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Created October 28, 2015 06:42
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  • Save Jeremy-D-Miller/0ab9924bdbf662516c38 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Jeremy-D-Miller/0ab9924bdbf662516c38 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PBXZ extractor that takes OS X .pkg directly - by PHPdev32 (posted by SJ_UnderWater)
// main.c
// pbzx
// Created by PHPdev32 on 6/20/14.
// Licensed under GPLv3, full text at
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <xar/xar.h>
#include <lzma.h>
#define min(A,B) ({ __typeof__(A) __a = (A); __typeof__(B) __b = (B); __a < __b ? __a : __b; })
#define err(c, m) if (c) { fprintf(stderr, m"\n"); exit(__COUNTER__ + 1); }
#define XBSZ 4 * 1024
#define ZBSZ 1024 * XBSZ
static inline void xar_read(char *buffer, uint32_t size, xar_stream *stream) {
stream->next_out = buffer;
stream->avail_out = size;
while (stream->avail_out)
err(xar_extract_tostream(stream) != XAR_STREAM_OK, "XAR extraction failure");
static inline size_t cpio_out(char *buffer, size_t size) {
size_t c = 0;
while (c < size)
c+= fwrite(buffer + c, 1, size - c, stdout);
return c;
static inline uint64_t xar_read_64(xar_stream *stream) {
char t[8];
xar_read(t, 8, stream);
return __builtin_bswap64(*(uint64_t *)t);
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
// insert code here...
char xbuf[XBSZ], *zbuf = malloc(ZBSZ);
xar_t x;
err(argc < 2, "No file specified");
err(!(x = xar_open(argv[1], READ)), "XAR open failure");
xar_iter_t i = xar_iter_new();
xar_file_t f = xar_file_first(x, i);
char *path;
while (strncmp((path = xar_get_path(f)), "Payload", 7) && (f = xar_file_next(i)))
err(!f, "No payload");
err(xar_verify(x, f) != XAR_STREAM_OK, "File verification failed");
xar_stream xs;
err(xar_extract_tostream_init(x, f, &xs) != XAR_STREAM_OK, "XAR init failed");
xar_read(xbuf, 4, &xs);
err(strncmp(xbuf, "pbzx", 4), "Not a pbzx stream");
uint64_t length = 0, flags = xar_read_64(&xs), last = 0;
lzma_stream zs = LZMA_STREAM_INIT;
err(lzma_stream_decoder(&zs, UINT64_MAX, LZMA_CONCATENATED) != LZMA_OK, "LZMA init failed");
while (flags & 1 << 24) {
flags = xar_read_64(&xs);
length = xar_read_64(&xs);
char plain = length == 0x1000000;
xar_read(xbuf, min(XBSZ, (uint32_t)length), &xs);
err(!plain && strncmp(xbuf, "\xfd""7zXZ\0", 6), "Header is not <FD>7zXZ<00>");
while (length) {
if (plain)
cpio_out(xbuf, min(XBSZ, length));
else {
zs.next_in = (typeof(zs.next_in))xbuf;
zs.avail_in = min(XBSZ, length);
while (zs.avail_in) {
zs.next_out = (typeof(zs.next_out))zbuf;
zs.avail_out = ZBSZ;
err(lzma_code(&zs, LZMA_RUN) != LZMA_OK, "LZMA failure");
cpio_out(zbuf, ZBSZ - zs.avail_out);
length -= last = min(XBSZ, length);
xar_read(xbuf, min(XBSZ, (uint32_t)length), &xs);
err(!plain && strncmp(xbuf + last - 2, "YZ", 2), "Footer is not YZ");
return 0;
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Or, you could just try pkgutil --expand-full [package.pkg] [dir] 🙄 😜

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