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Last active January 4, 2016 12:29
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  • Save JesseKPhillips/8621413 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JesseKPhillips/8621413 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This shows that hiding implementation behind a function and provide a very simple client interface. As per a conversation on reddit:
import std.stdio;
void main() {
Foo foo;
foo.Option.Val2 = "bye";
void myFun(ref Foo foo) {
auto prev =;
scope(exit) foo.Option = prev;
// Use proper typing while I'm at it
foo.Option.Verbosity = Foo.Verbosity.full;
foo.Option.Val2 = "hello";
struct Foo {
Properties p;
enum Verbosity { error, warn, hiphop, full }
void DoSomeDebugging() @trusted {
writeln("Verbose: ", p.Verbosity);
writeln("Val2: ", p.Val2);
@property auto Option() {
return Wrapper(&p);
@property void Option(Properties prop) {
p = prop;
// Declare a type which holds reference to Foo's properties. Since Foo is
// a structure, this wrapper shouldn't exist once Foo goes out of scope,
// since use will result in segfault.
struct Wrapper {
Properties* prop;
// The wrapper can convert to a saved property any time
alias save this;
// Each property will set the values utilized by Foo
@property void Verbosity(Foo.Verbosity fv) {
prop.Verbosity = fv;
@property void Val2(string val) {
prop.Val2 = val;
@property Properties save() {
return *prop;
// Use a simple struct
// could change to functions if desired.
struct Properties {
string _val2;
Foo.Verbosity Verbosity;
@property string Val2() {
return _val2;
@property void Val2(string v) {
_val2 = v;
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