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Last active January 3, 2021 04:32
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Directional Distance with Shapely
"""A small module for finding the distance between two geometries in an arbitrary direction
Inspired by a question/issue in the Shapely github repository (`#1051`_).
There is another way I can think of doing this which will probably be much faster for
large geometries, but less accurate. It should be possible to stretch both geometries
by a very large amount in the direction perpendicular to the direction you want to
find the distance in. Of course, you would loose the 'movement' idea (i.e. it could
return what should be a 'negative' distance in that direction.) But for some use cases
I think this method would be preferred because there is only one transform and then a
`distance` call.
Also, I should note that the method below can easily be adapted to return 'negative'
distances or 'absolute' distances in the given direction.
.. _#1051:
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon, LineString
from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry, BaseMultipartGeometry
import math
from typing import Tuple
def max_dist_upper_bound(a: BaseGeometry, b: BaseGeometry) -> float:
"""Calculate an upper bound for the maximum distance between two geometries using their bounding boxes
a : BaseGeometry
first shapely geometry
b : BaseGeometry
second shapely geometry
Perhaps a simpler way to do this is put all the geometries into a
collection and take the bounding box of that. The distance between
two opposite corners would do for an upper bound, though a bit looser
but that doesn't matter.
An upper bound for the maximum distance between the two geometries using the
furthest corners of their bounding boxes.
ea = a.envelope
eb = b.envelope
if isinstance(ea, Point):
if isinstance(eb, Point):
return ea.distance(eb)
return max(ea.distance(Point(x, y)) for x, y in eb.exterior.coords)
max_dist = -math.inf
for a_corner in ea.exterior.coords:
for b_corner in eb.exterior.coords:
dist = math.dist(a_corner, b_corner)
max_dist = max(max_dist, dist)
if max_dist < 0:
ValueError(f'Should never try to return a negative number: {max_dist}')
return max_dist
def directional_distance(moving_geom: BaseGeometry, stationary_geom: BaseGeometry,
direction: Tuple[float, float]) -> float:
"""Find the distance between two geometries in a given direction
moving_geom : shapely geometry
geometry moving in the direction
stationary_geom : shapely geometry
geometry being moved toward by the other
direction : Tuple[float, float]
The direction the `moving_geom` is moving (unit vector)
The distance `moving_geom` can move in `direction` before colliding with `stationary_geom`
If the geometries never collide then math.inf is returned.
if not isinstance(moving_geom, BaseGeometry):
raise TypeError(f'The `moving_geom` argument must be a shapely geometry: {moving_geom}')
if not isinstance(stationary_geom, BaseGeometry):
raise TypeError(f'The `stationary_geom` argument must be a shapely geometry: {moving_geom}')
if isinstance(moving_geom, BaseMultipartGeometry) or isinstance(stationary_geom, BaseMultipartGeometry):
raise NotImplementedError('Cannot yet handle Multi(LineString/Polygon/Point) geometries.')
# return early if they already touch
if moving_geom.intersects(stationary_geom):
return 0
# unitize the direction if it is not already
dir_length = math.hypot(*direction)
if dir_length != 1:
direction = (direction[0] / dir_length, direction[1] / dir_length)
ray_length = max_dist_upper_bound(moving_geom, stationary_geom)
ray_x = direction[0] * ray_length
ray_y = direction[1] * ray_length
# get the coordinates of both geometries as the minimum distance
# line will start or end at one of the vertexes
if isinstance(moving_geom, Polygon):
moving_coords = moving_geom.exterior.coords
moving_coords = moving_geom.coords
if isinstance(stationary_geom, Polygon):
stationary_coords = stationary_geom.exterior.coords
stationary_coords = stationary_geom.coords
min_dist = math.inf
for coord in moving_coords:
ray = LineString([coord, (coord[0] + ray_x, coord[1] + ray_y)])
intersection = ray.intersection(stationary_geom)
if intersection.is_empty:
ray_origin = Point(*coord)
dist = ray_origin.distance(intersection)
min_dist = min(min_dist, dist)
for coord in stationary_coords:
ray = LineString([coord, (coord[0] - ray_x, coord[1] - ray_y)])
intersection = ray.intersection(moving_geom)
if intersection.is_empty:
ray_origin = Point(*coord)
dist = ray_origin.distance(intersection)
min_dist = min(min_dist, dist)
return min_dist
if __name__ == '__main__':
from shapely.geometry import box
# run some tests
square1 = box(0, 0, 1, 1)
square2 = box(2, -2, 3, -1)
direction_vec = (1, -1)
assert directional_distance(square1, square2, direction_vec) == math.dist((1, 0), (2, -1))
direction_vec = (1.5, -1)
assert directional_distance(square1, square2, direction_vec) == math.dist((1, 0), (2.5, -1))
direction_vec = (-1, 1)
assert directional_distance(square1, square2, direction_vec) == math.inf
pt1 = Point(0, 0)
pt2 = Point(1, 1)
direction_vec = (1, 1)
assert directional_distance(pt1, pt2, direction_vec) == math.dist((0, 0), (1, 1))
direction_vec = (1, 2)
assert directional_distance(pt1, pt2, direction_vec) == math.inf
ls1 = LineString([(0, 0), (0, 1)])
ls2 = LineString([(1, 0), (1, 1)])
direction_vec = (1, 1)
assert directional_distance(ls1, ls2, direction_vec) == math.dist((0, 0), (1, 1))
direction_vec = (1, 0)
assert directional_distance(ls1, ls2, direction_vec) == math.dist((0, 0), (0, 1))
direction_vec = (-1, -1)
assert directional_distance(ls1, ls2, direction_vec) == math.inf
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