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Last active April 26, 2019 05:43
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1. What is your greatest strength and how do you know?

  • My greatest strengths would be that in the work force, I have the ability to maintain my own virtues while respecting others. I fall under the category of "Lover of Moderation". People in this class are said to be unpretentious and sincere. Instead of making impulsive decisions, I gauge the situation first and think of the future outcome while avoiding an instant judgement call.

2. How do you work best?.

  • Because my attitude is very "OCD" esque, I work better in a more organized environment. I prefer when there's a plan, rather than being spontaneous; for me, I'm less stressed that way because I know what the outcome is going to be if the rules are followed. I also don't mind taking the lead and arranging certain engagements as well. It's like a check list; all you have to do is go down the list and follow instructions/tasks one by one and eventually you'll be done.

3. What is your greatest area of improvement?

  • I would have to say that I've gotten better at empathizing with people. Typically when it comes to work, you just assume that everyone SHOULD leave their personal matters at home and be professional at work. That's not always the case. Sometimes life's just hard, and people can't always control their feelings. When you can relate with them more, you can potentially make them feel better, which in turn can more efficient for the work flow.

4. How do you hope to maximize your strengths for your new career in software development?

  • As long as I make it into a routine and somewhat of a habit, I think it'll stick to me. Being repetitive and stern with myself as well will help me focus and in due time it'll be like muscle memory. I thin I need to work on my socializing skills more though. With socializing comes communicating, and you can't really convey a message if you feel uncomfortable or don't know how to approach people or bring up your own proposal. I'm good with empathizing, but maybe I need to empathize more with myself? Then I'll know what ways I can approach people.

5. How might knowing about your strengths and working preferences benefit you as a software developer?

  • If given a choice, you can see who you work better with and create a better working environment that's more efficient. It's good to know what you have to offer before you bring it to the table. Knowing your strengths would be a major advantage in the workforce if you know exactly what is being asked of you. You'll be able to take on certain tasks that you know you can handle, and you'll know what assistance you can provide.
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