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Last active February 15, 2019 07:34
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Save JeremyJaydan/cd1473ff97cb653c219d3cc17de389e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Node.js/JavaScript utility library with a focus on object manipulation and components

jModifier is a JavaScript utility library focused on the ability to easily query and manipulate Objects.

const $ = jModifier.getAlts();
const myElement = $.q("#my-element", {
    uls: "ul",
    items: "ul li"

$.aa(myElement.uls, {
    style: {
        transform: [16, 0, 24, 0].map(function(val) {
            return "translateY(" + val + "px)"
}, {
    interval: 80,
    loop: Infinity,
    dupe: 4

$.aa(myElement.items, {
    innerText: ["Hello,", "world", "this", "is", "jModifier!"],
    style: {
        background: ["#7986CB", "#64B5F6", "#4DB6AC", "#FFD54F", "#FF8A65"],
        textIndent: [32, 64, 16, 88, 0].map(function(val) {
            return val + "px"
}, {
    loop: Infinity,
    interval: 100,
    dupe: 5

Question Answer
What's the current version? v0.1
jModifier stable? Not yet!
What's the purpose? Minimal methods with broad uses.
Is this a replacement for jQuery? It's not, however it really depends on what you need done (it can be).
Can I get help? Feel free to join my Discord server for help or general conversation:

Basic Concept

Most methods in jModifier are categorized and can be utilized under the following paths:

  • jModifier.dom
  • jModifier.string
  • jModifier.object
  • jModifier.array
  • jModifier.function


  1. Download/Copy the jModifier library into a file in your project with the extension .js
  2. Reference the library with a script tag: <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jModifier.js">

Note: There is also an experimental version of jModifier under the /dev directory.

Table of Contents

Method Jump to or Fiddle
jModifier.getAlts() #getalts x3bh6055
jModifier.alts #alts
jModifier.for() #for cjpo7krj
jModifier.dom.query() #domquery e65rk4mj
jModifier.dom.on() #domon 7de3fp35
jModifier.dom.create() #domcreate ufqf8ery
jModifier.dom.createElement() #domcreateelement 4rzam1nc
jModifier.dom.createElements() #domcreateelements s0z3cbvx
jModifier.dom.insertInto() #dominsertinto gnr5q6y9
jModifier.string.toNestedArray() #stringtonestedarray 7m031cvb
jModifier.string.splitFromXOutsideY() #stringsplitfromxoutsidey ovs7Lh3u
jModifier.object.assign() #objectassign 7udvLmyz
jModifier.object.isType() #objectistype 2jm5jwrs
jModifier.object.pathValue() #objectpathvalue zct148bu
jModifier.object.NumStringBool #objectnumstringbool
jModifier.array.assign() #arrayassign gm58pyns
jModifier.array.reverse() #arrayreverse p9n36zL0
jModifier.array.shuffle() #arrayshuffle nsa4h11x
jModifier.array.sum() #arraysum o5L8gvjv
jModifier.array.fill() #arrayfill gbr7s0jv
jModifier.array.wrap() #arraywrap qmj4c4Lm
jModifier.array.getIndex() #arraygetindex aeq1ybsf
jModifier.array.listy #arraylisty
jModifier.function.argumentEvaluator() #functionargumentevaluator 1hynpfhp
jModifier.function.getArguments() #functiongetarguments 8v2hLur9



Returns Object of specified or default alternate method paths.

jModifier.getAlts(<Object(Method Paths)>)

Utilizes: jModifier.alts, jModifier.object.pathValue

// Default alternate paths
const $ = jModifier.getAlts();

console.log("Default: ", $);

// Custom alternate paths
const c = jModifier.getAlts({
    query: "dom.query",
    create: "dom.create"

console.log("Custom: ", c);

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Default alternate paths for jModifier.getAlts().



Similar to the native for loop. Has options argument for more control.

jModifier.for(<Array|Number(Items)>*, <Function(Callback)>*, <Object(Options)>)

Utilizes: jModifier.array.fill, jModifier.array.reverse, jModifier.array.shuffle, jModifier.array.sum

/* Example with number */
jModifier.for(10, function(item, index) {
    console.log(item + 1); // Counting down from 10
}, {
    reverse: true, // Starts in reverse since we're counting down
    interval: 1000, // 1000ms between each execution
    done: function() { // Executes after the loop completes

/* Example with elements */
const myElements = jModifier.dom.query("li");
jModifier.for(myElements, function(item, index) { = "32px";
}, {
    interval: 2000

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Current Options Type Default
interval Number (ms) 0
reverse Boolean false
shuffle Boolean false
dupe Number 0
delay Number (ms) 0
loop Number (including Infinity) 0
done Function null


You can easily query elements with this one however it works differently depending on how you use it.

jModifier.dom.query(<Element|Array|String(Target|Parent)>*, <String(Child Target)>, <Boolean(Force Array)>)

Utilizes: jModifier.for, jModifier.array.wrap

// Simple query
const myElement = jModifier.dom.query("#my-element");

// Query children of element
const childrenUL = jModifier.dom.query(myElement, "ul");

// Query multiple children of multiple elements and return in single Array
const childrenLI = jModifier.dom.query(childrenUL, "li");

// Query children and assign to returning object 
const childrenObj = jModifier.dom.query(myElement, {
    UL: "ul",
    LI: "ul li"

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Similar to <Element>.addEventListener however you can add multiple listeners to multiple elements with one simple function.

jModifier.dom.on(<String|Element|Array(Target Element(s))>*, <Function(Callback & Events)>*, <Boolean(useCapture)>)

Utilizes: jModifier.function.getArguments, jModifier.dom.query, jModifier.for

// First argument utilizes the .dom.query method therefore you can specify element(s)
// via a string, variable, array, etc.
jModifier.dom.on("#my-element ul li", function(element, mouseenter, click) {

    // First argument of the callback function returns an object that consists
    // of the elements, target index, and target element
    // {elements, index, node}

    // Specify the events after the first argument
    // (You can add as many events as you like)

    // Confused on how to handle multiple events?
    // That's super easy with the || operator
    let event = mouseenter || click;

    let rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255); = "rgb(" + rand + ", " + rand + ", " + rand + ")";


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Create multiple elements with a jModifier Nested Array String (div[ul[li*6]]).

jModifier.dom.create(<String(jModifier Nested Array String)>*)

Utilizes: jModifier.string.toNestedArray, jModifier.dom.createElements

// The below method will create the reference html
// structure using a jModifier Nested Array String.
const myElement = jModifier.dom.create("div[ul*2[li*3]]");
// You can use other methods of jModifier such as array.assign
// to assign data to the elements once created.

// You can also use Regular Expression Objects. Because why not right?

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Create one or more elements easily.

jModifier.dom.createElement(<String(Tag Name)>*, <Number(Amount)>)
// This one is for creating multiple elements but only of the same tag type.
const div2 = jModifier.dom.createElement("div", 2);

// Leave the second argument blank for only 1 element to be created & returned.
const small = jModifier.dom.createElement("small");

// Note: This method always returns an Array

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Create multiple elements with a jModifier Nested Array ([["div",[["ul",[["li*3"]]]]]]).

jModifier.dom.createElements(<Array(jModifier Nested Array String)>)

Utilizes: jModifier.dom.createElement

// .dom.createElements essentially works exactly the same way as .dom.create
// however it requires a "jModifier Nested Array" (NOT "jModifier Nested Array String")

// This one should be your go-to if you want even better performance.

const myElement = jModifier.dom.createElements([["div",[["ul*2",[["li*3"]]]]]]);

// [["div",[["ul*2",[["li*3"]]]]]]
// the above "jModifier Nested Array" is the 
// equivilent to the below "jModifier Nested Array String"
// div[ul*2[li*3]]

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Similar to the native <Element>.insertBefore() however it works with multiple elements.

jModifier.dom.insertInto(<String|Element(Target Parent)>*, <Element|Array(Target Element(s))>*, <Number(Position)>)

Utilizes: jModifier.array.wrap, jModifier.dom.query

// Creating element to be inserted into the 1st UL
const newLI = document.createElement("li");
newLI.innerText = "Inserted Element #1";

// Inserting element #1
// The first argument utilizes the .dom.query method
jModifier.dom.insertInto("#my-element ul:nth-child(1)", newLI);
// if no position is specified, the element will be appended to the bottom.

// Creating element to be inserted into the 2nd UL
const newLI2 = document.createElement("li");
newLI2.innerText = "Inserted Element #2";

// You can specify a position with the third argument
jModifier.dom.insertInto("#my-element ul:nth-child(2)", newLI2, 1);
// 0 = before 1st item
// 1 = before 2nd item
// etc..

// Note: You can insert multiple elements and specify the position

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This is the backbone of the dom element creation but it has many data structure uses.

jModifier.string.toNestedArray(<String(jModifier Nested Array String)>*)

Utilizes: jModifier.string.splitFromXOutsideY

// Alright this one may be a little confusing to understand.
// Bare with me!

// The best way I can explain this is to use element creation as an example.

// When creating multiple, nested elements, you want to specify the parent tag
// and the child tags and the child tags of the child tags. 

// So say if we want to create a div, a h1 inside that div,
// then another div a ul inside that with a li inside the ul..

console.log("Example: ",
    jModifier.string.toNestedArray("div[h1], div[ul[li]]")
); // output: [["div",[["h1"]]],["div",[["ul",[["li"]]]]]]

// You can use the output of this to create elements even faster with the 
// jModifier.dom.createElements() method

/* OUTPUT Explanation below */

// The way this works is that the jModifier Nested Array consists of two
// types of Arrays: "Tag Array" and "Child Array"

// The "Tag Array" holds 2 items: [tag, childArray]
// The "Child Array" holds infinite Tag Arrays: [ tagArray, tagArray, tagArray ]

// It starts with a Child Array
const nestedArray = [ // Start of Child Array
    [ // Start of Tag Array
        "Tag Array without children"
    [ // Start of Tag Array
        "Tag Array with children", [ // Start of Child Array
            [ // Start of Tag Array
                "Another tag array without children"

// Same example below as above (Might be easier to understand):
// [  [  "T1"  ], [  "T2", [  [  "C1"  ]  ]  ]  ]
// ^  ^           ^        ^  ^       
// ^  ^           ^        ^  Start of Tag Array 
// ^  ^           ^        ^
// ^  ^           ^        Start of Child Array
// ^  ^           ^        
// ^  ^           Start of Tag Array
// ^  ^           
// ^  Start of Tag Array
// ^
// Start of Child Array

// Disclaimer: "jModifier Nested Array" is just a name for convienient reference. I do not claim to be the first person to create this type of data structure.

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Splits from x but not if x is within y.

jModifier.string.splitFromXOutsideY(<String(Target)>*, <String(X)>*, <String(Y)>*, <Boolean(removeWhitespace)>)
// Similar to the native <String>.split() method
// however you can control where the split happens.
// (Specifically where the split does not happen)

// So for example if you wanted to split the below
// string by commas but not within the parentheses
const str = "ONE, TWO, THREE (1, 2, 3)";

// Your first argument would be your string, then the comma.
// Then for the third argument, you add the starting character
// and the ending character in the same string.
    jModifier.string.splitFromXOutsideY(str, ",", "()")
); // output: ["ONE", " TWO", " THREE (1, 2, 3)"]

// If the fourth argument is true, the whitespace will be removed before returning
    jModifier.string.splitFromXOutsideY(str, ",", "()", true)
); // output: ["ONE", "TWO", "THREE(1,2,3)"]

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Object assignment. Similar to the native mehod Object.assign().

jModifier.object.assign(<Object(Target)>*, <Object(Assignment)>*)

Utilizes: jModifier.object.NumStringBool, jModifier.array.listy

const myElement = jModifier.dom.query("#my-element");

// This method works similar to the native Object.assign() although
// it does not assign in "one hit", it assigns recursively.

jModifier.object.assign(myElement, {
    style: {
        background: "red"

// In the above, jModifier gets the style property of myElement
// then recursively assigns to the property.

/* Example with plain Object */
const myObject = {
    one: 1,
    two: 2,
    three: {
        four: {
            five: 5

jModifier.object.assign(myObject, {
    one: 100,
    three: {
        four: {
            five: 500
        addedKey: "hello, world"


/* output: 
    "one": 100,
    "two": 2,
    "three": {
        "four": {
            "five": 500
        "addedKey": "hello, world"

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Check target if target is of a certain types.

jModifier.object.isType(<Any(Target)>*, <Array(Types)>*)
// This method uses the constructor of the specified first
// argument against each specified item in the 2nd argument Array

console.log("Is Object, String, or function: ",
    jModifier.object.isType({}, [Object, String, Function])
); // output: true

console.log("Is String or Object: ",
    jModifier.object.isType([], [String, Object])
); // output: false

// If the specified item matches the type of any of the specified items in the Array, it will result in true.

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Target and return the value of an Object path.

jModifier.object.pathValue(<Object(Target)>*, <String(Path)>*)
// Pretty simple one
const myObject = {
    this: {
        is: {
            a: "Object!"

console.log("Returns path value: ",
    jModifier.object.pathValue(myObject, "")
); // output: "Object!"

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Simply an Object that consists of {Number, String, Boolean}.



Assignment for Object(s) within Array(s) (Inherits .for options).

jModifier.array.assign(<Array(Target Array)>*, <Object(Assignment)>*, <Object(Options)>)

Utilizes: jModifier.dom.query, jModifier.for, jModifier.array.wrap, jModifier.object.assign

// .array.assign is basically .for & .object.assign combined.

// Works great with elements:
const listItems = jModifier.dom.query("#my-element ul li");
jModifier.array.assign(listItems, {
    innerText: "hello, world"
}, {
    delay: 1000

/* Property Assignment With $ Functions */
// If a function name within an array assignment is equal to "$"
// the function will evaluate and return with "originalValue, index, and item"
// (Make sure to return inside the $ functions)
jModifier.array.assign(listItems, {
    innerText: function $(originalValue, index, item) {
        return originalValue + " " + (index + 1)
}, {
    delay: 2000,
    interval: 300

/* Property Assignment With Arrays */
// Instead of using $ functions, you can also use Arrays
// The each item in the Array will assign to the relative index
jModifier.array.assign(listItems, {
    innerText: ["one", "two", null, "four", "five", null]
        // use "null" to skip item assignment
        // (however the interval still counts the skipped time)
}, {
    delay: 3800,
    interval: 300

/* Property Assignment With Arrays + Duplication */
// With duplication, the property Array assigns the first item
// to each of the elements then 2nd Array item, 3rd, etc.. (to the dupe number)
jModifier.array.assign(listItems, {
    innerText: ["THREE", "TWO", "ONE", "HAPPY NEW YEAR!!"]
}, {
    delay: 5000,
    interval: 100,
    dupe: 4

/* Using loop option */
jModifier.array.assign(listItems, {
    style: {
        textIndent: ["32px", "0px", "64px", "0px"]
}, {
    delay: 7000,
    interval: 30,
    dupe: 4,
    loop: Infinity

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Returns given Array backwards.

const myArray = [1, 2, 3];
); // output: [3, 2, 1]

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Returns given Array shuffled.

const myArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
); // output: (view console on jsfiddle)

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Sums up given array to stop point and returns result.

jModifier.array.sum(<Array(Target)>*, <Number(Stop Point)>*)
const myArray = [1, 2, 3];

console.log("Without stop point: ",
); // output: 6

console.log("With stop point: ",
    jModifier.array.sum(myArray, 2)
); // output: 3

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Fills and returns given Array with specified content.

jModifier.array.fill(<Array(Target)>*, <Any(Content)>*)
// If no content is specified (2nd argument), it will return with
// each item as a number starting from 0
    jModifier.array.fill(new Array(5))
); // output: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

// With content:
    jModifier.array.fill(new Array(3), "foo")
); // output: ["foo", "foo", "foo"]

// Keep in mind, the above does not assign, only returns!

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Wraps given argument in Array if not Array already.


Utilizes: jModifier.array.listy

// .array.wrap is useful for when you don't know whether
// an incoming variable is an Array or not

const notArray = "foo";
const isArray = ["bar"];

); // output: ["foo"]

); // output: ["bar"]

// (Always returns as array)

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Gets index of item within given Array.

jModifier.array.getIndex(<Array(Target)>*, <Any(Item)>*)
// Useful for getting the index of an element within an Array
const listItems = jModifier.dom.query("#my-element ul li");
const listItem = jModifier.dom.query("#my-element ul:nth-child(1) li:nth-child(3)");

    jModifier.array.getIndex(listItems, listItem) // (3rd item)
); // output: 2

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Simply an Object that consists of list style type Objects. Add your custom Array to this Object for other jModifier method compatibility.



Create a table of functions that get evaluated when executed depending on the manipulation function

jModifier.function.argumentEvaluator(<Object(Table)>*, <Function(Manipulation)>)
// The argumentEvaluator method is a great way
// to avoid using multiple if else statements
const evaluator = jModifier.function.argumentEvaluator({
    "1:2:3": function() { // make sure to add the colon to seperate arguments
        return "123!";
    "4:5:6": function() {
        return "456!";

    evaluator(1, 2, 3)
); // output: "123!"

    evaluator(4, 5, 6)
); // output: "456!"

/* Example with argument manipulation */
const evaluatorWAM = jModifier.function.argumentEvaluator({
    "Number:String:Number": function() {
        return "Number String Number!";
    "Object:Object:Object": function() {
        return "3x Object!";
}, function(value) {
    // The below returns the constructor name which if 
    // matches a function in the above table,
    // it will execute said function

    evaluatorWAM(1, "o", 1)
); // output: "Number String Number!"

    evaluatorWAM({}, {}, {})
) // output: "3x Object!"

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Returns arguments of given Function

function foo(one, two, three) {}

); // output: ["one", "two", "three"]

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var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
// jModifier [Mon May 28 2018 03:14:45 GMT+0800 (W. Australia Standard Time)] - Written by Jeremy J Parmenter a.k.a. @JeremyJaydan
const jModifier = function () {
function domClassList(target, classNames, opts, targetProp){
if(this != jMethods.dom){
opts = classNames;
classNames = target;
target = this;
let elements = jMethods.dom.query(target);
classNames.split(" ").forEach(function(className){
}, opts);
var jMethods = {
"for": function _for(arr, cb, opts) {
if (this != jMethods) {
opts = cb;
cb = arr;
arr = this;
if (arr) {
if (arr.constructor === Number) arr = jMethods.array.fill(new Array(arr));
if (typeof cb === "function") {
opts = opts || {};
arr = opts.reverse ? arr.reverse() : opts.shuffle ? jMethods.array.shuffle(arr) : arr;
if (opts.dupe && !opts.dupeInit) {
var dArr = [],
rep = opts.dupe;
for (var i = 0; i < rep; i++) {
for (var a = 0; a < arr.length; a++) {
arr = dArr;
var init = function init() {
for (var _i = 0; _i < arr.length; _i++) {
if (opts.interval) {
var timeout = _i === 0 ? 0 : opts.interval.constructor === Array ? jMethods.array.sum(opts.interval, _i) : opts.interval * _i;
setTimeout(cb, timeout, arr[_i], _i);
} else {
cb(arr[_i], _i);
opts.delay ? setTimeout(init, opts.delay) : init();
setTimeout(function () {
if (opts.done && opts.done.constructor === Function) opts.delay ? setTimeout(opts.done, opts.delay) : opts.done();
if (opts.loop) {
opts.dupeInit = true;
jMethods.for(arr, cb, opts);
}, opts.interval ? opts.interval.constructor === Array ? jMethods.array.sum(opts.interval) : opts.interval * arr.length : 0);
"dom": {
query: function query(primary, reference, Constructor) {
if (this != jMethods.dom) {
reference = primary;
primary = this;
let isList = primary.isList || primary.constructor === Array || primary.constructor === NodeList;
var _parent = isList ? primary : jMethods.dom.querySelectorAll(document, primary, Constructor);
if (reference) {
if (reference.constructor === String) {
var elements = [];
jMethods.array.wrap(reference).forEach(function (ref) {
_parent.forEach(function (item) {
return item.querySelectorAll(ref).forEach(function (element) {
return elements.push(element);
return new jMethods.dom.ElementCollection(elements);
} else if (reference.constructor === Object) {
var elementReference = {};
jMethods.object.forEachProperty(reference, function (key, val, path) {
if (val && val.constructor != Object) jMethods.object.pathSet(elementReference, path.join("."), jMethods.dom.query(_parent, val));
return _parent;
querySelectorAll: function querySelectorAll(_parent, primary, Constructor) {
var elements = [];
Constructor = Constructor || jModifier.dom.ElementCollection;
primary = jMethods.array.wrap(primary);
primary.forEach(function (target) {
var result = jMethods.array.wrap(target && (typeof target === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(target)) === "object" ? target : _parent.querySelectorAll(target));
for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
return new Constructor(elements, null, true);
on: function on(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) {
if (this != jMethods.dom) {
arg5 = arg4;
arg4 = arg3;
arg3 = arg2;
arg2 = arg1;
arg1 = this;
var elements = jModifier.dom.query(arg1);
var events = arg2;
var args = arg4;
var ucap = arg5;
var apply = function apply(eventStr, cb) {
eventStr.replace(/ /g, "").split(",").forEach(function (evt) {
elements.forEach(function (element, index) {
var callback = function callback(event) {
var obj = { node: element, index: index, collection: elements, event };
var argKeys = Object.keys(args);
obj[key] = args[key];
return && ? : this, obj);
element.addEventListener(evt, callback, ucap);
jMethods.array.wrap(events).forEach(function (event) {
event.constructor === String ? apply(event, arg3) : jMethods.object.forEachProperty(event, function (evtStr, cb) {
return apply(evtStr, cb);
addClass: function(target, classNames, opts){, target, classNames, opts, "add");
return this;
removeClass: function(target, classNames, opts){, target, classNames, opts, "remove");
return this;
create: function create(str, reference) {
if (str) {
var target = void 0;
if (this != jMethods.dom) target = this;
var nestedArray = str.constructor === String ? jMethods.string.toNestedArray(str) : str;
return jMethods.dom.createElements(nestedArray, reference, null, target);
createElement: function createElement(tagName, amt) {
var elements = [];
for (var i = 0, amount = amt || 1; i < amount; i++) {
}return elements;
createElements: function createElements(nestedArray, reference, collectionRec, target) {
var collection = target || new jMethods.dom.ElementCollection();
nestedArray.forEach(function (item) {
var key = jMethods.string.getDelimiters(item[0], ".#*+");
var tag = key.tag;
var dels = key.dels;
var amount = dels['*'];
var id = dels["#"];
var classes = dels["."];
var attributes = dels["+"];
var children = item[1];
var elements = jMethods.dom.createElement(tag, amount ? amount[0] : 1);
elements.forEach(function (element) {
if (classes) classes.forEach(function (className) {
return element.classList.add(className);
if (id) = id[0];
if (attributes) {
attributes.forEach(function (attr) {
var aSplit = attr.split("=");
var aKey = aSplit[0];
var aVal = aSplit[1] || "";
element.setAttribute(aKey, aVal);
if (children) jMethods.dom.createElements(children, reference, collection).forEach(function (childElement) {
return element.appendChild(childElement);
if (!collectionRec && reference) collection.query(reference);
return collection;
insertInto: function insertInto(target, e, position) {
if (this != jMethods.dom) {
position = e;
e = this;
e = e.constructor === Function && === "handler" ? e[0] : e;
target = target.constructor === Function && === "handler" ? target.$ : target;
var elements = jMethods.array.wrap(e);
target = jMethods.dom.query(target, null, true)[0];
position = target.children[position] || null;
for (var i = 0, length = elements.length; i < length; i++) {
target.insertBefore(elements[i], position);
}return elements;
replaceChildren: function replaceChildren(target, replacement) {
if (this != jMethods.dom) {
replacement = target;
target = this;
Array.from(target[0].children).forEach(child => target[0].removeChild(child));
jMethods.dom.insertInto(target, replacement);
component: function(comp, prototypes){
prototypes = prototypes || {};
prototypes.component = {parent: null};
let Component = jMethods.class.extend(
function Component(i, r, isc){
isc ?, i, r) : comp.apply(this, arguments); = this;
}, prototypes
return Component;
components: function(compsObj){
jMethods.object.forEachProperty(compsObj, function(key, val){
return jMethods.dom.component(val);
return compsObj;
"string": {
toNestedArray: function toNestedArray(str) {
str = str.constructor === RegExp ? str.source : str;
str = str.replace(/\s/g, "");
var seperate = function seperate(node) {
var nl = node.length,
io = node.indexOf("["),
tag = io >= 0 ? node.substring(0, io) : node,
children = void 0;
if (io >= 0) children = node.substring(io + 1, nl - 1);
return children ? [tag, children] : [tag];
recursive = function recursive(str) {
var ns = jMethods.string.splitFromXOutsideY(str, ",", "[]", true),
nodes = [];
for (var i = 0, nsl = ns.length; i < nsl; i++) {
var sep = seperate(ns[i]),
children = sep[1];
if (children) {
sep[1] = recursive(children);
return nodes;
return recursive(str);
splitFromXOutsideY: function splitFromXOutsideY(str, X, Y, removeWhitespace) {
if (removeWhitespace) str = str.replace(/\s/g, "");
var commas = [],
nestPos = 0,
split = [];
for (var i = 0, sLength = str.length; i < sLength; i++) {
nestPos += str[i] === Y[0] ? 1 : str[i] === Y[1] ? -1 : 0;
if (str[i] === X && nestPos === 0) commas.push(i);
var cLength = commas.length ? commas.length + 1 : 1;
for (var _i2 = 0; _i2 < cLength; _i2++) {
var pos = commas[_i2],
last = commas[_i2 - 1] || 0;
split.push(str.substring(last === 0 ? last : last + 1, pos));
return split;
getDelimiters: function getDelimiters(str, delimiterString) {
var dels = {};
var delimiters = delimiterString.split("").map(function (del, index) {
return "\\" + del + (index < delimiterString.length - 1 ? "|" : "");
var regex = new RegExp("(?=" + delimiters.join("") + ")", "g");
var split = str.split(regex);
var tag = split[0];
split.forEach(function (del) {
var delimiter = del[0];
if (!dels[delimiter]) dels[delimiter] = [];
var target = dels[delimiter];
target.push(del.substring(1, del.length));
return { tag: tag, dels: dels };
"object": {
assign: function assign(obj, assignment, index, top, dupeIndex, arrayLength) {
if (this != jMethods.object) {
assignment = obj;
obj = this;
if (!top) top = obj;
var keys = Object.keys(assignment);
for (var i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; i++) {
var key = keys[i],
val = assignment[key],
cCon = val ? val.constructor : val,
constName = cCon ? : cCon,
indx = !isNaN(index);
if (jMethods.object.NumStringBool[constName] || val === null || val === undefined) {
if (val !== undefined) obj[key] = val;
} else {
if (indx && jMethods.array.listy[constName]) {
index = dupeIndex !== undefined ? dupeIndex : index;
if (val[index]) obj[key] = val[index];
} else if (indx && cCon === Function && === "$") {
if (dupeIndex) index = index - dupeIndex * arrayLength;
var returned = val(obj[key], index, top);
if (returned || !isNaN(returned)) obj[key] = returned;
} else if (cCon === Object) {
if (!obj[key]) obj[key] = {};
jMethods.object.assign(obj[key], val, index, top, dupeIndex, arrayLength);
} else {
obj[key] = val;
return obj;
isType: function isType(trgt, type) {
for (var s = 0, length = type.length; s < length; s++) {
if ( === type[s]) return true;
}return false;
pathValue: function pathValue(target, path) {
if (this != jMethods.object) {
path = target;
target = this;
path = path.constructor === Array ? path : path.split(".");
var current = void 0;
for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
current = current ? current[path[i]] : target[path[i]];
if (current === undefined) return null;
return current;
pathSet: function pathSet(target, path, value) {
if (path) {
path = jMethods.array.wrap(path.split("."));
var prop = path[path.length - 1];
if (path.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
var current = path.slice(0, i + 1);
var currentKey = current[current.length - 1];
var node = current.join(".");
var pathValue = jMethods.object.pathValue(target, node);
var _parent = jMethods.object.pathValue(target, path.slice(0, i)) || target;
if (!pathValue) {
if (_parent) _parent[currentKey] = {};
if (i === path.length - 1) {
_parent[currentKey][prop] = value;
} else {
target[prop] = value;
NumStringBool: { Number: Number, String: String, Boolean: Boolean },
findPathIndex: function findPathIndex(target, path) {
if (path) {
var split = path.split(".");
for (var i = split.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
if (jModifier.object.pathValue(target, split) != undefined) return i;
forEachProperty: function forEachProperty(obj, cb) {
var path = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : [];
var top = arguments[3];
if (!top) top = obj;
var keys = Object.keys(obj);
keys.forEach(function (key) {
var val = obj[key];
var callback = cb(key, obj[key], path);
if (callback) obj[key] = callback;
var pathIndex = jMethods.object.findPathIndex(top, path.join("."));
if (val.constructor === Object) jMethods.object.forEachProperty(obj[key], cb, path, top);
path.splice(pathIndex, path.length + 1);
"class": {
create: function create() {
var target = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : function () {};
var prototypes = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
Object.assign(target.prototype, prototypes);
return target;
extend: function extend(target, extension) {
var prototypes = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};
Object.assign(extension.prototype, target.prototype);
Object.assign(extension.prototype, prototypes);
return extension;
"array": {
assign: function assign(array, assignment, opts) {
if (this != jMethods.array) {
opts = assignment;
assignment = array;
array = this;
array = array.constructor === String ? jMethods.dom.query(array, null, true) : array;
jMethods.for(jMethods.array.wrap(array), function (item, index) {
jMethods.object.assign(item, assignment, index, null, opts && opts.dupe ? Math.floor(index / array.length) : undefined, array.length);
}, opts);
return array;
shuffle: function shuffle(arr) {
arr = this === jMethods.array ? arr : this;
var a = [];
arr.forEach(function (item) {
return a.push(item);
var length = a.length,
shuffled = new arr.constructor();
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * a.length);
a.splice(a.indexOf(a[rand]), 1);
return shuffled;
sum: function sum(arr, stopPoint) {
var a = arr.slice(0, stopPoint || arr.length);
return a.reduce(function (a, b) {
return a + b;
fill: function fill(arr, content) {
return arr.fill(undefined).map(function (a, b) {
return content || b;
wrap: function wrap(trgt) {
if(trgt) return typeof trgt === "string" ? [trgt] : trgt.length ? trgt : [trgt];
// if (trgt) return jMethods.array.listy[] ? trgt : new Array(typeof trgt === "number" ? trgt.toString() : trgt);
getIndex: function getIndex(arr, trgt) {
var length = arr.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (arr[i] === trgt) return i;
listy: {
Array: Array,
Int8Array: Int8Array,
Uint8ClampedArray: Uint8ClampedArray,
Int16Array: Int16Array,
Uint16Array: Uint16Array,
Int32Array: Int32Array,
Uint32Array: Uint32Array,
Float32Array: Float32Array,
Float64Array: Float64Array,
NodeList: NodeList
"function": {
argumentEvaluator: function argumentEvaluator(table, func) {
return function argumentEvaluator() {
var length = arguments.length,
result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var arg = arguments[i];
var argReturn = func ? func(arg) : arg;
if (argReturn && argReturn != "undefined") result.push(argReturn);
var endResult = result.join(":");
var target = table[endResult] || table.else;
if (table.log_output)"Argument Evaluator Result: ", endResult);
if (target) return target.apply(null, arguments);
getArguments: function getArguments(func) {
var funcStr = JSON.stringify("" + func);
var open = funcStr.indexOf("(");
var close = funcStr.indexOf(")");
var refined = funcStr.substring(open + 1, close).replace(/\s/g, "").split(",");
return refined;
Validator: function(validations){
return function(validationChecks){
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
jMethods.object.forEachProperty(validations, function(key, validate){
let validationCheckProp = validationChecks[key];
let check = validate(validationCheck);
if(check.invalid) reject(check);
/* Collection */
jMethods.Collection = jMethods.class.create(function Collection(items, reference) {
var _this = this;
items = jMethods.array.wrap(items) || [];
items.forEach(function (item, index) {
return _this[index] = item;
if (reference && reference.constructor === Object) this.set(reference);
Object.defineProperty(this, "length", { value: items.length, writable: true });
}, {
get: jMethods.object.pathValue,
set: function set(path, val) {
var _this2 = this;
if (path && path.constructor === Object) {
var reference = path;
var refKeys = Object.keys(reference);
refKeys.forEach(function (key) {
var item = reference[key];
if (item) {
val = item;
var subReference = {};
if (item.constructor === Object) {
val = item.self;
subReference = item;
delete subReference.self;
_this2[key] = new _this2.constructor(val, subReference, true);
} else {
var collection = val.constructor === this.constructor ? val : new this.constructor(val);
return this;
toArray: function toArray() {
var arr = [];
this.forEach(function (item) {
return arr.push(item);
return arr;
isList: true,
self: function(obj){
jMethods.object.assign(this, obj);
forEach: jMethods.for,
assign: jMethods.array.assign,
shuffle: jMethods.array.shuffle,
push: Array.prototype.push,
reverse: Array.prototype.reverse,
splice: Array.prototype.splice,
pop: Array.prototype.pop,
shift: Array.prototype.shift,
unshift: Array.prototype.unshift
/* Element Collection */
jMethods.dom.ElementCollection = jMethods.class.extend(jMethods.Collection, function ElementCollection(items, reference) {, items, reference);
}, {
query: jMethods.dom.query,
querySelectorAll: jMethods.dom.querySelectorAll,
insertInto: jMethods.dom.insertInto,
on: jMethods.dom.on,
addClass: jMethods.dom.addClass,
removeClass: jMethods.dom.removeClass
/* Listy types */
Object.assign(jMethods.array.listy, {
Collection: true,
ElementCollection: true,
ComponentCollection: true
/* DOM Component */
jMethods.dom.Component = jMethods.class.extend(jMethods.dom.ElementCollection, function Component(items, reference){, items, reference);
}, {
use: function(a, b){
let collection = jMethods.dom.query(a, b, this.constructor);
let self = this;
Object.assign(this, collection);
create: jMethods.dom.create
return jMethods;
module.exports = jModifier;
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