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Last active February 21, 2021 10:44
Config. file uploader task for Capistrano 3
# lib/capistrano/tasks/config_files.cap
# Capistrano task to upload configuration files outside SCM
# Jesus Burgos Macia
# This allows us to have server's config files isolated from development ones.
# That's useful for several reasons, but the most important is that you can
# ignore files from repository.
# The task will upload all files found in
# - Local directory: config/deploy/config/[environment/]*.yml
# to all servers
# - Server directory : config/*.yml
# Example:
# [local] [server:production]
# config/deploy/config/production/database.yml -> shared/config/database.yml
# config/deploy/config/database.yml -> shared/config/database.yml
# config/deploy/config/aws.yml -> shared/config/aws.yml
# If two files with the same name are found in config/deploy/config/:stage/ and
# config/deploy/config, the stage-specific one will take priority.
namespace :deploy do
desc 'Updates shared/config/*.yml files with the proper ones for environment'
task :upload_shared_config_files do
config_files = {}
run_locally do
# Order matters!
local_config_directories = [
# Environment specific files first
local_config_directories.each do |directory|
Dir.chdir(directory) do
Dir.glob("*.yml") do |file_name|
# Skip this file if we've already uploaded a env. specific one
next if config_files.keys.include? file_name
cksum = capture "cksum", File.join(Dir.pwd, file_name)
config_files[file_name] = cksum
on roles(:all) do
config_path = File.join shared_path, "config"
execute "mkdir -p #{config_path}"
config_files.each do |file_name, local_cksum|
remote_file_name = "#{config_path}/#{file_name}"
# Get the
lsum, lsize, lpath = local_cksum.split
if test("[ -f #{remote_file_name} ]")
remote_cksum = capture "cksum", remote_file_name
rsum, rsize, rpath = remote_cksum.split
if lsum != rsum
upload! lpath, remote_file_name
info "Replaced #{file_name} -> #{remote_file_name}"
upload! lpath, remote_file_name
info "Upload new #{file_name} -> #{remote_file_name}"
before :check, :upload_shared_config_files
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