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Last active September 9, 2022 17:23
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What I have learnt from my 1st year of College?

Hey Everyone,

This is going to be my first ever blog on medium. For those who are wondering who I am, I am Jenin Immanuel, a full-stack web developer and an aspiring ethical hacker studying at Kumaraguru College of Technology. I have recently completed my first-year B.E degree in Computer Science and Engicneering. The school-to-college transition is not as easy for everyone. In this blog, I would like to share with you the lessons that I have learned in my college life so far and also from the project I have done.

I hope you will find some takeaways to apply in your life.

Disclaimer: This is not life advice. These are the things that I found in my life journey which are worth sharing in my point of view.

Taking Responsibilities of one's interests

Well, everyone come to College with their own dreams and goals but only in college we come to realize that it's harder than we initially thought on how tough the journey would be to attain those goals. The main demotivator while following our dreams is the lack of support from parents and peers. But we are not talking about their dreams. We are talking about your dreams and goals. When you take responsiblity of it and take action, the people around you will automatically start to support you.

Being honest with oneself

The biggest person we can make a fool of is ourselves. We decieve and cheat ourselves more than others cheat us or vice versa. By being honest and open with ourselves, we can face reality and work towards it. Ofcourse facing your own reality is really painful and sometimes we may be ashamed ourselves of the choices we have made. But by facing it, we can make sure that it doesn't repeat again.

Doing first then thinking about it later

If you are being an introvert, you might definitely face the problem of overthinking. I had suffered from overthinking and as a result of it, I had lost many opportunities. Rather thinking too much whether to do a thing or not, we can start doing the thing and then worry about it later as we can withdraw anytime when we don't like it.

Having a Good circle of friends

I have been a loner most of the time, but haven't realized the benifit of a good friend circle until recently. College life is not always about chasing your dreams and goals as college life is the last bit of freedom we can get in this world. Having a good friend circle means you will also have people who will support you in your journey.

So, these are the things that I have learned in my first year of college. Thank you for taking your time to read this blog. Hope this post had some form of imact on you.

Peace Out!!!!!

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