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Last active March 14, 2024 22:32
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import AsyncAlgorithms
import SwiftUI
This example shows one possible way to debounce changes from a user typing into a field.
DebouncedTextView : View
body: some View
TextField("Username", text: self.$username)
.onChange(of: self.username)
{ _, inNew in
self.usernameChanges = AsyncStream { self.usernameContinuation = $0 }
for await username in self.usernameChanges!.debounce(for: .seconds(0.25))
print("username: \(username)")
@State private var username : String = ""
@State private var usernameChanges : AsyncStream<String>?
@State private var usernameContinuation : AsyncStream<String>.Continuation?
This version uses `AsyncStream.makeStream` to halve the number of properties required.
DebouncedTextView2 : View
body: some View
TextField("Username", text: self.$username)
.onChange(of: self.username)
{ _, inNew in
for await username in self.usernameChanges.0.debounce(for: .seconds(0.25))
print("username: \(username)")
@State private var username = ""
@State private var usernameChanges = AsyncStream.makeStream(of: String.self)
Like ``DebouncedTextView2``, but uses the view modifier below.
Note that this version loses the `async` context in the handler, and the reason I
needed all of this was to throttle network requests.
DebouncedTextView3 : View
body: some View
TextField("Username", text: self.$username)
.onChange(of: self.username, debounceFor: .seconds(0.3))
{ inOld, inNew in
print("username: \(inOld), \(inNew)")
@State private var username = ""
DebounceChangeOf<V> : ViewModifier
where V : Equatable, V : Sendable
let value : V
let initial : Bool
let debounceFor : Duration
let action : (_ oldValue: V, _ newValue: V) -> Void
body(content: Content)
-> some View
return content
.onChange(of: value, initial: initial)
{ inOld, inNew in
self.valueChanges.continuation.yield((inOld, inNew))
for await value in .seconds(0.25))
self.action(value.0, value.1)
typealias ElementType = (V, V)
@State private var valueChanges = AsyncStream.makeStream(of: ElementType.self)
onChange<V>(of value: V, initial: Bool = false, debounceFor: Duration, _ action: @escaping (_ oldValue: V, _ newValue: V) -> Void)
-> some View where V : Equatable, V : Sendable
return self.modifier(DebounceChangeOf(value: value, initial: initial, debounceFor: debounceFor, action: action))
onChange<V>(of value: V, initial: Bool = false, debounceFor: Duration, _ action: @escaping (_ oldValue: V, _ newValue: V) async -> Void)
-> some View where V : Equatable, V : Sendable
return self.modifier(DebounceChangeOf(value: value, initial: initial, debounceFor: debounceFor, action: action))
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I was playing around with this, because I think it is a cool idea. What do you think?

struct OnAsyncChange<V>: ViewModifier where V : Equatable, V: Sendable {
    typealias Element = (oldValue: V, newValue: V)
    typealias Action = (AsyncStream<Element>) async -> Void

    @State private var streamPair = AsyncStream<Element>.makeStream()
    private let action: Action
    private let value: V

    init(of value: V, initial: Bool, action: @escaping Action) {
        self.action = action
        self.value = value

    func body(content: Content) -> some View {
            .onChange(of: value, initial: true) { oldValue, newValue in
                streamPair.continuation.yield((oldValue, newValue))
            .task {
                await action(

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I didn't see your comment until now, so my reply is kinda moot after the long thread on Mastodon, but yeah, I think it's a good idea. Allows the client to arbitrarily process the stream of changes. Assuming none of the issues raised on Mastodon are deal breakers.

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