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import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import Highcharts from 'highcharts';
import HighchartsReact from 'highcharts-react-official';
import _ from 'lodash';
import './App.css';
import HighchartsExporting from 'highcharts/modules/exporting';
import Highcharts3D from 'highcharts/highcharts-3d';
const getOptions = (type) => ({
chart: {
type: 'scatter3d',
options3d: {
enabled: true,
alpha: 15,
beta: 30,
depth: 300,
title: {
text: _.startCase(`${type} chart`),
yAxis: {
title: {
text: 'Values',
zAxis: {
showFirstLabel: false,
series: [
data: [
[0, 2, 0],
[1, 2, 0],
[2, 1, 0],
[3, 4, 0],
[4, 3, 0],
[5, 2, 0],
data: [
[0, 4, 100],
[1, 3, 100],
[2, 6, 100],
[3, 5, 100],
[4, 4, 100],
[5, 6, 100],
data: [
[0, 5, 200],
[1, 7, 200],
[2, 7, 200],
[3, 6, 200],
[4, 7, 200],
[5, 7, 200],
credits: {
enabled: false,
function App() {
const chartRef = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
if (chartRef.current) {
const chart = chartRef.current.chart;
function add3DControl() {
// start to drag a point
function dragStart(e) {
const eNormalized = chart.pointer.normalize(e); // point position
const posX = eNormalized.chartX;
const posY = eNormalized.chartY;
const alpha = chart.options.chart.options3d.alpha; // rotation around X axis
const beta = chart.options.chart.options3d.beta; // rotation around Y axis
const sensitivity = 5; // lower is more sensitive
const handlers = []; // event handlers
// drag a point
function drag(e) {
e = chart.pointer.normalize(e); // point position
// option
chart: {
options3d: {
alpha: alpha + (e.chartY - posY) / sensitivity, // set new alpha value
beta: beta + (posX - e.chartX) / sensitivity, // set new beta value
undefined, // whether to redraw, default is true
undefined, // whether items are updated one to one, default is false
false // whether to apply animation, default is true
// clear all events
function unbindAll() {
handlers.forEach(function (unbind) {
if (unbind) {
handlers.length = 0;
// add drag and clear events
handlers.push(Highcharts.addEvent(document, 'mousemove', drag));
handlers.push(Highcharts.addEvent(document, 'touchmove', drag));
handlers.push(Highcharts.addEvent(document, 'mouseup', unbindAll));
handlers.push(Highcharts.addEvent(document, 'touchend', unbindAll));
// add starting rotation events
Highcharts.addEvent(chart.container, 'mousedown', dragStart);
Highcharts.addEvent(chart.container, 'touchstart', dragStart);
}, []);
return (
<HighchartsReact ref={chartRef} highcharts={Highcharts}options={getOptions('scatter')} />
export default App;
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