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Last active February 25, 2023 20:12
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All about AJAX and JSON
// Learn all about AJAX - post on public github
// first, the vanilla JavaScript approach ( before jQuery )
// initialise new XMLHttpRequest() object
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
// check if AJAX request is completed
// state 4 = completed request
xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){
if(xhr.readyState === 4){
// can check if xhr.statuscode === 200 OK
// insert HTML manipulation here
document.getElementById('foo').innerHTML = xhr.responseText;
// Parsing JSON data - data from server in JSON format is just a string, thus the need for JSON.parse to turn it into something JavaScript recognises
// employees now hold an array of Objects - JSON data
var employees = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
// open a request to the server, type followed by URL + optional query string (?lastName=Jones)'GET','');
// send the request to the server
// second, AJAX with jQuery
// .load jQuery method for AJAX calls
// $.get(url,data,callback) is a more sophisticated AJAX GET call
function sendAJAX(){
// find div id="sidebarid" and append sidebar.html onto it
$.getJSON(url,data,callback); // end getJSON
}); // end ready
// jQuery for loop method
// JavaScript
document.getElementById('employeeList').innerHTML = statusHTML;
// jQuery add to HTML method
// jQuery post method
var url = "";
var data = {"tesha":"don't quite understand how this works"};
// jQuery - how to get data from a form, also how to transform the page when the user presses the form submit button without going to a new page (AJAX)
evt.preventDefault(); // prevents the form from submitting the data
var url = $(this).attr("action"); // get the url from the action tag of the form
var formData = $(this).serialize(); // make form data usable
$('#signup').html("<p>Thanks for signing up!</p>");
}); // end post
}); // end submit
}); // end ready
// $.ajax is shorthand for jQuery.ajax
// jQuery - the ultimate AJAX method, $ajax, one method to rule them all - able to GET, POST etc with this method
data : formData,
type : "POST",
success : function(response){
$('#signup').html("<p>Thanks for signing up!</p>");
// .fail method to notify user that something went wrong, doesn't work with .load and JSONP
// Chrome extension JSONViewer ( beautifies JSON data ) + web app JSON checker
// JSON example - to refresh your memory on how to manipulate it, copy paste it onto console to get a better understanding
var VII = [
{ "firstname": "Rey",
"lastname" : "Skywalker",
"abilities" : ["imba_shit","hot","blue_lightsaber"]
"firstname": "Kylo",
"lastname" : "Ren",
"abilities" : ["fking pussy","whiny brat","I just stopped a blaster shot...SWAG"]
// let's see what it does now
VII[0] -> returns Object[0], Object{firstname:"Rey","lastname"........}
VII[0].firstname -> // returns "Rey"
VII[0].abilities -> // returns an array of Rey's abilities
VII[0].abilities[0] -> "imba_shit"
// Flickr getJSON example
var flickerAPI = "";
var animal = $(this).text();
var flickrOptions = {
tags : animal,
format: "json"
function displayPhotos(data){
// do something here...
$.getJSON(flickerAPI,flickrOptions,displayPhotos); // $.getJSON(url,data,function_callback)
// AJAX same origin policy ------- CORS
www < home server > != non www < home server >
< foreign server > = disallowed
Ways to circumvent same origin policy problem
1. Use a web proxy - write a script utilising the home server to talk with a foreign server, foreign server sends AJAX response to home server, home server sends the response to client
2. JSONP - JSON with Padding
<script src="http........"></script>
3. CORS - Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
Settings on < foreign server > --> < Access-Control-Allow-Origin: > + access credentials ( API tokens, passwords etc...)
// cool tricks for debugging
// debugger method JavaScript -
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