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Last active September 2, 2019 04:56
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Facial Recognition Pros vs Cons


  1. Convenience: facial recognition will eventually be able to allow us to use our faces as a means of credit. What I mean by that is our credit cards will be linked to our faces, thus making it more convenient so we don't have to pull out our credit cards, and we also don't have to be afraid of losing our wallets or having it stolen. Besides payment methods, it can help in places like bars, where they would know who is of age, or who got in line first at the bar, etc. In a more relatable since, at schools, it can help take attendance by doing a mass scan, therefore no time is wasted of the instructors or the students.
  2. Safety & Security: When I mention security and mainly talking about the law. Law enforcement agencies are using facial recognition to identify criminals and to find those that are missing.
  3. Education: it is said that facial recognition can help instructors analyze the expressions on their student's faces given particular segments of their lecture. This can help instructors with their teaching styles, thus compensating the students with better material.


  1. Although facial recognition can be utilized for the means of convenience, there are a lot of people out there that would find that their privacy is being violated. You wouldn't know when you're being scanned (potentially causing paranoia). Along with that, since facial recognition would have the ability to do mass scannings, there would have to be muliple cameras scattered throughout multiple angles to get the accurate face. that costs MONEY.
  2. You would think that facial recognition can help with easy identification; what if it was too easy? Too easy that it was inaccurate? Studies show that sudden changes in appearance such as weight change and facial hair can cause issues with the system properly identifying people. On a more serious matter, facial recognition has inaccuracies when it comes to people of color and women recognition. That, especially if it's being utilized by the law is asking for a movement to happen. There would be so many people falsely accused of crimes they didn't do.
  3. To hold the amount of data that facial recognition systems need to store everyone's information, you would need a MASSIVE amount of storage, thus needing more computers, thus needing more money. Along with that, the cameras themselves are not just regular software, it's highly advanced; with that you would need high quality cameras that can handle the software, and the proper equipment to handle the advanced software. MONEY.


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