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Created February 10, 2020 14:08
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# System mutations entrypoint
# Conventions for all operations are as follows:
# - input record data is provided in named sub-fields of the request & response
# - the sub-field ID is the lower camelCase name of the record type
# - fields which are required by the record are required in input parameters
# - optional fields will be left `null` in the record if ommitted
# - `id` field is required & passing no ID is treated as an error
# - all other fields are optional, if left unchanged they will remain at their
# current values
# - pass `null` as a field value to erase it
# - when updating array fields, the complete array must be sent; enabling deletion of array elements
# - no fields being updated is treated as a no-op; clients should optimise
# to avoid unnecessary writes
# - `id` is only parmeter
# - the deleted record will be returned in the response for its fields to be retained
# Where there are exceptions to these basic rules, they should be explicitly documented
# in the field description.
# :TODO:
# - enable validation of shared core record field presence in C&U operations
# (@see
# Generic parameters
# interface UpdateParams {
# id: ID!
# }
# Agent module #
# interface AgentParams {
# name: String
# image: URI
# primaryLocation: String
# note: String
# }
input AgentCreateParams { # implements AgentParams
name: String!
image: URI
primaryLocation: ID
note: String
input AgentUpdateParams { # implements UpdateParams & AgentParams
id: ID!
name: String
image: URI
primaryLocation: ID
note: String
type PersonResponse {
agent: Person!
type OrganizationResponse {
agent: Organization!
# interface AgentRelationshipParams {
# subject: ID
# object: ID
# relationship: ID
# note: String
# }
input AgentRelationshipCreateParams { # implements AgentRelationshipParams
subject: ID! # Agent
object: ID! # Agent
relationship: ID! # AgentRelationshipRole
note: String
input AgentRelationshipUpdateParams { # implements UpdateParams & AgentRelationshipParams
id: ID!
subject: ID
object: ID
relationship: ID
note: String
type AgentRelationshipResponse {
agentRelationship: AgentRelationship!
# Observation layer #
# interface EconomicEventParams {
# action: ID!
# inputOf: ID
# outputOf: ID
# provider: ID
# receiver: ID
# resourceQuantity: IMeasure
# effortQuantity: IMeasure
# hasBeginning: DateTime
# hasEnd: DateTime
# hasPointInTime: DateTime
# note: String
# inScopeOf: [AnyType!]
# atLocation: ID
# agreedIn: URI
# realizationOf: ID # Agreement
# triggeredBy: ID # EconomicEvent
# toResourceInventoriedAs: ID # EconomicResource
# }
input EconomicEventCreateParams { # implements EconomicEventParams
action: ID! # Action
inputOf: ID # Process
outputOf: ID # Process
provider: ID! # Agent
receiver: ID! # Agent
inScopeOf: [AnyType!]
resourceInventoriedAs: ID # EconomicResource
resourceClassifiedAs: [URI!]
resourceConformsTo: ID # ResourceSpecification
resourceQuantity: IMeasure
effortQuantity: IMeasure
atLocation: ID # SpatialThing
hasBeginning: DateTime
hasEnd: DateTime
hasPointInTime: DateTime
note: String
agreedIn: URI
realizationOf: ID # Agreement
triggeredBy: ID # EconomicEvent
toResourceInventoriedAs: ID # EconomicResource
input EconomicEventUpdateParams { # implements UpdateParams & EconomicEventParams
id: ID!
action: ID
inputOf: ID
outputOf: ID
provider: ID
receiver: ID
inScopeOf: [AnyType!]
resourceInventoriedAs: ID
resourceClassifiedAs: [URI!]
resourceConformsTo: ID
resourceQuantity: IMeasure
effortQuantity: IMeasure
atLocation: ID # SpatialThing
hasBeginning: DateTime
hasEnd: DateTime
hasPointInTime: DateTime
note: String
agreedIn: URI
realizationOf: ID # Agreement
triggeredBy: ID # EconomicEvent
toResourceInventoriedAs: ID # EconomicResource
type EconomicEventResponse {
economicEvent: EconomicEvent!
economicResource: EconomicResource # only for resource creation events
# interface EconomicResourceParams {
# name: String
# classifiedAs: [URI!]
# conformsTo: ID # ResourceSpecification
# trackingIdentifier: String
# lot: ID # ProductBatch
# image: URI # URI
# accountingQuantity: IMeasure
# onhandQuantity: IMeasure
# currentLocation: ID
# note: String
# containedIn: ID # EconomicResource
# unitOfEffort: ID # Unit
# state: ID # Action
# stage: ID # ProcessSpecification
# }
Input `EconomicResource` type used when sending events to setup initial resource recordings
input EconomicResourceCreateParams { # implements EconomicResourceParams
name: String
conformsTo: ID # ResourceSpecification
trackingIdentifier: String
lot: ID # ProductBatch
image: URI # URI
containedIn: ID # EconomicResource
currentLocation: ID # SpatialThing
note: String
input EconomicResourceUpdateParams { # implements UpdateParams & EconomicResourceParams
id: ID!
classifiedAs: [URI!]
image: URI # URI
containedIn: ID # EconomicResource
unitOfEffort: ID # Unit
note: String
type EconomicResourceResponse {
economicResource: EconomicResource!
# interface FulfillmentParams {
# fulfilledBy: ID # EconomicEvent
# fulfills: ID # Commmitment
# resourceQuantity: IMeasure
# effortQuantity: IMeasure
# note: String
# }
input FulfillmentCreateParams { # implements FulfillmentParams
fulfilledBy: ID!
fulfills: ID!
resourceQuantity: IMeasure
effortQuantity: IMeasure
note: String
input FulfillmentUpdateParams { # implements UpdateParams & FulfillmentParams
id: ID!
fulfilledBy: ID
fulfills: ID
resourceQuantity: IMeasure
effortQuantity: IMeasure
note: String
type FulfillmentResponse {
fulfillment: Fulfillment
# interface ProcessParams {
# name: String
# hasBeginning: DateTime
# hasEnd: DateTime
# note: String
# inScopeOf: String
# plannedWithin: ID # Plan
# finished: Boolean
# }
input ProcessCreateParams { # implements ProcessParams
name: String!
hasBeginning: DateTime
hasEnd: DateTime
finished: Boolean
note: String
inScopeOf: [AnyType!]
plannedWithin: ID # Plan
input ProcessUpdateParams { # implements UpdateParams & ProcessParams
id: ID!
name: String
hasBeginning: DateTime
hasEnd: DateTime
finished: Boolean
note: String
inScopeOf: [AnyType!]
plannedWithin: ID # Plan
type ProcessResponse {
process: Process
# interface AppreciationParams {
# appreciationOf: ID
# appreciationWith: ID
# note: String
# }
input AppreciationCreateParams {
appreciationOf: ID # EconomicEvent
appreciationWith: ID # EconomicEvent
note: String
input AppreciationUpdateParams {
id: ID!
appreciationOf: ID # EconomicEvent
appreciationWith: ID # EconomicEvent
note: String
type AppreciationResponse {
appreciation: Appreciation
# Planning layer #
# interface IntentParams {
# name: String
# action: ID
# inputOf: ID
# outputOf: ID
# provider: ID
# receiver: ID
# resourceConformsTo: ID
# resourceClassifiedAs: [URI!]
# resourceInventoriedAs: ID
# resourceQuantity: IMeasure
# effortQuantity: IMeasure
# availableQuantity: IMeasure
# hasBeginning: DateTime
# hasEnd: DateTime
# hasPointInTime: DateTime
# due: DateTime
# image: URI
# note: String
# inScopeOf: [AnyType!]
# atLocation: ID
# agreedIn: URI
# finished: Boolean
# }
input IntentCreateParams { # implements IntentParams
action: ID!
name: String
inputOf: ID
outputOf: ID
provider: ID
receiver: ID
resourceConformsTo: ID
resourceClassifiedAs: [URI!]
resourceInventoriedAs: ID
resourceQuantity: IMeasure
effortQuantity: IMeasure
availableQuantity: IMeasure
hasBeginning: DateTime
hasEnd: DateTime
hasPointInTime: DateTime
due: DateTime
image: URI
note: String
inScopeOf: [AnyType!]
atLocation: ID # SpatialThing
agreedIn: URI
finished: Boolean
input IntentUpdateParams { # implements UpdateParams & IntentParams
id: ID!
name: String
action: ID
inputOf: ID
outputOf: ID
provider: ID
receiver: ID
resourceConformsTo: ID
resourceClassifiedAs: [URI!]
resourceInventoriedAs: ID
resourceQuantity: IMeasure
effortQuantity: IMeasure
availableQuantity: IMeasure
hasBeginning: DateTime
hasEnd: DateTime
hasPointInTime: DateTime
due: DateTime
image: URI
finished: Boolean
note: String
inScopeOf: [AnyType!]
atLocation: ID # SpatialThing
agreedIn: URI
type IntentResponse {
intent: Intent!
# interface CommitmentParams {
# action: ID
# inputOf: ID
# outputOf: ID
# provider: ID
# receiver: ID
# resourceClassifiedAs: [URI!]
# resourceConformsTo: ID
# resourceInventoriedAs: ID
# resourceQuantity: IMeasure
# effortQuantity: IMeasure
# hasBeginning: DateTime
# hasEnd: DateTime
# hasPointInTime: DateTime
# due: DateTime
# finished: Boolean
# note: String
# inScopeOf: [AnyType!]
# independentDemandOf: ID #Plan
# atLocation: ID
# agreedIn: URI
# clauseOf: Agreement
# }
input CommitmentCreateParams { # implements CommitmentParams
action: ID!
inputOf: ID
outputOf: ID
provider: ID!
receiver: ID!
resourceClassifiedAs: [URI!]
resourceConformsTo: ID
resourceInventoriedAs: ID
resourceQuantity: IMeasure
effortQuantity: IMeasure
hasBeginning: DateTime
hasEnd: DateTime
hasPointInTime: DateTime
due: DateTime
finished: Boolean
note: String
inScopeOf: [AnyType!]
independentDemandOf: ID #Plan
atLocation: ID # SpatialThing
agreedIn: URI
clauseOf: ID # Agreement
input CommitmentUpdateParams { # implements UpdateParams & CommitmentParams
id: ID!
inputOf: ID
outputOf: ID
provider: ID
receiver: ID
resourceClassifiedAs: [URI!]
resourceConformsTo: ID
resourceInventoriedAs: ID
resourceQuantity: IMeasure
effortQuantity: IMeasure
hasBeginning: DateTime
hasEnd: DateTime
hasPointInTime: DateTime
due: DateTime
finished: Boolean
note: String
inScopeOf: [AnyType!]
independentDemandOf: ID #Plan
atLocation: ID # SpatialThing
agreedIn: URI
clauseOf: ID # Agreement
type CommitmentResponse {
commitment: Commitment
# interface SatisfactionParams {
# satisfies: Intent
# satisfiedBy: Commitment
# resourceQuantity: IMeasure
# effortQuantity: IMeasure
# note: String
# }
input SatisfactionCreateParams { # implements SatisfactionParams
satisfies: ID! # Intent
satisfiedBy: ID! # Commitment
resourceQuantity: IMeasure
effortQuantity: IMeasure
note: String
input SatisfactionUpdateParams { # implements UpdateParams & SatisfactionParams
id: ID!
satisfies: ID # Intent
satisfiedBy: ID # Commitment
resourceQuantity: IMeasure
effortQuantity: IMeasure
note: String
type SatisfactionResponse {
satisfaction: Satisfaction
# interface AgreementParams {
# name: String
# created: DateTime
# note: String
# }
input AgreementCreateParams { # implements AgreementParams
name: String!
created: DateTime!
note: String
input AgreementUpdateParams { # implements UpdateParams & AgreementParams
id: ID!
name: String
created: DateTime
note: String
type AgreementResponse {
Agreement: Agreement
# type ClaimParams {
# action: Action
# provider: Agent
# receiver: Agent
# resourceClassifiedAs: [URI!]
# resourceConformsTo: ResourceSpecification
# resourceQuantity: IMeasure
# effortQuantity: IMeasure
# due: DateTime
# triggeredBy: EconomicEvent!
# created: DateTime
# finished: Boolean
# note: String
# agreedIn: URI
# inScopeOf: [AnyType!]
# }
input ClaimCreateParams {
action: ID! # Action
provider: ID! # Agent
receiver: ID! # Agent
resourceClassifiedAs: [URI!]
resourceConformsTo: ID # ResourceSpecification
resourceQuantity: IMeasure
effortQuantity: IMeasure
due: DateTime
triggeredBy: ID # EconomicEvent
created: DateTime
finished: Boolean
note: String
agreedIn: URI
inScopeOf: [AnyType!]
input ClaimUpdateParams {
id: ID!
action: ID
provider: ID
receiver: ID
resourceClassifiedAs: [URI!]
resourceConformsTo: ID
resourceQuantity: IMeasure
effortQuantity: IMeasure
due: DateTime
triggeredBy: ID
created: DateTime
finished: Boolean
note: String
agreedIn: URI
inScopeOf: [AnyType!]
type ClaimResponse {
claim: Claim
# type SettlementParams {
# settles: ID! # Claim
# settledBy: ID! # EconomicEvent
# resourceQuantity: IMeasure
# effortQuantity: IMeasure
# note: String
# }
input SettlementCreateParams {
settles: ID! # Claim
settledBy: ID! # EconomicEvent
resourceQuantity: IMeasure
effortQuantity: IMeasure
note: String
input SettlementUpdateParams {
id: ID!
settles: ID
settledBy: ID
resourceQuantity: IMeasure
effortQuantity: IMeasure
note: String
type SettlementResponse {
settlement: Settlement
# interface PlanParams {
# name: String
# created: DateTime
# due: DateTime
# note: String
# }
input PlanCreateParams { # implements PlanParams
name: String!
created: DateTime
due: DateTime
note: String
input PlanUpdateParams { # implements UpdateParams & PlanParams
id: ID!
name: String
created: DateTime
due: DateTime
note: String
type PlanResponse {
plan: Plan
# interface ScenarioParams {
# name: String
# definedAs: ScenarioDefinition
# hasBeginning: DateTime
# hasEnd: DateTime
# inScopeOf: [AnyType!]
# note: String
# }
input ScenarioCreateParams { # implements ScenarioParams
name: String!
definedAs: ID! #ScenarioDefinition
hasBeginning: DateTime
hasEnd: DateTime
inScopeOf: [AnyType!]
note: String
input ScenarioUpdateParams { # implements UpdateParams & ScenarioParams
id: ID!
name: String
definedAs: ID! #ScenarioDefinition
hasBeginning: DateTime
hasEnd: DateTime
inScopeOf: [AnyType!]
note: String
type ScenarioResponse {
scenario: Scenario
# Knowledge layer
# interface UnitParams {
# label: String
# symbol: String
# }
input UnitCreateParams { # implements UnitParams
label: String!
symbol: String!
input UnitUpdateParams { # implements UpdateParams & UnitParams
id: ID!
label: String
symbol: String
type UnitResponse {
unit: Unit
# interface ResourceSpecificationParams {
# name: String
# image: URI
# note: String
# }
input ResourceSpecificationCreateParams { # implements ResourceSpecificationParams
name: String!
image: URI
note: String
input ResourceSpecificationUpdateParams { # implements UpdateParams & ResourceSpecificationParams
id: ID!
name: String
image: URI
note: String
type ResourceSpecificationResponse {
resourceSpecification: ResourceSpecification
# interface ProcessSpecificationParams {
# name: String
# note: String
# }
input ProcessSpecificationCreateParams { # implements ProcessSpecificationParams
name: String!
note: String
input ProcessSpecificationUpdateParams { # implements UpdateParams & ProcessSpecificationParams
id: ID!
name: String
note: String
type ProcessSpecificationResponse {
processSpecification: ProcessSpecification
# interface RecipeResourceParams {
# name: String
# image: URI
# unitOfResource: ID
# unitOfEffort: ID
# resourceClassifiedAs: [URI!]
# substitutable: Boolean
# note: String
# }
input RecipeResourceCreateParams { # implements RecipeResourceParams
name: String!
unitOfResource: ID
unitOfEffort: ID
substitutable: Boolean
image: URI
resourceClassifiedAs: [URI!]
note: String
input RecipeResourceUpdateParams { # implements UpdateParams & RecipeResourceParams
id: ID!
name: String
unitOfResource: ID
unitOfEffort: ID
substitutable: Boolean
image: URI
resourceClassifiedAs: [URI!]
note: String
type RecipeResourceResponse {
recipeResource: RecipeResource
# interface RecipeProcessParams {
# name: String
# hasDuration: IDuration
# processClassifiedAs: [URI!]
# note: String
# }
input RecipeProcessCreateParams { # implements RecipeProcessParams
name: String!
hasDuration: IDuration
processClassifiedAs: [URI!]
note: String
input RecipeProcessUpdateParams { # implements UpdateParams & RecipeProcessParams
id: ID!
name: String
hasDuration: IDuration
processClassifiedAs: [URI!]
note: String
type RecipeProcessResponse {
recipeProcess: RecipeProcess
# interface RecipeFlowParams {
# action: Action
# recipeFlowResource: RecipeResource
# resourceQuantity: IMeasure
# effortQuantity: IMeasure
# recipeInputOf: RecipeProcess
# recipeOutputOf: RecipeProcess
# stage: ProcessSpecification
# state: Action
# note: String
# }
input RecipeFlowCreateParams { # implements RecipeFlowParams
action: ID! # Action
recipeFlowResource: ID # RecipeResource!
resourceQuantity: IMeasure
effortQuantity: IMeasure
recipeInputOf: ID # RecipeProcess
recipeOutputOf: ID # RecipeProcess
stage: ID # ProcessSpecification
state: ID # Action
note: String
input RecipeFlowUpdateParams { # implements UpdateParams & RecipeFlowParams
id: ID!
action: ID # Action
recipeFlowResource: ID # RecipeResource
resourceQuantity: IMeasure
effortQuantity: IMeasure
recipeInputOf: ID # RecipeProcess
recipeOutputOf: ID # RecipeProcess
stage: ID # ProcessSpecification
state: ID # Action
note: String
type RecipeFlowResponse {
recipeFlow: RecipeFlow
# interface AgentRelationshipRoleParams {
# roleLabel: String
# inverseRoleLabel: String
# note: String
# }
input AgentRelationshipRoleCreateParams { # implements AgentRelationshipRoleParams
roleLabel: String!
inverseRoleLabel: String
note: String
input AgentRelationshipRoleUpdateParams { # implements UpdateParams & AgentRelationshipRoleParams
id: ID!
roleLabel: String
inverseRoleLabel: String
note: String
type AgentRelationshipRoleResponse {
agentRelationshipRole: AgentRelationshipRole
# interface ScenarioDefinitionParams {
# name: String
# hasDuration: IDuration
# note: String
# }
input ScenarioDefinitionCreateParams { # implements ScenarioDefinitionParams
name: String
hasDuration: IDuration
note: String
input ScenarioDefinitionUpdateParams { # implements UpdateParams & ScenarioDefinitionParams
id: ID!
hasDuration: IDuration
note: String
type ScenarioDefinitionResponse {
scenarioDefinition: ScenarioDefinition
# Proposal layer #
input ProposalCreateParams{
name: String
hasBeginning: DateTime
hasEnd: DateTime
inScopeOf: [AnyType!]
unitBased: Boolean
created: DateTime
note: String
input ProposalUpdateParams{
id: ID!
name: String
hasBeginning: DateTime
hasEnd: DateTime
inScopeOf: [AnyType!]
unitBased: Boolean
created: DateTime
note: String
type ProposalResponse{
proposal: Proposal
input ProposedToCreateParams{
proposedTo: Agent!
input ProposedToUpdateParams{
id: ID!
proposedTo: Agent!
type ProposedToResponse{
proposedTo: ProposedTo
input ProposedIntentCreateParams{
reciprocal: Boolean
input ProposedIntentUpdateParams{
id: ID!
reciprocal: Boolean
type ProposedIntentResponse{
proposedIntent: ProposedIntent
type Mutation {
# Agent module
createPerson(person: AgentCreateParams!): PersonResponse
updatePerson(person: AgentUpdateParams!): PersonResponse
deletePerson(id: String!): Boolean
createOrganization(organization: AgentCreateParams!): OrganizationResponse
updateOrganization(organization: AgentUpdateParams!): OrganizationResponse
deleteOrganization(id: String!): Boolean
createAgentRelationship(relationship: AgentRelationshipCreateParams!): AgentRelationshipResponse
updateAgentRelationship(relationship: AgentRelationshipUpdateParams!): AgentRelationshipResponse
deleteAgentRelationship(id: String!): Boolean
createAgentRelationshipRole(agentRelationshipRole: AgentRelationshipRoleCreateParams): AgentRelationshipRoleResponse
updateAgentRelationshipRole(agentRelationshipRole: AgentRelationshipRoleUpdateParams): AgentRelationshipRoleResponse
deleteAgentRelationshipRole(id: String!): Boolean
# Observation layer
createEconomicEvent(event: EconomicEventCreateParams!, newInventoriedResource: EconomicResourceCreateParams): EconomicEventResponse
updateEconomicEvent(event: EconomicEventUpdateParams!): EconomicEventResponse
deleteEconomicEvent(id: String!): Boolean
# :TODO: should this be allowed without an originating event? Or should the event be recorded transparently?
updateEconomicResource(resource: EconomicResourceUpdateParams!): EconomicResourceResponse
deleteEconomicResource(id: String!): Boolean
#createValidation(note: String, economicEvent: String!, validatedBy: String!): CreateValidation
#deleteValidation(id: String!): DeleteValidation
createProcess(process: ProcessCreateParams!): ProcessResponse
updateProcess(process: ProcessUpdateParams!): ProcessResponse
deleteProcess(id: String!): Boolean
createAppreciation(appreciation: AppreciationCreateParams!): AppreciationResponse
updateAppreciation(appreciation: AppreciationUpdateParams!): AppreciationResponse
deleteAppreciation(id: String!): Boolean
# Planning layer
createCommitment(commitment: CommitmentCreateParams): CommitmentResponse
updateCommitment(commitment: CommitmentUpdateParams): CommitmentResponse
deleteCommitment(id: String!): Boolean
createIntent(intent: IntentCreateParams): IntentResponse
updateIntent(intent: IntentUpdateParams): IntentResponse
deleteIntent(id: String!): Boolean
createFulfillment(fulfillment: FulfillmentCreateParams!): FulfillmentResponse
updateFulfillment(fulfillment: FulfillmentUpdateParams!): FulfillmentResponse
deleteFulfillment(id: String!): Boolean
createSatisfaction(satisfaction: SatisfactionCreateParams): SatisfactionResponse
updateSatisfaction(satisfaction: SatisfactionUpdateParams): SatisfactionResponse # TODO: add EconomicEvent
deleteSatisfaction(id: String!): Boolean
# Proposal layer
createProposal(proposal: ProposalCreateParams): ProposalResponse
updateProposal(proposal: ProposalUpdateParams): ProposalResponse
deleteProposal(id: String!): Boolean
createProposedTo(proposedTo: ProposedToCreateParams): ProposedToResponse
updateProposedTo(proposedTo: ProposedToUpdateParams): ProposedToResponse
deleteProposedTo(id: String!): Boolean
createProposedIntent(proposedIntent: ProposedIntentCreateParams): ProposedIntentResponse
updateProposedIntent(proposedIntent: ProposedIntentUpdateParams): ProposedIntentResponse
deleteProposedIntent(id: String!): Boolean
createPlan(plan: PlanCreateParams!): PlanResponse
# createPlanFromRecipe(): PlanResponse
updatePlan(plan: PlanUpdateParams!): PlanResponse
deletePlan(id: String!): Boolean
createScenario(plan: ScenarioCreateParams!): ScenarioResponse
updateScenario(plan: ScenarioUpdateParams!): ScenarioResponse
deleteScenario(id: String!): Boolean
createAgreement(agreement: AgreementCreateParams): AgreementResponse
updateAgreement(agreement: AgreementUpdateParams): AgreementResponse
deleteAgreement(id: String!): Boolean
createClaim(claim: ClaimCreateParams!): ClaimResponse
updateClaim(claim: ClaimUpdateParams!): ClaimResponse
deleteClaim(id: String!): Boolean
createSettlement(settlement: SettlementCreateParams!): SettlementResponse
updateSettlement(s0ettlement: SettlementUpdateParams!): SettlementResponse
deleteSettlement(id: String!): Boolean
# Knowledge layer
#createAgentResourceClassification(resourceClassification: String!, agent: String!): CreateAgentResourceClassification
#deleteAgentResourceClassification(id: String!): DeleteAgentResourceClassification
createUnit(unit: UnitCreateParams): UnitResponse
updateUnit(unit: UnitUpdateParams): UnitResponse
deleteUnit(id: String!): Boolean
createResourceSpecification(resourceSpecification: ResourceSpecificationCreateParams): ResourceSpecificationResponse
updateResourceSpecification(resourceSpecification: ResourceSpecificationUpdateParams): ResourceSpecificationResponse
deleteResourceSpecification(id: String!): Boolean
createProcessSpecification(processSpecification: ProcessSpecificationCreateParams): ProcessSpecificationResponse
updateProcessSpecification(processSpecification: ProcessSpecificationUpdateParams): ProcessSpecificationResponse
deleteProcessSpecification(id: String!): Boolean
createRecipeFlow(recipeFlow: RecipeFlowCreateParams): RecipeFlowResponse
updateRecipeFlow(recipeFlow: RecipeFlowUpdateParams): RecipeFlowResponse
deleteRecipeFlow(id: String!): Boolean
createRecipeProcess(recipeProcess: RecipeProcessCreateParams): RecipeProcessResponse
updateRecipeProcess(recipeProcess: RecipeProcessUpdateParams): RecipeProcessResponse
deleteRecipeProcess(id: String!): Boolean
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