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Last active March 31, 2021 18:04
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How to count number of tombstones per partition key in one or multiple sstables.
# Counts number of tombstones per partition key in one or multiple sstables.
# Usage: ./ /var/lib/cassandra/data/mykeyspace/mytable/*-Data.db
# Sample output:
# "40e6a9839bf44bdaa624cc53e96733fe" 8
# "8e177ab222c14f868bcb6d2922b18d2b" 8
# "28aaa9db0dad4ae78cabe8bcc25d14a3" 9
# "8367c6c14d8e4ccdbd14e85d4a7d3b1f" 9
# "ecaf2f2409b24fa990a18e79f05b4b30" 12
# "3294ffc4dad44853b675dfdb34911576" 13
# (partition keys without any tombstone(s) are not printed).
# Get `jq` here:
# ltrim taken from
# The various stages below:
# 1. Choose which file(s) you'd like to check tombstones for here.
# 2. Convert to JSON.
# 3. Count tombstones per primary key.
# 4. Convert from JSON to CSV.
# 5. Sum duplicates of primary keys.
# 6. Sort by the primary key with the most tombstones.
ls "$@" \
| xargs --verbose -L 1 sstable2json \
| jq '.[] | {key: .key, length: [.columns[] | select(.[3]=="t")] | length }' \
| awk -F: 'function ltrim(s) { sub(/^[ \t\r\n]+/, "", s); return s } /"key"/ {key=$2;} /"length"/ && $2>0 {print ltrim(key), ltrim($2);}' \
| awk -F, '!($1 in myarr) { myarr[$1]=0 } {myarr[$1] += $2;} END {for(i in myarr) print i, myarr[i];}' \
| sort -n -k 2
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sedulam commented Jun 20, 2018

This looks great, unfortunately, it doesn't work with Cassandra version 3.X, because sstable2json does not exist in this version. I have changed the code to use sstabledump instead, but I'm getting the following error:

tombstone_count ~/.ccm/test/node1/data0/tk/tt-5b2a97e06fb211e8a1cbed77bfd182ed/*Data*
/home/pedro/cassandra/tools/bin/sstabledump /home/pedro/.ccm/test/node1/data0/tk/tt-5b2a97e06fb211e8a1cbed77bfd182ed/mc-30-big-Data.db
jq: error (at <stdin>:54): Cannot iterate over null (null)

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@sedulam any luck with tombstonecount on 3.x

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fholzer commented Feb 25, 2019

Find an updated version for Cassandra 3.0.x at

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