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Last active July 25, 2019 14:58
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Implementing an Artificial Neural Network in Pure Java (No external dependencies)
* @author Deus Jeraldy
* @Email:
* BSD License
// ->
import java.util.Arrays;
public class NN {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double[][] X = {{0, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}};
double[][] Y = {{0}, {1}, {1}, {0}};
int m = 4;
int nodes = 400;
X = np.T(X);
Y = np.T(Y);
double[][] W1 = np.random(nodes, 2);
double[][] b1 = new double[nodes][m];
double[][] W2 = np.random(1, nodes);
double[][] b2 = new double[1][m];
for (int i = 0; i < 4000; i++) {
// Foward Prop
// LAYER 1
double[][] Z1 = np.add(, X), b1);
double[][] A1 = np.sigmoid(Z1);
double[][] Z2 = np.add(, A1), b2);
double[][] A2 = np.sigmoid(Z2);
double cost = np.cross_entropy(m, Y, A2);
//costs.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(i, cost));
// Back Prop
double[][] dZ2 = np.subtract(A2, Y);
double[][] dW2 = np.divide(, np.T(A1)), m);
double[][] db2 = np.divide(dZ2, m);
double[][] dZ1 = np.multiply(, dZ2), np.subtract(1.0, np.power(A1, 2)));
double[][] dW1 = np.divide(, np.T(X)), m);
double[][] db1 = np.divide(dZ1, m);
// G.D
W1 = np.subtract(W1, np.multiply(0.01, dW1));
b1 = np.subtract(b1, np.multiply(0.01, db1));
W2 = np.subtract(W2, np.multiply(0.01, dW2));
b2 = np.subtract(b2, np.multiply(0.01, db2));
if (i % 400 == 0) {
print("Cost = " + cost);
print("Predictions = " + Arrays.deepToString(A2));
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gmanjon commented Dec 23, 2018

Great article! Thanks!

It would be very useful to have meaningful names for variables instead of X, Y, m... it would make it much more readable for begginers like me. I will try to suggest with a Pull Request! (I hope in the near future)


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I also get dZ1 = dZ2 W2 (1-A1)A1
I did the derivates many times

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it help me
but how to test this network ?

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astrojr1 commented Apr 3, 2019

Hi, when I try to test the NN, it misbehaves. I am preserving W1, b1, W2, and b2 as the NN weights and backprop. The As and Zs are recalculated. Here is the output with your original XOR training data and the test result I added in main().
I don't understand why the single test behaves differently.

Single pair of X1 X2 testing:

Expected Results
test X1 X2 Prediction
0 1 >.9
1 1 <.1
1 0 >.9
0 0 <.1

Actual Results
test X1 X2 Prediction Analysis
0 1 .01 Wrong
1 1 .02 Right
1 0 .02 Wrong
0 0 .02 Right

Output follows from the test for 0,1


Cost = NaN
Predictions = [[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]

Cost = 0.2969025436010251
Predictions = [[0.29144265296508315, 0.8154787569733192, 0.6852817198123105, 0.22985828140028192]]

Cost = 0.16802804016304362
Predictions = [[0.1538408192545183, 0.8621884062632224, 0.8315669091608777, 0.15830654731289984]]

Cost = 0.11413292681227041
Predictions = [[0.100817252589133, 0.8976364304662805, 0.8876819432980427, 0.11585198272332121]]

Cost = 0.08493924982058358
Predictions = [[0.07375924489343984, 0.9207673719914042, 0.9167687321976236, 0.08943320369408177]]

Cost = 0.06689411340161885
Predictions = [[0.05758306011535834, 0.9362877197000213, 0.9344502020033382, 0.07192206109098881]]

Cost = 0.05476093241324496
Predictions = [[0.0469131616725125, 0.9471897271303298, 0.9462716036200162, 0.05965924778335137]]

Cost = 0.046106028390985966
Predictions = [[0.03938979283558176, 0.9551735726479308, 0.9546934657492366, 0.050680984981294905]]

Cost = 0.03965499406430109
Predictions = [[0.03382311552031198, 0.961227563955176, 0.960974113482648, 0.04386840008668915]]

Cost = 0.03468063619422532
Predictions = [[0.029551254900865218, 0.9659518219563465, 0.9658230501302526, 0.03854728631364289]]

test input=[[0.0], [1.0]]

Cost = 0.008072757222331885
Test Prediction = [[0.03177524030447454]]
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 1 second)

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    package nn3;

import java.util.Arrays;

public class NN3 {


// ->

public static void main(String[] args) {

    double[][] W1;
    double[][] b1;

    double[][] W2;
    double[][] b2;

    double[][] X = {{0, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}};
    double[][] Y = {{0}, {1}, {1}, {0}};

    int m = 4;
    int nodes = 400;

    X = np.T(X);
    Y = np.T(Y);

    W1 = np.random(nodes, 2);
    b1 = new double[nodes][m];

    W2 = np.random(1, nodes);
    b2 = new double[1][m];

    for (int i = 0; i < 4000; i++) {
        // Foward Prop
        // LAYER 1
        double[][] Z1 = np.add(, X), b1);
        double[][] A1 = np.sigmoid(Z1);

        //LAYER 2
        double[][] Z2 = np.add(, A1), b2);
        double[][] A2 = np.sigmoid(Z2);

        double cost = np.cross_entropy(m, Y, A2);
        //costs.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(i, cost));
        // Back Prop
        //LAYER 2
        double[][] dZ2 = np.subtract(A2, Y);
        double[][] dW2 = np.divide(, np.T(A1)), m);
        double[][] db2 = np.divide(dZ2, m);

        //LAYER 1
        double[][] dZ1 = np.multiply(, dZ2), np.subtract(A1, np.power(A1, 2)));

// double[][] dZ1 = np.multiply(, dZ2), np.subtract(1.0, np.power(A1, 2)));
double[][] dW1 = np.divide(, np.T(X)), m);
double[][] db1 = np.divide(dZ1, m);

        // G.D
        W1 = np.subtract(W1, np.multiply(0.01, dW1));
        b1 = np.subtract(b1, np.multiply(0.01, db1));

        W2 = np.subtract(W2, np.multiply(0.01, dW2));
        b2 = np.subtract(b2, np.multiply(0.01, db2));

        if (i % 400 == 0) {
            System.out.println("Cost = " + cost);
            System.out.println("Predictions = " + Arrays.deepToString(A2));

 } // end of training

        // now to test
        // X is the new input

        double[][] tX = {{0,1}};
        tX = np.T(tX);
        System.out.println("test input="+Arrays.deepToString(tX));

// Forward Prop
// LAYER 1

        double[][] tZ1 = np.add(, tX), b1);
        double[][] tA1 = np.sigmoid(tZ1);

double[][] tZ2 = np.add(, tA1), b2);
double[][] tA2 = np.sigmoid(tZ2); // Prediction (Get Output here)

        double cost = np.cross_entropy(m, Y, tA2);
        //costs.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(i, cost));

        System.out.println("Cost = " + cost);
        System.out.println("Test Prediction = " + Arrays.deepToString(tA2));



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astrojr1 commented Apr 3, 2019

However, what is happening, is that the NN hasn't learned what I thought it was going to learn. When I try four inputs, no matter what I give it, it outputs the learned pattern:

test input=[[1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]

Cost = 0.02185745791739911
Test Prediction = [[0.003408446482782547, 0.9872463542830693, 0.9452257141301419, 0.014738669159170737]]

test input=[[1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0]]

Cost = 0.03372416671312117
Test Prediction = [[0.002095908947609844, 0.9235729681325365, 0.998439571534914, 0.05041614843514693]]

So I think the NN has "learned" to output the static pattern from the training data rather than perform an XOR operation on a single pair.

When I test with 3 pairs, it outputs the first three static results of the training data:
test input=[[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]]

Cost = 0.0018916002564269888
Test Prediction = [[0.00336438364815533, 0.9975507610865536, 0.9982574181545878]]
I can make each prediction wrong by inverting the test data from the training data.

It doesn't seem like the X inputs are making a difference, only the Y.

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