptedForConfidentialityIntegrityAndAuthentication, bobPrivateKey, bobPublicKey[1])
steps["aliceMessageDecryptedForConfidentiality"] = aliceMessageDecryptedForConfidentiality
print("Alice's Message Decrypted for Confidentiality: ", aliceMessageDecryptedForConfidentiality)
aliceMessageDecryptedForConfidentialityIntegrityAndAuthentication = decipherMessageForIntegrityAndAuthentication(aliceMessageDecryptedForConfidentiality, alicePublicKey)
steps["aliceMessageDecryptedForConfidentialityIntegrityAndAuthentication"] = aliceMessageDecryptedForConfidentialityIntegrityAndAuthentication
print("Alice's Message Decrypted for Confidentiality, Integrity, and Authentication: ", aliceMessageDecryptedForConfidentialityIntegrityAndAuthentication)
def rsa(file):
aliceMessage = file_to_bits(file)
done = False
# basically what's happening here is that sometimes it doesn't work because Bn > An so when it's encrypting for confidentiality it doesn't work
# so it keeps running until it works. I tried to solve this problem by breaking the intermediate encryption into smaller blocks but that didn't work
while(not done):
steps = {}
print("file", file)
rsaForConfidentialityIntegrityAndAuthentication(steps, aliceMessage)
aliceLength = len(steps['aliceMessageDecryptedForConfidentialityIntegrityAndAuthentication'])
if(aliceLength > 0):
count = 0
for char in steps['aliceMessageDecryptedForConfidentialityIntegrityAndAuthentication']:
if (char > 255):
print("char too long")
count += 1
print("count", count)
print("aliceLength", aliceLength)
if(count == aliceLength):
done = True
end = time.time()
print("time elapsed", end - start)
return steps["Alice p"], steps["Alice q"], steps["Bob p"], steps["Bob q"], steps["Alice n"], steps["Alice phiN"], steps["Bob n"], steps["Bob phiN"], steps["Alice d"], steps["Bob d"], steps['aliceMessageEncryptedForIntegrityAndAuthentication'], steps['aliceMessageEncryptedForConfidentialityIntegrityAndAuthentication'], steps['aliceMessageDecryptedForConfidentiality'], steps['aliceMessageDecryptedForConfidentialityIntegrityAndAuthentication']
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