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Last active January 23, 2019 06:32
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package yourpackagename;
//include =>
//include =>
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* @author Deus Jeraldy
* @Email:
public class RNN {
static final String DATA = open("story.txt", Charset.defaultCharset());
static final String[] TOKENS = DATA.split("(?!^)");
static final char[] CHARS = listUniqueChars(DATA);
static final int VOCAB_SIZE = CHARS.length;
static Map<Character, Integer> char_to_ix = charToIx(CHARS);
static Map<Integer, Character> ix_to_char = ixToChar(CHARS);
// Hypeparameters
static final int HIDDEN_SIZE = 100; //number of units(neurons)
static double learning_rate = 1e-2;
static int seq_length = CHARS.length;
// Parameters
static double[][] Whh = np.random(HIDDEN_SIZE, HIDDEN_SIZE);
static double[][] Whx = np.random(HIDDEN_SIZE, VOCAB_SIZE);
static double[][] bh = new double[HIDDEN_SIZE][1];
static double[][] Wyh = np.random(VOCAB_SIZE, HIDDEN_SIZE);
static double[][] by = new double[VOCAB_SIZE][1];
// Gradients
static double[][] dWhh = new double[HIDDEN_SIZE][HIDDEN_SIZE];
static double[][] dWhx = new double[HIDDEN_SIZE][VOCAB_SIZE];
static double[][] dbh = new double[HIDDEN_SIZE][1];
static double[][] dWyh = new double[VOCAB_SIZE][HIDDEN_SIZE];
static double[][] dby = new double[VOCAB_SIZE][1];
public static Map<String, double[][]> train(int[] x, int[] y, double[][] hprev) {
Map<Integer, double[][]> xs = new HashMap<>();
Map<Integer, double[][]> hs = new HashMap<>();
Map<Integer, double[][]> ys = new HashMap<>();
Map<Integer, double[][]> ps = new HashMap<>();
hs.put(-1, hprev);
double loss = 0;
double[][] dhnext = new double[HIDDEN_SIZE][1];
// Foward prop
for (int t = 0; t < x.length; t++) {
xs.put(t, new double[VOCAB_SIZE][1]);
xs.get(t)[x[t]][0] = 1;
hs.put(t, np.tanh(np.add(np.add(, xs.get(t)),, hs.get(t - 1))), bh)));
ys.put(t, np.add(, hs.get(t)), by));
ps.put(t, np.softmax(ys.get(t)));
loss += -Math.log(ps.get(t)[y[t]][0]);
// Back prop
for (int t = y.length-1; t >= 0; t--) {
double[][] dy = ps.get(t);
dy[y[t]][0] -= 1;
dWyh = np.add(dWyh,, np.T(hs.get(t))));
dby = np.add(dby, dy);
double[][] dh = np.add(, dy), dhnext);
double[][] dhraw = np.multiply(np.subtract(1, np.power(hs.get(t), 2)), dh);
dbh = np.add(dbh, dhraw);
dWhx = np.add(dWhx,, np.T(xs.get(t))));
dWhh = np.add(dWhh,, np.T(hs.get(t - 1))));
dhnext =, dhraw);
// Grad clip
dWhx = np.clip(dWhx, 5);
dWhh = np.clip(dWhh, 5);
dWyh = np.clip(dWyh, 5);
dby = np.clip(dby, 5);
dbh = np.clip(dbh, 5);
Map<String, double[][]> params = new HashMap<>();
double[][] _loss = {{loss}};
params.put("dWhx", dWhx);
params.put("dWhh", dWhh);
params.put("dWyh", dWyh);
params.put("dbh", dbh);
params.put("dby", dby);
params.put("dby", dby);
params.put("loss", _loss);
params.put("hs", hs.get(x.length - 1));
return params;
public static ArrayList sample(double[][] h, int seed_ix, int n) {
double[][] x = new double[VOCAB_SIZE][1];
x[seed_ix][0] = 1;
ArrayList ixes = new ArrayList<>();
for (int t = 0; t < n; t++) {
h = np.tanh(np.add(np.add(, x),, h)), bh));
double[][] y = np.add(, h), by);
double[][] p = np.softmax(y);
int ix = np.choice(p);
x = new double[VOCAB_SIZE][1];
x[ix][0] = 1;
return ixes;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int n = 0, p = 0;
int[] x = new int[seq_length];
int[] y = new int[seq_length];
// Memory variables for Adagrad
double[][] mWhh = new double[HIDDEN_SIZE][HIDDEN_SIZE];
double[][] mWhx = new double[HIDDEN_SIZE][VOCAB_SIZE];
double[][] mbh = new double[HIDDEN_SIZE][1];
double[][] mWyh = new double[VOCAB_SIZE][HIDDEN_SIZE];
double[][] mby = new double[VOCAB_SIZE][1];
double smooth_loss = -Math.log(1.0 / VOCAB_SIZE) * seq_length;
double[][] hprev = new double[HIDDEN_SIZE][1];
while (true) {
if (p + seq_length + 1 >= TOKENS.length || n == 0) {
hprev = new double[HIDDEN_SIZE][1];
p = 0;
int counter = 0;
for (int i = p; i < p + seq_length; i++) {
x[counter] = char_to_ix.get(TOKENS[i].charAt(0));
y[counter] = char_to_ix.get(TOKENS[i+1].charAt(0));
if (n % 100 == 0) {
ArrayList sample_ixes = sample(hprev, x[0], 200);
ArrayList text = new ArrayList<>();
sample_ixes.forEach(val -> {
text.forEach(u -> {
Map<String, double[][]> params = train(x, y, hprev);
hprev = params.get("hs");
//gradCheck(x, y, hprev);
smooth_loss = smooth_loss * 0.999 + params.get("loss")[0][0] * 0.001;
if (n % 100 == 0) {
print(" Iteration: " + n + " , Loss: " + smooth_loss);
//Perform parameter update with Adagrad
mWhx = np.add(mWhx, np.multiply(params.get("dWhx"), params.get("dWhx")));
Whx = np.add(Whx, np.divide(np.multiply(-learning_rate, params.get("dWhx")), np.sqrt(np.add(1e-8, mWhx))));
mWhh = np.add(mWhh, np.multiply(params.get("dWhh"), params.get("dWhh")));
Whh = np.add(Whh, np.divide(np.multiply(-learning_rate, params.get("dWhh")), np.sqrt(np.add(1e-8, mWhh))));
mWyh = np.add(mWyh, np.multiply(params.get("dWyh"), params.get("dWyh")));
Wyh = np.add(Wyh, np.divide(np.multiply(-learning_rate, params.get("dWyh")), np.sqrt(np.add(1e-8, mWyh))));
mbh = np.add(mbh, np.multiply(params.get("dbh"), params.get("dbh")));
bh = np.add(bh, np.divide(np.multiply(-learning_rate, params.get("dbh")), np.sqrt(np.add(1e-8, mbh))));
mby = np.add(mby, np.multiply(params.get("dby"), params.get("dby")));
by = np.add(by, np.divide(np.multiply(-learning_rate, params.get("dby")), np.sqrt(np.add(1e-8, mby))));
p += seq_length;
n += 1;
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