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Last active July 15, 2020 19:41
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### Simple indexed manual with notes.
### installation
npm i -g @adonisjs/cli
To execute in project directory
adonis new . --api-only
Then start it
adonis serve --dev
configuring database connection
MySQL example (on localhost)
npm i --save mysql
In config/database.js
connection: Env.get('DB_CONNECTION', 'mysql')
mysql: {
client: 'mysql',
connection: {
host: Env.get('DB_HOST', 'localhost'),
port: Env.get('DB_PORT', ''),
user: Env.get('DB_USER', 'root'),
password: Env.get('DB_PASSWORD', ''),
database: Env.get('DB_DATABASE', 'lysla-cms-api')
debug: Env.get('DB_DEBUG', false)
In .env file
### creating a resource
Each resource it's made up of its model, its controller and its migration
adonis make:model Item --migration --controller
🎈 In the created controller, we can remove 'create' and 'edit' method since we are developing just an API and we don't need any form rendering
Then we want to define its schema via the migration we just created
class ItemSchema extends Schema {
up () {
this.create('items', (table) => {
// my own resource's fields
down () {
🎈 Remind we got to create and run proper database structure for all kind of relationships (foreign keys and pivot table for many to many) manually with migrations
### migrations
Run migrations to populate, or update, database
adonis migration:run
Or roll em back
adonis migration:rollback
Create a migration for each schema change
adonis make:migration Item
> Select or Create (if a create already exists)
Then update fields and structure in the Schema
class ItemSchema extends Schema {
up () {
this.table('items', (table) => {
// alter table
down () {
this.table('items', (table) => {
// reverse alternations
🎈 Remind that Adonis migration syntax is developed on the top of whom enable us to define migration for tables with relationship via foreign keys
### foreign key
Migration with foreign keys
class CardSchema extends Schema {
up() {
this.create('cards', (table) => {
// foreign key to relate to items table
down() {
We can also add a foreign key to an existing table with a new migration
class CardSchema extends Schema {
up() {
this.table('cards', (table) => {
down() {
this.table('cards', (table) => {
### pivot table
Migration for pivot table
adonis make:migration item_tag
> Create table
class ItemTagSchema extends Schema {
up() {
this.create('item_tag', (table) => {
down() {
### Migration for pivot model
adonis make:migration item_box
> Create table
class ItemBoxSchema extends Schema {
up() {
this.create('item_box', (table) => {
down() {
models (💥 wip)
Each model mediates under the hood for every normal table field. Getters and setters will override its default process, as long as they respect the naming constraint.
A field named 'title' will need a getter 'getTitle' and a setter 'setTitle' (camecase)
//example 💥wip
More then getters and setters, models allows computed properties
//example 💥wip
Where the Adonis models works as ORM we always need to create proper migrations manually for each relationship, following standard RDBMS school.
one to one - 1:1
Where every Item has one and only one Card
With foreign key in Card
class Item extends Model {
card () {
return this.hasOne('App/Models/Card')
With foreign key in Item
class Card extends Model {
item () {
return this.belongsTo('App/Models/Item')
one to many - 1:n
Where every Category can contain one or more Item(s)
class Category extends Model {
items () {
return this.hasMany('App/Models/Item')
class Item extends Model {
category () {
return this.belongsTo('App/Models/Category')
many to many - n:m
Where every Item(s) can belong to one or more Tag(s)
class Item extends Model {
tags () {
return this.belongsToMany('App/Models/Tag')
class Tag extends Model {
items () {
return this.belongsToMany('App/Models/Item')
### pivot model
With pivot models we can save and access more data throu the pivot table relation
🎈 Given we already created the proper pivot table migration, we can create its model
adonis make:model ItemBox
And then define the many to many relation in the model
class Box extends Model {
items () {
return this
class Item extends Model {
boxes () {
return this
Defining routing for each available data api
In start/routes.js
Route.resource('items', 'ItemController').apiOnly()
🎈 this auto generate common routing named as follow
Route.get('items', 'ItemController.index').as('items.index')'items', '').as('')
Route.get('items/:id', '').as('')
Route.put('items/:id', 'ItemController.update').as('items.update')
Route.patch('items/:id', 'ItemController.update')
Route.delete('items/:id', 'ItemController.destroy').as('items.destroy')
Controller configuration
Remind the declarations of const model class
'use strict'
const Item = use('App/Models/Item')
index method (GET)
Show all records
async index ({ request, response, view }) {
// retrieving all data
const allItems = await Item.all()
// api response
message: 'Success',
data: allItems
store method (POST)
Creating a new record
async store ({ request, response }) {
// retrieving data to store
const { name, content } = request.all();
// creating new instance
const newItem = new Item()
// assigning data = name
newItem.content = content
// save the data to database
// api response
message: 'Success',
data: newItem
// ...
### Alternative with selective income values
async store ({ request, response }) {
// retrieving data to store
const newData = request.only(['title', 'content'])
// assigning and saving data
const newItem = await Item.create(newData)
// api response
message: 'Success',
data: newItem
// ...
show method (GET)
Show a single record by a given id
async show ({ params, request, response, view }) {
// retrieve the data by given id
const theItem = await Item.find(
// api response
message: 'Success',
data: theItem
update method (PUT or PATCH)
Edit an existing record by a given id and new data
async update ({ params, request, response }) {
// retrieve the data by given id
const theItem = await Item.find(
// retrieving new data
const newData = request.only(['name', 'content'])
// updating data =
theItem.content = newData.content
// save the data to database
// api response
message: 'Success',
data: theItem
destroy method (DELETE)
Remove an existing record by a given id
async destroy ({ params, request, response }) {
// retrieve the data by given id
const theItem = await Item.find(
// delete the record
await theItem.delete()
// api response
message: 'Success',
data: theItem
querying (💥 wip)
Querying complex data throu modeled relationships, retrieving a proper json structure
Querying a specific record via its id, including its relationship(s)
const jsonData = await Item.query().where('id','category').fetch()
Creating a middleware
🎈 Adonis apiOnly boilerplate comes with authentication middlewares out of the box so we don't need to create them, the following it's just an example for a custom middleware
adonis make:middleware MyMiddleware
> HTTP Requests
Then in kernel.js we need to register the middleware
// as named middleware (only for some routes)
const namedMiddleware = {
myMiddleware: 'App/Middleware/My'
Then in the routes.js, in the specific route you want to plate the middleware within
Route.get('my_resources/:id', '').as('').middleware(['myMiddleware'])
Or using resource that autogenerates routes
Route.resource('my_resources', 'MyResourceController')
.middleware(new Map([
[['show','update','destroy'], ['myMiddleware']]
Then in the middleware file
async handle ({ request }, next) {
// do somethign with the request before advancing
console.log('My Middleware Fired')
// call next to advance the request
await next()
authentication (💥 wip)
Adonis provide JWT authentication out of the box, with 'auth' and 'guest' middleware
Configure routing for login and guard others
.post('auth', 'UserController.auth')
Route.resource('my_resources', 'MyResourceController')
Create and configure User controller (model and starter migration are out of the box)
adonis make:controller User --resource
> For HTTP requests
Then in the user controller
class UserController {
async auth ({ request, response, auth }) {
const { email, password } = request.only(['email', 'password'])
const jwt = await auth.withRefreshToken().attempt(email, password)
// api response
message: 'Success',
data: jwt
Like so, we receive a JWT token that will need to be passed throu Headers in requests to get authorization for guarded routes.
🎈 We also get a refresh token to use to keep log-in after the base JWT expires.
In Headers request:
Authorization = Bearer <mytoken>
🎈 There is no manual logout with JWT authentication, but we can configure token expiration time
In auth.js
jwt: {
serializer: 'lucid',
model: 'App/Models/User',
scheme: 'jwt',
uid: 'email',
password: 'password',
options: {
secret: Env.get('APP_KEY'),
// custom token duration (in seconds)
expiresIn: 60
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