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Last active June 8, 2016 12:11
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How to Update An Array of Subdocuments on a MongoDB Collection in MeteorJS

How to Update An Array of Subdocuments on a MongoDB Collection in MeteorJS

This is a gist created for a comment to an answer provided on

@David Weldon: Thanks for your answer. Below I edited my input, but got the below output. Maybe this is the default behavior of db.ideas.find(). I'll do some looking around. I expected to also get the subdocuments also when I performed the db.ideas.find().

Code I ran:

Ideas.update("bKXXrpYmppFBfq9Kx", {
  $addToSet: {
    score: { userId: "W9YEs84QFhZzJeB6j", score: 1 },
    votedOnBy: "W9YEs84QFhZzJeB6j"
  $inc: {
    overallScore: 1,
    timesVotedOn: 1

Output from mongo db console:

meteor:PRIMARY> db.ideas.find()
	"_id" : "bKXXrpYmppFBfq9Kx",
	"title" : "Jump through the portal",
	"body" : "The elves from Eldernland should jump through the blue portal mentioned in episode one.",
	"userId" : "W9YEs84QFhZzJeB6j",
	"author" : "Nate Beck",
	"episodeId" : "LbDynnAHxAgM5PPXM",
	"timestamp" : ISODate("2016-06-07T20:37:05.775Z"),
	"votedOnBy" : [
	"timesVotedOn" : 3,
	"score" : [
	"overallScore" : 1

I was expecting to see what was in "Score" this looks like an empty object.

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