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Last active March 24, 2022 12:07
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Interpreter for Stacks Of Queues esolang
Stacks of Queues Interpreter v1.0
Created by Jemhunter
import argparse
import time
class Stack (list):
'''Class to implement a stack'''
def __init__(self, loop : bool) -> None:
#Setup list superclass
#Store boolean value as to whether this stack should repeat
self.repeat = loop
def remove (self) -> int:
'''Pop the top value from the stack and return it, returns -1 if empty'''
if len(self) > 0:
value = self[-1]
del self[-1]
return value
return -1
def add (self, value : int) -> None:
'''Push the given value on to the top of the stack'''
def reverse (self) -> None:
'''Reverse the order of all the items in the stack'''
self[::] = self[::-1]
def swapTop (self) -> None:
'''Swap the order of the top two items in the stack'''
if len(self) > 1:
self[-1], self[-2] = self[-2], self[-1]
def duplicate (self) -> None:
'''Pushes a copy of the top item, pushes -1 if empty'''
if len(self) > 0:
value = self[-1]
def rotateForward (self) -> None:
'''Rotate all items forward, top item becomes bottom all others move up'''
value = self.remove()
self.insert(0, value)
def rotateBackward (self) -> None:
'''Rotate all items backward, bottom item becomes top all others move down'''
if len(self) > 0:
value = self[0]
del self[0]
class Queue (Stack):
'''Class to implement a queue as a subclass of Stack'''
def remove (self) -> int:
'''Dequeue the item from the front of the queue and return it'''
if len(self) > 0:
value = self[0]
del self[0]
return value
return -1
def add (self, value : int) -> None:
'''Enqueue the given value to the end of the queue'''
def swapTop (self) -> None:
'''Swap the order of the top two items in the queue'''
if len(self) > 1:
self[0], self[1] = self[1], self[0]
def duplicate (self) -> None:
'''Enqueue a copy of the first item in the queue, enqueues -1 if empty'''
if len(self) > 0:
value = self[0]
def rotateForward (self) -> None:
'''Rotate all items forwards, first item becomes last all others move towards the front'''
value = self.remove()
def rotateBackward (self) -> None:
'''Rotate all items backwards, last item becomes first all others move towards the back'''
if len(self) > 0:
value = self[-1]
del self[-1]
self.insert(0, value)
self.insert(0, -1)
class Interpreter ():
'''Class to handle code execution'''
def __init__(self, code : str) -> None:
#Current working structures = []
#String of program code
self.code = code
#Current instruction pointer
self.ip = 0
#If the program is still running - has not halted
self.running = True
#If currently in string mode (pushing ordinals to stack instead of instructions)
self.string = False
#Current input mode: 0 - number, 1 - character, 2 - line
self.inputMode = 0
#Current output mode: 0 - number, 1 - character
self.outputMode = 0
#Stored error code
self.error = None
#Lists of positions for start of looped structures
self.lastLoopStack = []
self.lastLoopQueue = []
#Literal values
self.literals = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
#Arithmetic operators and lambda functions for each
self.operators = "+-*/\%"
self.operations = [lambda x, y: x + y, lambda x, y: x - y, lambda x, y: x * y, lambda x, y: x / y, lambda x, y: x // y, lambda x, y: x % y]
#Logical operators and lambda functions for each
self.logic = "=MW"
self.logical = [lambda x, y: int(x == y), lambda x, y: int(x > y), lambda x, y: int(x < y)]
#Character used to enable and disable string mode
self.stringLit = "'"
#Reserved command characters
self.commands = "RSDPQLFBTGXYZICNO?"
#Data about each type of structure
self.starts = ["(", "<", "{", "["]
self.ends = [")", ">", "}", "]"]
self.structs = [Stack, Stack, Queue, Queue]
self.looping = [False, True, False, True]
#If the next instruction should be skipped
self.skip = False
def addValue(self, val: int) -> None:
'''Add the given value to the current working stack or queue'''
if len( > 0:[-1].add(val)
def remValue(self) -> int:
'''Take a value from the current working stack or queue and return it, returns -1 if there is no structure or the structure is empty'''
if len( > 0:
return -1
def giveValue(self) -> None:
'''Pop or dequeue value from current working stack and push or enqueue to parent structure, if there is no parent the value is lost'''
if len( > 0:
value = self.remValue()
if len( > 1:[-2].add(value)
def takeValue(self) -> None:
'''Pop or dequeue value from parent structure and push or enqueue to current working structure, if there is no parent or parent is empty -1 is pushed or enqueued'''
if len( > 1:
value =[-2].remove()
def getInput(self) -> None:
'''Take input from the user, type dependent on input mode'''
inputValue = input()
#Number mode
if self.inputMode == 0:
#Convert to a float
number = float(inputValue)
#Convert to an integer
integer = int(number)
#If no accuracy is lost by integer
if integer == number:
#Store as integer
#Store as float
#If input is not a valid number add -1 instead
#Character mode
elif self.inputMode == 1:
#If there was input
if len(inputValue) > 0:
#Add the first character given
#In the event of empty input - add -1 instead
#Line mode
elif self.inputMode == 2:
#If there was input given
if len(inputValue) > 0:
#Iterate through characters
for ch in inputValue:
#Add the ordinal value for the character
#In the event of empty input - add -1 instead
def output(self, val: int) -> None:
'''Output the given value, formatted depending on output mode'''
#Character mode
if self.outputMode == 1:
#If it is a positive value
if val > -1:
#Print the character (floats are truncated)
print(chr(int(val)), end="", flush=True)
#Number mode
elif self.outputMode == 0:
#Print as a number
print(val, end="", flush=True)
def executeStep(self) -> None:
'''Execute a single instruction and move instruction pointer'''
#Store if this instruction is skipped - and reset stored value
skipping = self.skip
self.skip = False
#If the program is still running and the instruction pointer is within the code
if self.running and self.ip < len(self.code):
#Get the next character of the code
char = self.code[self.ip]
#If currently in string mode
if self.string:
#If the value is not skipped (not sure how this would happen)
if not skipping:
#If the character is the string literal toggle character "'"
if char == self.stringLit:
#Turn off string mode
self.string = False
#Store the ordinal value of the character in the current structure
#If there is a current working stack - otherwise literals and commands are ignored
if len( > 0:
#If this character is a literal value - and not skipped
if char in self.literals and not skipping:
#Add the value of the literal to the current structure
#If the character is a mathematical operator - and not skipped
if char in self.operators and not skipping:
#Get the index of the operator
op = self.operators.index(char)
#Get the first and second values from the current structure
f = self.remValue()
s = self.remValue()
#If this is not a division or the first value is not 0
if op < 3 or f != 0:
#Perform the mathematical calculation and add the result to the current structure
self.addValue(self.operations[op](s, f))
#Divide by zero error
self.error = "Cannot divide by zero."
#If this character is a logical operator - and not skipped
if char in self.logic and not skipping:
#Get the index of the operator
op = self.logic.index(char)
#Get the first and second values from the current structure
f = self.remValue()
s = self.remValue()
#Perform the logical operation and add the result to the current structure
self.addValue(self.logical[op](s, f))
#If this character is a command - and not skipped
if char in self.commands and not skipping:
#Reverse the structure
if char == "R":[-1].reverse()
#Swap the first two items
elif char == "S":[-1].swapTop()
#Duplicate the first item
elif char == "D":[-1].duplicate()
#Pop or deQueue the first item and discard
elif char in ["P", "Q"]:
#Add the length of the current structure
elif char == "L":
#Rotate all values forward in the current structure
elif char == "F":[-1].rotateForward()
#Rotate all values backward in the current structure
elif char == "B":[-1].rotateBackward()
#Take a single value from the parent structure
elif char == "T":
#Give a single value to the parent structure
elif char == "G":
#Switch to character input
elif char == "X":
self.inputMode = 1
#Switch to line input
elif char == "Y":
self.inputMode = 2
#Switch to number input (default)
elif char == "Z":
self.inputMode = 0
#Get input from the user (based on input mode)
elif char == "I":
#Switch to character output
elif char == "C":
self.outputMode = 1
#Switch to number output
elif char == "N":
self.outputMode = 0
#Output the first value from the structure (based on output mode)
elif char == "O":
value = self.remValue()
#Test the first value (removed from structure) and if it is less than or equal to zero, skip the next instruction
elif char == "?":
value = self.remValue()
if value <= 0:
self.skip = True
#If this character is the string literal starter - and not skipped
if char == self.stringLit and not skipping:
#Switch to string mode
self.string = True
#If this is the start of a structure
if char in self.starts:
#If it has not been skipped
if not skipping:
#Check type
if char in ["(", "<"]:
#Create stack == "<"))
if char == "<":
#Store start point if looping
#Create queue == "["))
if char == "[":
#Store start point if looping
endChar = self.ends[self.starts.index(char)]
#Skip past end bracket
done = False
depth = 0
#Iterate through
while self.ip < len(self.code) - 1 and not done:
#Increment instruction pointer
self.ip = self.ip + 1
#Get the character
ch = self.code[self.ip]
#If another open is found
if ch == char:
#Increase the depth
depth = depth + 1
#If it is the close symbol
if ch == endChar:
#At the correct depth
if depth == 0:
done = True
#Decrease the depth
depth = depth - 1
#If no associated close was found
if not done:
#Report error
self.error = "Expected paired {0} but not found by EOF.".format(endChar)
#If this is the end of a structure
if char in self.ends:
strIndex = self.ends.index(char)
#If there is a data structure
if len( > 0:
#If it is the right kind of structure
if type([-1]) == self.structs[strIndex] and[-1].repeat == self.looping[strIndex]:
if skipping or not self.looping[strIndex]:
if self.looping[strIndex]:
if self.structs[strIndex] == Stack and len(self.lastLoopStack) > 0:
del self.lastLoopStack[-1]
elif self.structs[strIndex] == Queue and len(self.lastLoopQueue) > 0:
del self.lastLoopQueue[-1]
#If it is the only remaining structure
if len( == 1:
#Iterate while it is not empty
while len([0]) > 0:
#Output each value in turn
value = self.remValue()
#If it is in number mode
if self.outputMode == 0 and len([0]) > 0:
#Output a space between each number
self.outputMode = 1
self.output(ord(" "))
self.outputMode = 0
#Remove the data structure
#Remove the structure
#Get the structure data
newStruct = self.structs[strIndex]
newLoop = self.looping[strIndex]
#Add a new structure
if newStruct == Stack:
#If there is a place to jump back to
if len(self.lastLoopStack) > 0:
#Jump back
self.ip = self.lastLoopStack[-1]
#Unpaired bracket
self.error = "Unexpected {0} found.".format(char)
elif newStruct == Queue:
#If there is a place to jump back to
if len(self.lastLoopQueue) > 0:
#Jump back
self.ip = self.lastLoopQueue[-1]
#Unpaired bracket
self.error = "Unexpected {0} found.".format(char)
#Incorrect bracket found
self.error = "Unexpected {0} found, another close was expected first.".format(char)
#Unpaired bracket
self.error = "Unexpected {0} found.".format(char)
#If there is no error
if self.error == None:
#Increment instruction pointer
self.ip = self.ip + 1
#Report error and terminate
lineNumber = 1
character = 1
index = 0
#Iterate through code counting lines
while index < self.ip:
index = index + 1
if self.code[index] == '\n':
lineNumber = lineNumber + 1
character = 1
character = character + 1
#Add where the error occurred to the error message
self.error = self.error + " Occurred at line {0} character {1}.".format(lineNumber, character)
#Display the error
#Terminate the program
self.running = False
#If the end of code was reached
if self.ip > len(self.code):
#If there is still a structure open
if len( > 0:
#Display error for end of file with correct structure bracket
if type([-1]) == Stack:
if not[-1].repeat:
self.error = "Expected ) but not found by EOF."
self.error = "Expected > but not found by EOF."
elif type([-1]) == Queue:
if not[-1].repeat:
self.error = "Expected } but not found by EOF."
self.error = "Expected ] but not found by EOF."
#If an error occurred
if self.error != None:
#Display the error
#Terminate execution
self.running = False
def runProgram(self, delay : float, debug : bool) -> int:
'''Run the program code until it terminates, delay in seconds between command, debug if true displays debug information'''
#Repeat until termination
while self.running:
if debug:
#Display instruction pointer
print(self.ip, end = "")
#Execute next character
if debug:
#Display working structure
#Delay between steps
except KeyboardInterrupt:
#Cleanly exit on keyboard interrupt
return -1
return 0
#Only if this is the main called program
if __name__ == "__main__":
#Create parser to handle program arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run the StackQueue interpreter. Either pass a file name or use -c then type the code. Use --help or -h for more information.")
#Add argument group for code
argGroup = parser.add_argument_group("code")
codeGroup = argGroup.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required = True)
#Add file argument to code group
codeGroup.add_argument("file", type = argparse.FileType("r"), nargs = "?", help = "File containing StackQueue code to run. Should be .sq format.")
#Add text code argument to code group
codeGroup.add_argument("-c", "--code", metavar = "code", help = "A string of StackQueue code to be run.")
#Add options group
options = parser.add_argument_group("options")
#Add time delay to arguments
options.add_argument("-t", "--time", type = float, default = 0.0, metavar = "seconds", help = "Give a time delay, in seconds, between each instruction being executed.")
#Add debug mode to arguments
options.add_argument("-d", "--debug", action = "store_true", default = False, dest = "debugging", help = "Verbose output showing instruction pointer and working data structures.")
#Parse the given arguments
args = parser.parse_args()
#Default values for code and delay
inputCode = ""
delayTime = 0.0
#Get the code and store it
if args.file:
#Open read and close the file
inputCode =
#Get the code as a string
inputCode = args.code
#Store the delay time
if args.time:
delayTime = args.time
#Create an instance of the interpreter
interp = Interpreter(inputCode)
#Run the interpreter
result = interp.runProgram(delayTime, args.debugging)
#End if keyboard interrrupt occurred
if result == -1:
parser.exit(message = "\n")
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