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Last active July 2, 2022 16:59
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Some note from learning Arrow-kt
fun <T> T?.catchErrWhenNull(tw: Throwable): Either<Throwable, T> = Either.Companion.catch { this ?: throw tw }
fun <T> Either<Throwable, T?>.flattenCatchErrWhenNull(tw: Throwable): Either<Throwable, T> =
when (this) {
is Either.Left -> this
is Either.Right -> Either.Companion.catch {
this.value ?: throw tw
suspend fun <T> T.catchErrWhenTrue(tw: Throwable, block: suspend (t: T) -> Boolean): Either<Throwable, T> =
Either.Companion.catch {
if (block.invoke(this)) throw tw
else this
suspend fun <T> Either<Throwable, T>.flattenCatchErrWhenTrue(tw: Throwable, block: suspend (t: T) -> Boolean): Either<Throwable, T> =
when (this) {
is Either.Left -> this
is Either.Right -> Either.Companion.catch {
if (block.invoke(this.value)) throw tw
else this.value
suspend fun <T, R> T.catchErrWhenMap(tw: Throwable, block: suspend (t: T) -> R): Either<Throwable, R> =
Either.Companion.catch {
try {
} catch (_: Throwable) {
throw tw
suspend fun <T, R> Either<Throwable, T>.flattenCatchErrWhenMap(tw: Throwable, block: suspend (t: T) -> R): Either<Throwable, R> =
when (this) {
is Either.Left -> this
is Either.Right -> Either.Companion.catch {
try {
} catch (_: Throwable) {
throw tw
fun eitherValidateLogic1(): Either<Throwable, Boolean> = catch { false }
fun eitherValidateLogic2(): Either<Throwable, Boolean> = catch { false }
fun eitherCalculateLogic1(): Either<Throwable, String?> = catch { "null ?" }
fun eitherCalculateLogic2(): Either<Throwable, Map<String, String>> = catch { mapOf("" to "") }
fun demoArrow(input: Map<String, Any>): Either<Throwable, Map<String, Any>> =
catch {
}.flatMap {
}.flatMap {
}.flatMap {
}.flatMap {
catch { it ?: throw RuntimeException("") }
}.flatMap {
fun validateLogic1(): Boolean = false
fun validateLogic2(): Boolean = false
fun calculateLogic1(): String? = "null ?"
fun calculateLogic2(): Map<String, String> = mapOf("" to "")
fun demoMyArrow(input: Map<String, Any>): Either<Throwable, Map<String, Any>> = runBlocking {
input.catchErrWhenTrue(RuntimeException("")) { validateLogic1() }
.flattenCatchErrWhenTrue(RuntimeException("")) { validateLogic2() }
.flattenCatchErrWhenMap(RuntimeException("")) { calculateLogic1() }
.flattenCatchErrWhenMap(RuntimeException("")) { calculateLogic2() }
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