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Created October 16, 2021 18:47
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with "config/hello_pico_config.gpr";
with "pico_bsp.gpr";
project Hello_Pico is
for Target use "arm-eabi";
for Runtime ("Ada") use "zfp-cortex-m0p";
package Linker is
for Switches ("Ada") use Pico_BSP.Linker_Switches;
end Linker;
for Source_Dirs use ("src");
for Object_Dir use "obj";
for Create_Missing_Dirs use "True";
for Exec_Dir use "bin";
for Main use ("hello_pico.adb");
type Enabled_Kind is ("enabled", "disabled");
Compile_Checks : Enabled_Kind := External ("HELLO_PICO_COMPILE_CHECKS", "disabled");
Runtime_Checks : Enabled_Kind := External ("HELLO_PICO_RUNTIME_CHECKS", "disabled");
Style_Checks : Enabled_Kind := External ("HELLO_PICO_STYLE_CHECKS", "disabled");
Contracts_Checks : Enabled_Kind := External ("HELLO_PICO_CONTRACTS", "disabled");
type Build_Kind is ("debug", "optimize");
Build_Mode : Build_Kind := External ("HELLO_PICO_BUILD_MODE", "optimize");
Compile_Checks_Switches := ();
case Compile_Checks is
when "enabled" =>
Compile_Checks_Switches :=
("-gnatwa", -- All warnings
"-gnatVa", -- All validity checks
"-gnatwe"); -- Warnings as errors
when others => null;
end case;
Runtime_Checks_Switches := ();
case Runtime_Checks is
when "enabled" => null;
when others =>
Runtime_Checks_Switches :=
("-gnatp"); -- Suppress checks
end case;
Style_Checks_Switches := ();
case Style_Checks is
when "enabled" =>
Style_Checks_Switches :=
("-gnatyg", -- GNAT Style checks
"-gnaty-d", -- Disable no DOS line terminators
"-gnatyM80", -- Maximum line length
"-gnatyO"); -- Overriding subprograms explicitly marked as such
when others => null;
end case;
Contracts_Switches := ();
case Contracts_Checks is
when "enabled" =>
Contracts_Switches :=
("-gnata"); -- Enable assertions and contracts
when others => null;
end case;
Build_Switches := ();
case Build_Mode is
when "optimize" =>
Build_Switches := ("-O3", -- Optimization
"-gnatn"); -- Enable inlining
when "debug" =>
Build_Switches := ("-g", -- Debug info
"-Og"); -- No optimization
end case;
package Compiler is
for Default_Switches ("Ada") use
Compile_Checks_Switches &
Build_Switches &
Runtime_Checks_Switches &
Style_Checks_Switches &
Contracts_Switches &
("-gnatw.X", -- Disable warnings for No_Exception_Propagation
"-gnatQ"); -- Don't quit. Generate ALI and tree files even if illegalities
end Compiler;
package Binder is
for Switches ("Ada") use ("-Es"); -- Symbolic traceback
end Binder;
end Hello_Pico;
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