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Created July 15, 2020 10:48
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Save Jensderond/9a98ffb5861a65d7a59b0ae6b42ddfa9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Clean up old certificates Traefik - Tested with Traefik 2.2.x
acmefile = acme.json
traefik_dashboard = <TRAEFIK_DASHBOARD_URL>
auth_user = <USERNAME>
auth_password = <PASSWORD>
.SILENT: clean
.PHONY: clean
curl -s "https://$(auth_user):$(auth_password)@$(traefik_dashboard)/api/http/routers" | jq -r ".[]" | jq ".rule" | sed "s/\"Host(\`//g;s/\`)\"//g" | uniq > existing_frontends;
cat $(acmefile) | jq ".default.Certificates[].domain.main" | sort | uniq | sed "s/\"//g" > existing_certs;
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$$0];next}!($$0 in a)' existing_frontends existing_certs > certs_to_remove;
cp $(acmefile) $(acmefile).new;
cat certs_to_remove | xargs -I'{}' -i sh -c "jq 'del(.default.Certificates[]| select(.domain.main == \"{}\"))' $(acmefile).new > $(acmefile).new2; mv $(acmefile).new2 $(acmefile).new";
chmod 600 $(acmefile).new;
chown traefik:docker $(acmefile).new;
mv $(acmefile) $(acmefile).bak;
mv $(acmefile).new $(acmefile);
rm certs_to_remove existing_certs existing_frontends;
docker-compose restart;
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Thank you for sharing this!

I am running into a few issues with the first few lines of the script, and I was wondering if things have changed on the traefik side with 2.4 that might impact the script?

The output of the curl api -> existing_frontends is:


I was expecting that it would just be a list of the URLs that are running, without the PathPrefix lines.

And on the cat acme.json -> existing certs, I get the following error:
jq: error (at <stdin>:43): Cannot iterate over null (null)

Thank you in advance for any advice!

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