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Created August 30, 2015 09:54
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declare module 'aurelia-validation' {
import { Metadata } from 'aurelia-metadata';
import { ObserverLocator } from 'aurelia-binding';
import { inject } from 'aurelia-dependency-injection';
import { customAttribute } from 'aurelia-templating';
export class Debouncer {
constructor(debounceTimeout: any);
debounce(func: any): any;
export class ValidationMetadata {
static metadataKey: any;
getOrCreateProperty(propertyName: any): any;
setup(validation: any): any;
class ValidationPropertyMetadata {
constructor(propertyName: any);
addSetupStep(setupStep: any): any;
setup(validation: any): any;
export function ensure(setupStep: any): any;
export class PathObserver {
constructor(observerLocator: any, subject: any, path: any);
// TODO: this should be replaced with reuse of the Binding system
observeParts(propertyName: any): any;
observePart(part: any): any;
getObserver(): any;
getValue(): any;
subscribe(callback: any): any;
unsubscribe(): any;
export class Utilities {
static getValue(val: any): any;
static isEmptyValue(val: any): any;
export class ValidateCustomAttributeViewStrategyBase {
getValidationProperty(validation: any, element: any): any;
prepareElement(validationProperty: any, element: any): any;
updateElement(validationProperty: any, element: any): any;
export class TWBootstrapViewStrategy extends ValidateCustomAttributeViewStrategyBase {
constructor(appendMessageToInput: any, appendMessageToLabel: any, helpBlockClass: any);
searchFormGroup(currentElement: any, currentDepth: any): any;
findLabels(formGroup: any, inputId: any): any;
findLabelsRecursively(currentElement: any, inputId: any, currentLabels: any, currentDepth: any): any;
appendMessageToElement(element: any, validationProperty: any): any;
appendUIVisuals(validationProperty: any, currentElement: any): any;
prepareElement(validationProperty: any, element: any): any;
updateElement(validationProperty: any, element: any): any;
export class ValidateCustomAttributeViewStrategy {
export class ValidateCustomAttribute {
constructor(element: any);
valueChanged(newValue: any): any;
subscribeChangedHandlers(currentElement: any): any;
detached(): any;
attached(): any;
export class ValidationConfigDefaults {
export class ValidationConfig {
constructor(innerConfig: any);
getValue(identifier: any): any;
setValue(identifier: any, value: any): any;
// fluent API
onLocaleChanged(callback: any): any;
getDebounceTimeout(): any;
useDebounceTimeout(value: any): any;
getDependencies(): any;
computedFrom(dependencies: any): any;
useLocale(localeIdentifier: any): any;
locale(): any;
useViewStrategy(viewStrategy: any): any;
getViewStrategy(): any;
treatAllPropertiesAsMandatory(): any;
treatAllPropertiesAsOptional(): any;
export class ValidationGroupBuilder {
constructor(observerLocator: any, validationGroup: any);
ensure(propertyName: any, configurationCallback: any): any;
isNotEmpty(): any;
canBeEmpty(): any;
isGreaterThan(minimumValue: any): any;
isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(minimumValue: any): any;
isBetween(minimumValue: any, maximumValue: any): any;
isIn(collection: any): any;
isLessThan(maximumValue: any): any;
isLessThanOrEqualTo(maximumValue: any): any;
isEqualTo(otherValue: any, otherValueLabel: any): any;
isNotEqualTo(otherValue: any, otherValueLabel: any): any;
isEmail(): any;
isURL(): any;
hasMinLength(minimumValue: any): any;
hasMaxLength(maximumValue: any): any;
hasLengthBetween(minimumValue: any, maximumValue: any): any;
isNumber(): any;
containsNoSpaces(): any;
containsOnlyDigits(): any;
containsOnlyAlpha(): any;
containsOnlyAlphaOrWhitespace(): any;
containsOnlyAlphanumerics(): any;
containsOnlyAlphanumericsOrWhitespace(): any;
isStrongPassword(minimumComplexityLevel: any): any;
containsOnly(regex: any): any;
matches(regex: any): any;
passes(customFunction: any, threshold: any): any;
passesRule(validationRule: any): any;
checkLast(): any;
withMessage(message: any): any;
if(conditionExpression: any): any;
else(): any;
endIf(): any;
switch(conditionExpression: any): any;
case(caseLabel: any): any;
default(): any;
endSwitch(): any;
* Encapsulates validation rules and their current validation state for a given subject
* @class ValidationGroup
* @constructor
export class ValidationGroup {
* Instantiates a new {ValidationGroup}
* @param subject The subject to evaluate
* @param observerLocator The observerLocator used to monitor changes on the subject
* @param config The configuration
constructor(subject: any, observerLocator: any, config: any);
destroy(): any;
// TODO: what else needs to be done for proper cleanup?
clear(): any;
onBreezeEntity(): any;
* Causes complete re-evaluation: gets the latest value, marks the property as 'dirty' (unless false is passed), runs validation rules asynchronously and updates this.result
* @returns {Promise} A promise that fulfils when valid, rejects when invalid.
validate(forceDirty?: any, forceExecution?: any): any;
onValidate(validationFunction: any, validationFunctionFailedCallback: any): any;
onPropertyValidate(validationFunction: any): any;
* Adds a validation property for the specified path
* @param {String} bindingPath the path of the property/field, for example 'firstName' or 'address.muncipality.zipCode'
* @param configCallback a configuration callback
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
ensure(bindingPath: any, configCallback: any): any;
* Adds a validation rule that checks a value for being 'isNotEmpty', 'required'
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
isNotEmpty(): any;
* Adds a validation rule that allows a value to be empty/null
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
canBeEmpty(): any;
* Adds a validation rule that checks a value for being greater than or equal to a threshold
* @param minimumValue the threshold
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(minimumValue: any): any;
* Adds a validation rule that checks a value for being greater than a threshold
* @param minimumValue the threshold
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
isGreaterThan(minimumValue: any): any;
* Adds a validation rule that checks a value for being greater than or equal to a threshold, and less than or equal to another threshold
* @param minimumValue The minimum threshold
* @param maximumValue The isLessThanOrEqualTo threshold
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
isBetween(minimumValue: any, maximumValue: any): any;
* Adds a validation rule that checks a value for being less than a threshold
* @param maximumValue The threshold
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
isLessThanOrEqualTo(maximumValue: any): any;
* Adds a validation rule that checks a value for being less than or equal to a threshold
* @param maximumValue The threshold
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
isLessThan(maximumValue: any): any;
* Adds a validation rule that checks a value for being equal to a threshold
* @param otherValue The threshold
* @param otherValueLabel Optional: a label to use in the validation message
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
isEqualTo(otherValue: any, otherValueLabel: any): any;
* Adds a validation rule that checks a value for not being equal to a threshold
* @param otherValue The threshold
* @param otherValueLabel Optional: a label to use in the validation message
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
isNotEqualTo(otherValue: any, otherValueLabel: any): any;
* Adds a validation rule that checks a value for being a valid isEmail address
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
isEmail(): any;
* Adds a validation rule that checks a value for being a valid URL
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
isURL(): any;
* Adds a validation rule that checks a value for being equal to at least one other value in a particular collection
* @param collection The threshold
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
isIn(collection: any): any;
* Adds a validation rule that checks a value for having a length greater than or equal to a specified threshold
* @param minimumValue The threshold
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
hasMinLength(minimumValue: any): any;
* Adds a validation rule that checks a value for having a length less than a specified threshold
* @param maximumValue The threshold
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
hasMaxLength(maximumValue: any): any;
* Adds a validation rule that checks a value for having a length greater than or equal to a specified threshold and less than another threshold
* @param minimumValue The min threshold
* @param maximumValue The max threshold
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
hasLengthBetween(minimumValue: any, maximumValue: any): any;
* Adds a validation rule that checks a value for being numeric, this includes formatted numbers like '-3,600.25'
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
isNumber(): any;
* Adds a validation rule that checks a value for containing not a single whitespace
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
containsNoSpaces(): any;
* Adds a validation rule that checks a value for being strictly numeric, this excludes formatted numbers like '-3,600.25'
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
containsOnlyDigits(): any;
containsOnly(regex: any): any;
containsOnlyAlpha(): any;
containsOnlyAlphaOrWhitespace(): any;
containsOnlyLetters(): any;
containsOnlyLettersOrWhitespace(): any;
* Adds a validation rule that checks a value for only containing alphanumerical characters
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
containsOnlyAlphanumerics(): any;
* Adds a validation rule that checks a value for only containing alphanumerical characters or whitespace
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
containsOnlyAlphanumericsOrWhitespace(): any;
* Adds a validation rule that checks a value for being a strong password. A strong password contains at least the specified of the following groups: lowercase characters, uppercase characters, digits and special characters.
* @param minimumComplexityLevel {Number} Optionally, specifiy the number of groups to match. Default is 4.
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
isStrongPassword(minimumComplexityLevel: any): any;
* Adds a validation rule that checks a value for matching a particular regex
* @param regex the regex to match
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
matches(regex: any): any;
* Adds a validation rule that checks a value for passing a custom function
* @param customFunction {Function} The custom function that needs to pass, that takes two arguments: newValue (the value currently being evaluated) and optionally: threshold, and returns true/false.
* @param threshold {Object} An optional threshold that will be passed to the customFunction
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
passes(customFunction: any, threshold: any): any;
* Adds the {ValidationRule}
* @param validationRule {ValudationRule} The rule that needs to pass
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
passesRule(validationRule: any): any;
* Specifies that the next validation rules only need to be evaluated when the specified conditionExpression is true
* @param conditionExpression {Function} a function that returns true of false.
* @param threshold {Object} an optional treshold object that is passed to the conditionExpression
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
if(conditionExpression: any, threshold: any): any;
* Specifies that the next validation rules only need to be evaluated when the previously specified conditionExpression is false.
* See: if(conditionExpression, threshold)
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
else(): any;
* Specifies that the execution of next validation rules no longer depend on the the previously specified conditionExpression.
* See: if(conditionExpression, threshold)
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
endIf(): any;
* Specifies that the next validation rules only need to be evaluated when they are preceded by a case that matches the conditionExpression
* @param conditionExpression {Function} a function that returns a case label to execute. This is optional, when omitted the case label will be matched using the underlying property's value
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
switch(conditionExpression: any): any;
* Specifies that the next validation rules only need to be evaluated when the caseLabel matches the value returned by a preceding switch statement
* See: switch(conditionExpression)
* @param caseLabel {Object} the case label
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
case(caseLabel: any): any;
* Specifies that the next validation rules only need to be evaluated when not other caseLabel matches the value returned by a preceding switch statement
* See: switch(conditionExpression)
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
default(): any;
* Specifies that the execution of next validation rules no longer depend on the the previously specified conditionExpression.
* See: switch(conditionExpression)
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
endSwitch(): any;
* Specifies that the execution of the previous validation rule should use the specified error message if it fails
* @param message either a static string or a function that takes two arguments: newValue (the value that has been evaluated) and threshold.
* @returns {ValidationGroup} returns this ValidationGroup, to enable fluent API
withMessage(message: any): any;
export class ValidationLocale {
constructor(defaults: any, data: any);
getValueFor(identifier: any, category: any): any;
setting(settingIdentifier: any): any;
translate(translationIdentifier: any, newValue: any, threshold: any): any;
class ValidationLocaleRepository {
load(localeIdentifier: any, basePath: any): any;
addLocale(localeIdentifier: any, data: any): any;
export class ValidationProperty {
constructor(observerLocator: any, propertyName: any, validationGroup: any, propertyResult: any, config: any);
addValidationRule(validationRule: any): any;
validateCurrentValue(forceDirty: any, forceExecution: any): any;
clear(): any;
destroy(): any;
// TODO: what else needs to be done for proper cleanup?
* returns a promise that fulfils and resolves to true/false
validate(newValue: any, shouldBeDirty: any, forceExecution: any): any;
export class ValidationResult {
addProperty(name: any): any;
checkValidity(): any;
clear(): any;
export class ValidationResultProperty {
constructor(group: any);
clear(): any;
onValidate(onValidateCallback: any): any;
notifyObserversOfChange(): any;
setValidity(validationResponse: any, shouldBeDirty: any): any;
export class ValidationRulesCollection {
constructor(config: any);
* Returns a promise that fulfils and resolves to simple result status object.
validate(newValue: any, locale: any): any;
addValidationRule(validationRule: any): any;
addValidationRuleCollection(validationRulesCollection: any): any;
isNotEmpty(): any;
canBeEmpty(): any;
withMessage(message: any): any;
export class SwitchCaseValidationRulesCollection {
constructor(conditionExpression: any, config: any);
case(caseLabel: any): any;
// force creation
default(): any;
getCurrentCollection(caseLabel: any, createIfNotExists?: any): any;
validate(newValue: any, locale: any): any;
addValidationRule(validationRule: any): any;
addValidationRuleCollection(validationRulesCollection: any): any;
isNotEmpty(): any;
canBeEmpty(): any;
withMessage(message: any): any;
export class ValidationRule {
constructor(threshold: any, onValidate: any, message: any, ruleName: any);
withMessage(message: any): any;
explain(): any;
setResult(result: any, currentValue: any, locale: any): any;
* Validation rules: return a promise that fulfills and resolves to true/false
validate(currentValue: any, locale: any): any;
export class URLValidationRule extends ValidationRule {
static isIP(str: any, version: any): any;
static isFQDN(str: any, options: any): any;
constructor(threshold: any);
export class EmailValidationRule extends ValidationRule {
static testEmailUserUtf8Regex(user: any): any;
static isFQDN(str: any): any;
export class MinimumLengthValidationRule extends ValidationRule {
constructor(minimumLength: any);
export class MaximumLengthValidationRule extends ValidationRule {
constructor(maximumLength: any);
export class BetweenLengthValidationRule extends ValidationRule {
constructor(minimumLength: any, maximumLength: any);
export class CustomFunctionValidationRule extends ValidationRule {
constructor(customFunction: any, threshold: any);
export class NumericValidationRule extends ValidationRule {
export class RegexValidationRule extends ValidationRule {
constructor(regex: any, ruleName: any);
export class ContainsOnlyValidationRule extends RegexValidationRule {
constructor(regex: any);
export class MinimumValueValidationRule extends ValidationRule {
constructor(minimumValue: any);
export class MinimumInclusiveValueValidationRule extends ValidationRule {
constructor(minimumValue: any);
export class MaximumValueValidationRule extends ValidationRule {
constructor(maximumValue: any);
export class MaximumInclusiveValueValidationRule extends ValidationRule {
constructor(maximumValue: any);
export class BetweenValueValidationRule extends ValidationRule {
constructor(minimumValue: any, maximumValue: any);
export class DigitValidationRule extends ValidationRule {
export class NoSpacesValidationRule extends ValidationRule {
export class AlphaNumericValidationRule extends ValidationRule {
export class AlphaValidationRule extends ValidationRule {
export class AlphaOrWhitespaceValidationRule extends ValidationRule {
export class AlphaNumericOrWhitespaceValidationRule extends ValidationRule {
export class MediumPasswordValidationRule extends ValidationRule {
constructor(minimumComplexityLevel: any, ruleName: any);
export class StrongPasswordValidationRule extends MediumPasswordValidationRule {
export class EqualityValidationRuleBase extends ValidationRule {
constructor(otherValue: any, equality: any, otherValueLabel: any, ruleName: any);
export class EqualityValidationRule extends EqualityValidationRuleBase {
constructor(otherValue: any);
export class EqualityWithOtherLabelValidationRule extends EqualityValidationRuleBase {
constructor(otherValue: any, otherLabel: any);
export class InEqualityValidationRule extends EqualityValidationRuleBase {
constructor(otherValue: any);
export class InEqualityWithOtherLabelValidationRule extends EqualityValidationRuleBase {
constructor(otherValue: any, otherLabel: any);
export class InCollectionValidationRule extends ValidationRule {
constructor(collection: any);
export class Validation {
* Instantiates a new {Validation}
* @param observerLocator the observerLocator used to observer properties
* @param validationConfig the configuration
constructor(observerLocator: any, validationConfig: any);
* Returns a new validation group on the subject
* @param subject The subject to validate
* @returns {ValidationGroup} A ValidationGroup that encapsulates the validation rules and current validation state for this subject
on(subject: any, configCallback: any): any;
onBreezeEntity(breezeEntity: any, configCallback: any): any;
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