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Last active June 20, 2017 09:49
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Affine transform with bounding box
* The function performs an arbitrary affine transform for an arbitrary
* number of dimensions. The resulting view is automatically bounded
* @param image
* input image
* @param affine
* defines the transformation
* @param interpolator
* defines the type of interpolation
* @return the transformed data defined on a View with bounded source
private <K extends RealType<K>> IntervalView<K> affineBoundingBox(final RandomAccessibleInterval<K> image,
final AffineGet affine, InterpolatorFactory<K, RandomAccessible<K>> interpolator) {
// extend with zeros
final RealRandomAccessible<K> field = Views.interpolate(Views.extendZero(image), interpolator);
// transform the data
final AffineRandomAccessible<K, AffineGet> sheared = RealViews.affine(field, affine);
int numDims = sheared.numDimensions();
// to hold the bounds of the transformed data
long[] min = new long[numDims];
long[] max = new long[numDims];
Arrays.fill(min, Long.MAX_VALUE);
Arrays.fill(max, Long.MIN_VALUE);
// to hold the corners of the dataset before and after transformation
final double[] source = new double[numDims];
double[] target = new double[numDims];
// dataset dimensions
final long[] dims = new long[numDims];
// for calculating the corner coordinates
final long[] normDims = new long[numDims];
Arrays.fill(normDims, 2);
// to hold unnormalised coordinates, eg [1, 0, 0] or [1, 1, 1]
final long[] normPos = new long[numDims];
// loop over corners, there are 2^(numDimensions)
for (int i = 0; i < Math.pow(2, numDims); i++) {
// calculate unnormalised coordinates
IntervalIndexer.indexToPosition(i, normDims, normPos);
// normalise coordinate
for (int d = 0; d < numDims; d++)
source[d] = dims[d] * normPos[d];
// apply affine transform to corner
affine.apply(source, target);
// if corner is extremal value in any dimension update bounds
for (int d = 0; d < min.length; d++) {
if (target[d] < min[d])
min[d] = (long) Math.floor(target[d]);
if (target[d] > max[d])
max[d] = (long) Math.ceil(target[d]);
// create interval from extremal values
FinalInterval bounds = new FinalInterval(min, max);
// return View with bounded source
return Views.interval(sheared, bounds);
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