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  • Save JenieX/28bbb934fe562aafb1cd4f6e61db22f2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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// ==UserScript==
// @name Was about that old in that movie
// @namespace
// @description IMDb movies - hovering actors avatars would show how old they were when that movie was released
// @version 0.01
// @author FlowrForWar
// @include /https:\/\/www\.imdb\.com\/title\/tt\d+\/($|\?.+)/
// @grant none
// @compatible edge Violentmonkey
// @supportURL
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
// Gif showing an example
(async function() {
if (document.querySelector('.ipc-inline-list.ipc-inline-list--show-dividers').textContent.startsWith('TV')) {
// alert('TV Series are not supported!');
const response = await fetch(location.origin + location.pathname + 'releaseinfo');
const responseText = await response.text();
const regex = /class="release-date-item__date" align="right">(\d{1,2} [a-zA-Z0-9_]+ \d{4})<\/td>/g;
const releaseDates = [];
responseText.replace(regex, (match, date) => releaseDates.push(date));
if (!releaseDates.length) return void alert('No valid release date');
const movieFirstRelease = releaseDates.sort((first, second) => Date.parse(first) - Date.parse(second))[0];
const avatarSelector = 'section.ipc-page-section.ipc-page-section--base[cel_widget_id="StaticFeature_Cast"] .ipc-lockup-overlay__screen';
const avatarsNodes = [...document.querySelectorAll(avatarSelector)];
for (let index = 0; index < avatarsNodes.length; index++) {
const avatarsNode = avatarsNodes[index];
avatarsNode.addEventListener('mouseenter', avatarsNodeHandler);
async function avatarsNodeHandler() {
this.removeEventListener('mouseenter', avatarsNodeHandler);
const siblingElement = this.closest('div[data-testid="title-cast-item"]').lastChild;
const a = document.createElement('a');
a.setAttribute('class', 'title-cast-item__eps-toggle');
const span = document.createElement('span');
span.innerHTML = 'Fetching data..';
const response = await fetch(siblingElement.firstElementChild.href);
const responseText = await response.text();
const actorDates = [];
responseText.replace(/datetime="(\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2})"/g, (match, date) => actorDates.push(date));
const [actorBirthDate, actorDeathDate] = actorDates;
if (!actorBirthDate) {
span.innerHTML = "Couldn't tell!";
const actorInfo = {
name: siblingElement.firstElementChild.innerText,
'age-when-the-movie-first-released': Math.floor((new Date(movieFirstRelease) - new Date(actorBirthDate)) / 31536000000),
'age-now': Math.floor((new Date() - new Date(actorBirthDate)) / 31536000000),
'age-at-death': !!actorDeathDate && Math.floor((new Date(actorDeathDate) - new Date(actorBirthDate)) / 31536000000),
span.innerHTML = `Was about ${actorInfo['age-when-the-movie-first-released']} years old`;
if (actorDeathDate) {
a.setAttribute('title', `${}, died at the age of ${actorInfo['age-at-death']}`);
this.setAttribute('title', `${}, died at the age of ${actorInfo['age-at-death']}`);
} else {
a.setAttribute('title', `Now, ${} is ${actorInfo['age-now']} years old`);
this.setAttribute('title', `Now, ${} is ${actorInfo['age-now']} years old`);
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