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Created January 12, 2020 21:57
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Save Jeswang/0621813331fbe0b11c7611f962759892 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# encoding: utf-8
# Example custom processor for use with Marked <> and Jekyll _posts
# It's geared toward my personal set of plugins and tags, but you'll get the idea.
# It turns
# {% img alignright /images/heythere.jpg 100 100 "Hey there" "hi" %}
# into
# <img src="../images/heythere.jpg" alt="Hey there" class="alignright" title="hi" />
# replaces alignleft and alignright classes with appropriate style attribute
# ---
# Replaces {% gist XXXXX filename.rb %} with appropriate script tag
# Replace various other OctoPress, Jekyll and custom tags
# Processes final output with /usr/bin/kramdown (install kramdown as system gem: `sudo gem install kramdown`)
# Be sure to run *without* stripping YAML headers in Marked Behavior preferences.
Encoding.default_internal = Encoding::UTF_8
Encoding.default_external = Encoding::UTF_8
# full path to image folder
full_image_path = "/Users/jswang/Documents/jeswang-blog/source"
require "CGI"
require "rubygems"
content =
parts = content.split(/^---\s*$/)
# Read YAML headers as needed before cutting them out
post_title = parts[1].match(/^title:\s+(\!\s*)?["']?(.*?)["']?\s*$/i)[2].strip
# Remove YAML
# content.sub!(/^---.*?---\s*$/m,'')
content = parts[2]
# Fenced code
content.gsub!(/^```(\w+)?\s*\n(.*?)\n```/m) {
%Q"<pre><code class=\"#{$1}\">#{CGI.escapeHTML($2)}</code></pre>"
content.gsub!(/\{%(\s+)?codeblock (lang:)?(\S+)?(\s+)?%\}\n?([\W\w]*?)\{%(\s+)?endcodeblock(\s+)?%\}/m) {
%Q"<pre><code class=\"#{$3}\">#{CGI.escapeHTML($5)}</code></pre>"
# Process image Liquid tags
content.gsub!(/\{% img (.*?\s*)%\}/) {|img|
if img =~ /\{% img\s+(\S+\s)?(https?:\/\/\S+|\/\S+)\s+(\d+\s+)?(\d+\s+)?(\S.*\s*)?%\}/i
classes = $1.strip if $1
src = $2
width = $3
height = $4
title = $5
if /(?:"|')([^"']+)?(?:"|')\s+(?:"|')([^"']+)?(?:"|')/ =~ title
title = $1
alt = $2
alt = title.gsub!(/"/, '&#34;') if title
classes.gsub!(/"/, '') if classes
style = %Q{ style="float:right;margin:0 0 10px 10px"} if classes =~ /left/
style = %Q{ style="float:left;margin:0 10px 10px 0"} if classes =~ /right/
%Q{<img src="#{File.join(full_image_path,src)}" alt="#{alt}" class="#{classes}" title="#{title}"#{style} />}
content = "## #{post_title}\n\n#{content}""/tmp/markdown", 'w:utf-8') { |file| file.write(content) }
puts %x{multimarkdown /tmp/markdown }
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