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Last active February 26, 2020 19:39
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  • Save JessicaGreben/4b0c76d16fc24f026e0d7eb8e626f398 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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debug trace endpoint
From a production satellite:
1. Port forward from the pod
I=0; for API in $(kubectl -n satellite get pods | rg api | awk '{print $1}'); do I=$(($I+1)); kubectl -n satellite port-forward $API 5999$I:5999 & done
2. Hit the db trace debug endpoint
3. Perform desired uplink operation, i.e. upload/download/etc
4. Copy the db traces out of the pods (will be in /tmp/storj-traces) to a local path
kubectl cp <podname>:/tmp/storj-traces <local/path>
5. Inspect the traces
There are filtered and unfiltered results. Unfiltered is the entire trace if that trace touched the db. Filtered is an svgs of things that only touched the db, less useful.
File name is in the format: RPC/funcHash/<durationInNS-timestampUnixNano>.[json|svg]
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