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Created January 20, 2015 16:18
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  • Save JehandadK/369da64e99deee464842 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JehandadK/369da64e99deee464842 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Oauth2 flow using mocha, to understand internal working of OAuth2orize.
'use strict';
var expect = require( 'chai' ).expect;
var request = require( 'supertest' );
var cheerio = require( 'cheerio' );
var server = require( './../server' );
var dbURI = 'mongodb://localhost/beerlocker'
, mongoose = require( 'mongoose' )
, clearDB = require( 'mocha-mongoose' )( dbURI, {noClear: true} )
describe( 'OAuth2', function () {
var agent1 = request.agent( server );
* Store transaction Id to use in post request
var transactionId;
* Store accessCode to be used to retrive access token
var accessCode;
var token;
before( function (done) {
if (mongoose.connection.db) return done();
mongoose.connect( dbURI, done );
} );
before( function (done) {
clearDB( done );
} );
it( 'should create a new user', function (done) {
request( server ).post( '/api/users' )
.send( 'username=test' )
.send( 'password=test' )
.expect( 'Content-Type', /json/ )
.expect( 200 )
.expect( function (res) {
console.dir( res.body );
} )
.end( done );
} );
it( 'user should add a new client', function (done) {
request( server ).post( '/api/clients' )
.auth( 'test', 'test' )
.type( 'urlencoded' )
.send( {
id : 'client',
name : 'client',
secret: 'secret'
} )
.expect( 'Content-Type', /json/ )
.expect( 200 )
.expect( function (res) {
console.dir( res.body );
} )
.end( done );
} );
it( 'user should be able to list clients', function (done) {
request( server ).get( '/api/clients' )
.auth( 'test', 'test' )
.expect( 'Content-Type', /json/ )
.expect( 200 )
.expect( function (res) {
console.dir( res.body );
} )
.end( done );
} );
it( 'user should be able get authorised page', function (done) {
agent1.get( '/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=client&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http://localhost:3000' )
.auth( 'test', 'test' )
.set( 'Accept', 'application/json' )
.set( 'Accept', 'text/html' )
.type( 'urlencoded' )
.expect( function (res) {
var html = cheerio.load( res.text );
//cookieId = req.headers['set-cookie'][0]
transactionId = html( 'input[type="hidden"]' ).val();
} )
.expect( 200 )
.end( done );
} );
it( 'user should be able to authorise an access code', function (done) { '/api/oauth2/authorize' )
.auth( 'test', 'test' )
.type( 'form' )
.send( {
transaction_id: transactionId
} )
.expect( 302 )
.expect( function (res) {
accessCode = res.text.split( 'code=' )[1];
} )
.end( done );
} );
it( 'use access code to get a token', function (done) {
request( server ).post( '/api/oauth2/token' )
.auth( 'client', 'secret' )
.expect( 'Content-Type', /json/ ).type( 'form' )
.send( {
code : accessCode,
grant_type : 'authorization_code',
redirect_uri: 'http://localhost:3000'
} )
.type( 'urlencoded' )
.expect( 200 )
.expect( function (res) {
token = res.body.access_token.value;
} )
.end( done );
} );
it( 'use token to add a beer to locker', function (done) {
request( server )
.post( '/api/beers' )
.set( 'Authorization', 'Bearer ' + token )
.send( {
name : 'Beer',
type : 'IPA',
quantity: 12
} )
.type( 'urlencoded' )
.expect( 'Content-Type', /json/ )
.expect( 200 )
.expect( function (res) {
console.dir( res.body );
} )
.end( done );
} );
after( function (done) {
} )
} );
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