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Created October 30, 2016 04:08
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main program making use of TRDL to draw shapes
extern crate glutin;
extern crate trdl;
use std::os::raw::c_void;
fn make_shape(off_x: f32, off_y: f32) -> (trdl::FilledPath) {
let a0 = (150f32 + off_x, 150f32 + off_y);
let b0 = (300f32 + off_x, 200f32 + off_y);
let bc1 = (350f32 + off_x, 250f32 + off_y);
let bc2 = (200f32 + off_x, 250f32 + off_y);
let c0 = (200f32 + off_x, 300f32 + off_y);
let d0 = (50f32 + off_x, 100f32 + off_y);
let de1 = (0f32 + off_x, 50f32 + off_y);
let de2 = (50f32 + off_x, 0f32 + off_y);
let e0 = (150f32 + off_x, 0f32 + off_y);
add_bezier_curve(b0, bc1, bc2).
add_bezier_curve(d0, de1, de2).
set_fill_color(1f32, 1f32, 0f32).
set_stroke(0f32, 0f32, 1f32, 2)
struct Window {
w: glutin::Window
impl trdl::Window for Window {
fn set_context(&self) {
unsafe { self.w.make_current().unwrap() };
fn load_fn(&self, addr: &str) -> *const c_void {
self.w.get_proc_address(addr) as *const c_void
fn main() {
let window_size = (1024, 768);
let window = Window {
w: glutin::WindowBuilder::new().
with_dimensions(window_size.0, window_size.1).
with_title("TRDL Test").
build().unwrap() };
let mut drawing = trdl::Drawing::new(&window, window_size.0, window_size.1);
let mut depth_idx = 0u32;
let sqrt_size = 10u32;
let num_shapes = sqrt_size * sqrt_size;
let wx = window_size.0 as i32 - 300i32;
let wy = window_size.1 as i32 - 300i32;
for i in 0..sqrt_size {
let delta_x = wx * (i as i32) / (sqrt_size as i32);
for j in 0..sqrt_size {
let delta_y = wy * (j as i32) / (sqrt_size as i32);
let depth = 1.0f32 - 2.0f32 * (depth_idx as f32) / (num_shapes as f32);
depth_idx += 1;
drawing.add_filled_path(make_shape(delta_x as f32, delta_y as f32), depth).unwrap();
for event in window.w.wait_events() {
if let glutin::Event::Closed = event {
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