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Created August 1, 2021 23:31
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A primer of Moxfield on Moxfield

The Primer on

===accordion ===panel: Adding Cards

When adding a card by name you can search (and wait for the result) and then press the down arrow to select the card and then enter to add it.

The search window uses the scryfall advanced search syntax which can help you find interesting cards

The advanced search is increadibly powerful and you can do some interesting stuff with it. Maybe you want to get new cards in the Adventure in the Forgotten Realm Commander decks then you can search for set:afc -is:reprint, maybe you are looking for cards that create treasures o:create o:treasure o:token, or maybe just things that draw cards when creatures ETB t:creature o:"enters the battlefield" o:draw o:card - point being, the search is powerful.

Bulk mode
You can include additional data when adding cards in the bulk edit mode.
The format is this
<amount> <name> <set> <is foil> <is alter> <collector number> <normal tag> <global tag>
Written kind of like this
1 Cardname (SET) *F* *A* number #tag1 #!globaltag1

Foreign Cards
You can use the lang: Scryfall parameter in your searches to see foreign cards
For example !"Sol Ring" lang:de for a German sol ring, the non-English name also works that way: Sonnenring lang:de. You will have to go to the search interface by pressing the hourglass and then adding it to your mainboard. You can not change the printing to a different language you will have to remove the old version of a card to add it back with a different language.

===endpanel ===endaccordion

===accordion ===panel: Manage Tags

There are two ways you can open the tagging view.
You can open the tagging window by Shift + Click on a card in Table View or press the arrow to Manage Tags

You can drag and drop cards into tag sections in Visual Grid and Visual Stack view. This works for both Global and Local Tags.

You can not remove tags in the bulk edit view, as that would mean you would remove tags if you remove a card in it. But you are able to add them there.

===endpanel ===endaccordion

===accordion ===panel: Writing Primers

The language used for writing primers is called Markdown and it is now days a very common language to write in and there are plenty of guides. An interesting thing that many don't realise is that Markdown does support some HTML.

Here is a handy cheat sheet that I personally use a lot.

There is also the markdownguide but I find the sheet more to the point and useful.

Markdown Cheat Sheet (click me)

This is intended as a quick reference and showcase. For more complete info, see John Gruber's original spec and the Github-flavored Markdown info page.

This cheat sheet is copied from and aims to show what Moxfield markdown can do.

Table of Contents

(Moxfield does not support header linking)
Code and Syntax Highlighting
Inline HTML
Horizontal Rule
Line Breaks
YouTube Videos
TeX Mathematical Formulae


# H1
## H2
### H3
#### H4
##### H5







Emphasis, aka italics, with *asterisks* or _underscores_.

Strong emphasis, aka bold, with **asterisks** or __underscores__.

Combined emphasis with **asterisks and _underscores_**.

Strikethrough uses two tildes. ~~Scratch this.~~

Emphasis, aka italics, with asterisks or underscores.

Strong emphasis, aka bold, with asterisks or underscores.

Combined emphasis with asterisks and underscores.

Strikethrough uses two tildes. Scratch this.


1. First ordered list item
2. Another item
⋅⋅⋅* Unordered sub-list.
1. Actual numbers don't matter, just that it's a number
⋅⋅⋅1. Ordered sub-list
4. And another item.

⋅⋅⋅Some text that should be aligned with the above item. (though this messes a bit with the formatting)

* Unordered list can use asterisks
- Or minuses
+ Or pluses

  1. First ordered list item

  2. Another item

    • Unordered sub-list.
  3. Actual numbers don't matter, just that it's a number

    1. Ordered sub-list
  4. And another item.

    Some text that should be aligned with the above item. (though this messes a bit with the formatting)

  • Unordered list can use asterisks
  • Or minuses
  • Or pluses


There are two ways to create links.

[I'm an inline-style link](

[I'm a reference-style link][Arbitrary case-insensitive reference text]

[You can use numbers for reference-style link definitions][1]

Or leave it empty and use the [link text itself]

URLs and URLs in angle brackets will automatically get turned into links. or <> and sometimes (but not on Github, for example).

Some text to show that the reference links can follow later.

[arbitrary case-insensitive reference text]:
[link text itself]:

I'm an inline-style link

I'm a reference-style link

You can use numbers for reference-style link definitions

Or leave it empty and use the link text itself

URLs and URLs in angle brackets will automatically get turned into links. or and sometimes (but not on Github, for example).

Some text to show that the reference links can follow later.


Here's our logo (hover to see the title text):

Inline-style: ![alt text]( "Logo Title Text 1")

![alt text][logo]

[logo]: "Logo Title Text 2"

Here's our logo (hover to see the title text):

Inline-style: alt text

Reference-style: alt text

Code and Syntax Highlighting

Moxfield does not support Code blocks .


Tables aren't part of the core Markdown spec, but they are part of GFM and Markdown Here supports them - and Moxfield albeit not that well.

Colons can be used to align columns.

| Tables | Are | Cool |
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
| col 3 is | right-aligned | $1600 |
| col 2 is | centered | $12 |
| zebra stripes | are neat | $1 |

The outer pipes (|) are optional, and you don't need to make the raw Markdown line up prettily. You can also use inline Markdown.

Markdown | Less | Pretty
--- | --- | ---
*Still* | `renders` | **nicely**
1 | 2 | 3

Colons can be used to align columns.

Tables Are Cool
col 3 is right-aligned $1600
col 2 is centered $12
zebra stripes are neat $1

The outer pipes (|) are optional, and you don't need to make the raw Markdown line up prettily. You can also use inline Markdown.

Markdown Less Pretty
Still renders nicely
1 2 3


Moxfield does not support block quotes.

Inline HTML

Moxfields HTML support is basic.

Horizontal Rule

Three or more...







Three or more...




Line Breaks

Here's a line for us to start with.

This line is separated from the one above by two newlines, so it will be a *separate paragraph*.

This line is also a separate paragraph, but...
This line is only separated by two spaces and a single newline, so it's a separate line in the *same paragraph*.

Here's a line for us to start with.

This line is separated from the one above by two newlines, so it will be a separate paragraph.

This line is also begins a separate paragraph, but...
This line is only separated by two spaces and a single newline, so it's a separate line in the same paragraph.

YouTube Videos

They can't be added directly but you can add an image with a link to the video like this:

<a href=" " target="_blank"><img src="" alt="IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE" width="240" height="180" border="10" /></a>

Or, in pure Markdown, but losing the image sizing and border:

no-highlight [![IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE](](

TeX Mathematical Formulae

Moxfield does not support TeX Mathematical Formulae.

===accordion ===panel: Card Images

You can link cards in your text by surounding them with [​[Brainstorm]​] this will link your images [[Brainstorm]]. You can pick the set by specifying it after the name [​[Brainstorm|STA]​] will show the Strixhaven Mystical Archive version [[Brainstorm|STA]].

===endpanel ===endaccordion

===endpanel ===endaccordion

===accordion ===panel: Booksmarks Bookmarks are a good way to show of a coolection of your favorite decks, or to create small hubs of your own. You can then share the bookmarks with friends!

To make a bookmark: Click on your profile (top right) and go to bookmarks. From there, make a new bookmark and then go to the decks you want to add to the bookmark. To add the deck click on the bookmark button top left of the deck page.

As an example, here is my bookmark Best of Jerakin

===endpanel ===endaccordion

===accordion ===panel: Collections (Beta)

===accordion ===panel: Format You can import a csv into your collection. The format that moxfield expects looks like this Count,Name,Edition,Condition,Language,Foil,Tag it is important that the columns are named exactly like this as moxfield identify them on name and not column id. This means that the order of the columns are not important but the name is.

Column Required Values
Count Yes number
Name Yes valid name
Edition No see note
Condition Yes valid condition
Language Yes valid lang
Foil No 'foil' or ''
Tag* - -

*Not used by Moxfield

The edition name isn't validated, meaning if you put a card in a set that doesn't exists or mistype a set name it will use the "alphabetically first" set it appears in. If the set does exist however moxfield validates the card against the cards in that set.

Takes either the short form or the long form (the short from for SP is LP)
Near Mint -> NM
Good (Lightly Played) -> SP
Played -> MP
Heavily Played -> HP

Needs to be language that Magic cards are printed as, though Moxfield does not check if a specific card is printed in the given language.
English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish

You can currently not mark a card as an alter yet

Delete all
Given that the destructive nature (it is a one way street) of clearing out your whole list that functionality is hidden. To display it open the Inspect window in your browser and search for d-none text-danger and remove that from the element.

===endpanel ===endaccordion

===accordion ===panel: Cards in Collection

You can enable the tracker with the button next to the highlighter

You will then see checkmarks next to the cards. They indicate if you have a full match (blue checkmark), partial match (you have the card but not of the set that's picked in the deck, grey checkmark) and no match (no checkmark).

===endpanel ===endaccordion ===endpanel ===endaccordion

===accordion ===panel: Sneaky Features View all cards from a set

You can press the / key to get to the search bar from anywhere

===endpanel ===endaccordion

===accordion ===panel: Who made it?

Harry Finocchiaro - Frontend
John Tull - Backend

===endpanel ===endaccordion

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