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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am jiggins on github.
  • I am jiggins ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASAsAXhstqA3_IKNWlKgKN5lSkzeWGgVuAYWGu6hB_U27Ao

To claim this, I am signing this object:


  • [Minecraft -]
  • [Minecraft Forge Recommended -]
  • [MultiMC]


Chose one of the two methods

1. MultiMC - Easy Mode
  1. Download [MultiMC]
\usepackage{fixltx2e} % provides \textsubscript


Getting Started

rails new Dema
bundle install

rails server

module Maybe where
import Prelude hiding (Maybe (..))
-- Take a look at Hackage: Data.Maybe
data Maybe a = Nothing
| Just a
#! /bin/bash
# For one line installation, use the command in the comment on the next line
# bash <(curl
echo -n "Enter your name: "
read -e NAME
echo -n "Enter your Student Number: "
Jiggins / compare_dirs.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
ruby compare_dirs.rb /path/to/dir1 /path/to/dir2
require 'pp'
def dirHash(path)
Dir["#{path}/**/*"].inject({}) {|h,i| t = h; i.split("/").each {|n| t[n] ||= {}; t = t[n]}; h}
def deep_diff(a,b)
(a.keys | b.keys).inject({}) do |diff, k|

Clock Cycles

The following code takes 6 seconds to run on a DOS box emulator. Calculate the number of clock cycles required for the highlighted code (A) to run?

Ok so for this part you need to count the number of cycles this program will execute. Each comment will tell you how many cycles each instruction takes. E.g. It takes 4 clock cycles to run mov bx, 100. On the jump instructions, you will see something like '16 backward 4 forward', this means if the jump instruction jumps back, it will yake 16 cycles, if it doesn't jump, it will take 4.

In this example, when cx > 0, jnz back1 will take 16 cycles. But when cx == 0, it will take 4 cycles.

Minds AGM 30-05-2015


Minds and Computer Science Department party

  • Thursday 7th May
  • Time: 7pm
  • Location: Th Loft in McMahon's

Review of Minds in 2014-2015

Jiggins /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
Minds Language Shootout Results

Shootout results

Name Language
Alex Mitchell Clojure
Anne McLoughlin Julia
Cathal McGovern Oz
Conor Fitz FORTRAN
Conor Loney Forth
Darren Coyle Elixir
Fionn Collander BASIC