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Last active October 24, 2016 17:00
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[CANNON DUEL] Cannon Battle XML
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<map proto="1.4.1">
<name>Cannon Battle</name>
<objective>Eliminate the other player/team before they kill you!</objective>
<!-- Map authors & contributors. -->
<author uuid="9225421c-3c09-4d97-bb80-f6a77c1f360b" contribution="Did everything"/> <!-- Jexel -->
You cannot camp in the middle.
Camping above Y=14 is not allowed.
Your waterwall may not exceed Y=13+
<!-- Time till the match ends in minutes -->
<include src="blitz-global.xml"/>
<!--Remove items:-->
<item>end stone</item>
<item>stained clay</item>
<item>nether brick fence</item>
<item>stone slab</item>
<!--Renew blocks-->
<renewable rate="1" grow="true" particles="true" sound="true" avoid-entities="true">
<cuboid min="2,0,-6" max="-2,27,7"/>
<!-- These are the blocks that will renew -->
<material>end stone</material>
<material>stained glass</material>
<team id="red-player" color="dark red" max="1" max-overfill="1">Red</team>
<team id="blue-player" color="blue" max="1" max-overfill="1">Blue</team>
<!-- kit given to everyone, including observers -->
<kit name="all">
<potion duration="oo">night vision</potion>
<potion duration="oo">saturation</potion>
<classes family="Cannoneer" sticky="true">
<class name="Standard" default="true" description="Both Offensive and Defensive" icon="tnt">
<kit parents="team">
<helmet locked="true" enchantment="water worker:3" unbreakable="true">gold helmet</helmet>
<chestplate locked="true" unbreakable="true">iron chestplate</chestplate>
<boots locked="true" durability="-3000">leather boots</boots>
<item slot="12" damage="0" amount="64">stained glass</item>
<item slot="21" damage="0" amount="64">stained clay</item>
<item slot="30" damage="0" amount="64">stained clay</item>
<item slot="3" damage="0" amount="64">stained clay</item>
<item slot="9" amount="64">tnt</item>
<item slot="18" amount="64">tnt</item>
<item slot="27" amount="64">tnt</item>
<item slot="0">diamond pickaxe</item>
<item slot="29" amount="64">tnt</item>
<item slot="2" amount="64">step</item>
<!-- slot="12" -->
<!-- slot="21" -->
<!-- slot="30" -->
<!-- slot="3" -->
<item slot="13" amount="16">trap door</item>
<item slot="22" amount="16">ladder</item>
<item slot="31">workbench</item>
<item slot="4" amount="64">nether fence</item>
<item slot="14" amount="16">piston base</item>
<item slot="23" amount="16">lever</item>
<item slot="32" amount="16">stone plate</item>
<item slot="5" amount="32">stone button</item>
<item slot="15">water bucket</item>
<item slot="24">water bucket</item>
<item slot="33">water bucket</item>
<item slot="6">water bucket</item>
<item slot="16" amount="16">diode</item>
<item slot="25" amount="16">redstone torch on</item>
<item slot="34" amount="8">redstone block</item>
<item slot="7" amount="16">redstone</item>
<item slot="17" amount="64">tnt</item>
<potion duration="oo" amplifier="1">speed</potion>
<!-- Resistance to make it into the spawn drop -->
<potion duration="35" amplifier="5">damage resistance</potion>
<potion duration="35" amplifier="5">heal</potion>
<class name="Offensive" default="false" description="More TNT, dispenser, less armor" icon="diamond sword">
<kit name="team" parents="all">
<helmet locked="true" enchantment="water worker:3" unbreakable="true">gold helmet</helmet>
<boots locked="true" enchantments="protection explosions:1" durability="-3000">gold boots</boots>
<item slot="12" damage="0" amount="64">stained glass</item>
<item slot="21" damage="0" amount="64">stained clay</item>
<item slot="30" damage="0" amount="64">stained clay</item>
<item slot="3" damage="0" amount="64">stained clay</item>
<item slot="9" amount="64">tnt</item>
<item slot="18" amount="64">tnt</item>
<item slot="27" amount="64">tnt</item>
<item slot="0" enchantment="damage all:2">diamond pickaxe</item>
<item slot="10" amount="64">tnt</item>
<item slot="19" amount="64">tnt</item>
<item slot="28" amount="64">tnt</item>
<item slot="1" amount="16">dispenser</item>
<item slot="11" amount="64">tnt</item>
<item slot="20" amount="64">tnt</item>
<item slot="29" amount="64">tnt</item>
<item slot="2" amount="64">step</item>
<!-- slot="12" -->
<!-- slot="21" -->
<!-- slot="30" -->
<!-- slot="3" -->
<item slot="13" amount="16">trap door</item>
<item slot="22" amount="16">ladder</item>
<item slot="31">workbench</item>
<item slot="4" amount="64">nether fence</item>
<item slot="14" amount="16">piston base</item>
<item slot="23" amount="16">lever</item>
<item slot="32" amount="16">stone plate</item>
<item slot="5" amount="32">stone button</item>
<item slot="15">water bucket</item>
<item slot="24">water bucket</item>
<item slot="33">water bucket</item>
<item slot="6">water bucket</item>
<item slot="16" amount="16">diode</item>
<item slot="25" amount="16">redstone torch on</item>
<item slot="34" amount="32">redstone block</item>
<item slot="7" amount="64">redstone</item>
<item slot="17" amount="64">tnt</item>
<item slot="26" amount="64">tnt</item>
<item slot="35" amount="64">tnt</item>
<item slot="8" amount="64">tnt</item>
<potion duration="oo" amplifier="2">speed</potion>
<!-- Resistance to make it into the spawn drop -->
<potion duration="35" amplifier="5">damage resistance</potion>
<potion duration="35" amplifier="5">heal</potion>
<class name="Defensive" default="false" description="Less TNT, more armor and protection" icon="diamond sword">
<kit name="team" parents="all">
<helmet locked="true" enchantment="water worker:3" unbreakable="true">chainmail helmet</helmet>
<chestplate locked="true" unbreakable="true">diamond chestplate</chestplate>
<leggings locked="true" unbreakable="true">chainmail leggings</leggings>
<boots locked="true" enchantments="protection explosions:1" durability="-3000">diamond boots</boots>
<item slot="0" enchantment="damage all:2">iron pickaxe</item>
<item slot="12" damage="0" amount="64">stained glass</item>
<item slot="21" damage="0" amount="64">stained clay</item>
<item slot="30" damage="0" amount="64">stained clay</item>
<item slot="3" damage="0" amount="64">stained clay</item>
<item slot="10" amount="64">tnt</item>
<item slot="19" amount="64">tnt</item>
<item slot="28" amount="64">tnt</item>
<item slot="11" amount="64">tnt</item>
<item slot="20" amount="64">tnt</item>
<item slot="29" amount="64">tnt</item>
<item slot="2" amount="64">step</item>
<!-- slot="12" -->
<!-- slot="21" -->
<!-- slot="30" -->
<!-- slot="3" -->
<item slot="13" amount="4">trap door</item>
<item slot="22" amount="4">ladder</item>
<item slot="31">workbench</item>
<item slot="4" amount="16">nether fence</item>
<item slot="14" amount="16">piston base</item>
<item slot="23" amount="16">lever</item>
<item slot="32" amount="16">stone plate</item>
<item slot="5" amount="8">stone button</item>
<item slot="15">water bucket</item>
<item slot="24">water bucket</item>
<item slot="33">water bucket</item>
<item slot="6">water bucket</item>
<item slot="16" amount="16">diode</item>
<item slot="25" amount="8">redstone torch on</item>
<item slot="34" amount="32">redstone block</item>
<item slot="7" amount="64">redstone</item>
<potion duration="oo" amplifier="1">damage resistance</potion>
<!-- Resistance to make it into the spawn drop -->
<potion duration="35" amplifier="5">damage resistance</potion>
<potion duration="35" amplifier="5">heal</potion>
<spawns pitch="0">
<default yaw="90" kit="all">
<cylinder base="0,32,0" radius="1" height="0"/>
<spawn team="red" yaw="0" kit="red-gear">
<spawn team="blue" yaw="180" kit="blue-gear">
<filter name="red-only">
<filter name="blue-only">
<!-- -->
<!-- Region Definitions -->
<!-- -->
<!-- the entire inside of the box -->
<cuboid name="box" min="37,0,7" max="-37,28,-6"/>
<!-- neutral center region -->
<cuboid name="red-zone" min="26,18,4" max="37,5,-3"/>
<cuboid name="blue-zone" min="-25,18,-3" max="-36,5,4"/>
<!--Illegal Build Zones-->
<apply block="deny-all" message="You may not place or break blocks outside the build zone">
<region name="red-zone"/>
<region name="blue-zone"/>
<cuboid min="2,0,-6" max="-2,27,7"/>
<!--Destroyables are impossible to break as they are in a deny-all region -->
<destroyables name="drop" completion="0%" show="false" mode-changes="true">
<destroyable id="red-drop" owner="red" materials="glass">
<cuboid min="26,31,-3" max="36,27,4"/>
<destroyable id="blue-drop" owner="blue" materials="glass">
<cuboid min="-35,27,-3" max="-25,31,4"/>
<destroyable id="bridge" owner="red" materials="air">
<cuboid min="-26,6,3" max="27,0,-2"/>
<alert after="1s">`aYou have 30 seconds to sort your inventory</alert>
<mode after="30s" material="air" show-before="30s" name="`3Dropping you into the map"/>
<mode after="3m" material="stained glass:7" show-before="30s" name="`3Connecting the platforms"/>
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