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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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A minimally-readable GraphGist for seeding a new Structr instance with a database representing the minimally compatible form of the CIDOC CRM -- The Conceptual Reference Model for Museums

The Minimal CIDOC CRM-Compatible Form in Neo4j

GraphGist by: Jim Salmons, Project Director - The Softalk Apple Project and the FactMiners Ecosystem

There is no substantive human-readable content here. I dumped my Neo4j database representing the minimal CIDOC CRM-Compatible Form model elements and I am wrapping them here with just enough GraphGist document structure so that Structr can import this dataset and auto-generate its Schema. I anticipate some lengthy scope notes and examples sections of the source document, Definition of the CIDOC CRM Conceptual Reference Model (PDF), may muck up Structr’s GraphGist importer.

create (_0 {`crm_id`:"E74", `examples`:"* the impressionists
* the Navajo
* the Greeks
* the peace protestors in New York City on February 15 2003
* Exxon-Mobil
* King Solomon and his wives
* The President of the Swiss Confederation
* Nicolas Bourbaki
* Betty Crocker
* Ellery Queen
", `name`:"E74 Group", `scopenote`:"Scope note:	This class comprises any gatherings or organizations of two or more people that act collectively or in a similar way due to any form of unifying relationship. In the wider sense this class also comprises official positions which used to be regarded in certain contexts as one actor, independent of the current holder of the office, such as the president of a country. A joint pseudonym (i.e., a name that seems indicative of an individual but that is actually used as a persona by two or more people) is a particular case of E74 Group.
A gathering of people becomes an E74 Group when it exhibits organizational characteristics usually typified by a set of ideas or beliefs held in common, or actions performed together. These might be communication, creating some common artifact, a common purpose such as study, worship, business, sports, etc. Nationality can be modelled as membership in an E74 Group (cf. HumanML markup). Married couples and other concepts of family are regarded as particular examples of E74 Group."})
create (_1 {`crm_id`:"E28", `examples`:"* Beethoven's \"Ode an die Freude\" (Ode to Joy) (E73)
* the definition of \"ontology\" in the Oxford English Dictionary
* the knowledge about the victory at Marathon carried by the famous runner
* 'Maxwell equations' [preferred subject access point from LCSH,
*, as of 19 November 2012]
* 'Equations, Maxwell' [variant subject access point, from the same source]
", `name`:"E28 Conceptual Object", `scopenote`:"Scope note:	This class comprises non-material products of our minds and other human produced data that have become objects of a discourse about their identity, circumstances of creation or historical 	implication. The production of such information may have been supported by the use of  technical devices such as cameras or computers.
Characteristically, instances of this class are created, invented or thought by someone, and then may be documented or communicated between persons. Instances of E28 Conceptual Object have the ability to exist on more than one particular carrier at the same time, such as paper, electronic signals, marks, audio media, paintings, photos, human memories, etc.
They cannot be destroyed. They exist as long as they can be found on at least one carrier or in at least one human memory. Their existence ends when the last carrier and the last memory are lost."})
create (_2 {`crm_id`:"E70", `examples`:"* my photograph collection (E78)
* the bottle of milk in my refrigerator (E22)
* the plan of the Strassburger Muenster (E29)
* the  thing on the top of Otto Hahn's desk (E19)
* the form of the no-smoking sign (E36)
* the cave of Dirou, Mani, Greece (E27)
", `name`:"E70 Thing", `scopenote`:"Scope note:  	This general class comprises usable discrete, identifiable, instances of E77 Persistent Item that are documented as single units.
They can be either intellectual products or physical things, and are characterized by relative stability. They may for instance either have a solid physical form, an electronic encoding, or they may be logical concept or structure."})
create (_3 {`crm_id`:"E54", `examples`:"* currency: £26.00
* length: 3.9-4.1 cm
* diameter 26 mm
* weight 150 lbs
* density: 0.85 gm/cc
* luminescence: 56 ISO lumens
* tin content: 0.46 %
* taille au garot: 5 hands
* calibrated C14 date: 2460-2720 years, etc
", `name`:"E54 Dimension", `scopenote`:"Scope note:	This class comprises quantifiable properties that can be measured by some calibrated means and can be approximated by values, i.e. points or regions in a mathematical or conceptual space, such as natural or real numbers, RGB values etc.
An instance of E54 Dimension represents the true quantity, independent from its numerical approximation, e.g. in inches or in cm. The properties of the class E54 Dimension allow for expressing the numerical approximation of the values of an instance of E54 Dimension. If the true values belong to a non-discrete space, such as spatial distances, it is recommended to record them as approximations by intervals or regions of indeterminacy enclosing the assumed true values. For instance, a length of 5 cm may be recorded as 4.5-5.5 cm, according to the precision of the respective observation. Note, that interoperability of values described in different units depends critically on the representation as value regions.
Numerical approximations in archaic instances of E58 Measurement Unit used in historical records should be preserved. Equivalents corresponding to current knowledge should be recorded as additional instances of E54 Dimension as appropriate."})
create (_4 {`crm_id`:"E61", `examples`:"* 1994 – 1997
* 13 May 1768
* 2000/01/01 00:00:59.7
* 85th century BC
", `name`:"E61 Time Primitive", `scopenote`:"Scope note:	This class comprises instances of E59 Primitive Value for time that should be implemented with appropriate validation, precision and interval logic to express date ranges relevant to cultural documentation.
E61 Time Primitive is not further elaborated upon within the model."})
create (_5 {`crm_id`:"E90", `examples`:"* 'ecognizabl'
* The \"no-smoking\" sign (E36)
* \"BM000038850.JPG\" (E75)
* image BM000038850.JPG from the Clayton Herbarium in London (E38)
* The distribution of form, tone and colour found on Leonardo da Vinci's painting named \"Mona Lisa\" in daylight (E38)
* The Italian text of Dante's \"Divina Commedia\" as found in the authoritative critical edition La Commedia secondo l'antica vulgata a cura di Giorgio Petrocchi, Milano: Mondadori, 1966-67 (= Le Opere di Dante Alighieri, Edizione Nazionale a cura della Società Dantesca Italiana, VII, 1-4)	(E33)
", `name`:"E90 Symbolic Object", `scopenote`:"Scope note:
This class comprises identifiable symbols and any aggregation of symbols, such as characters, identifiers, traffic signs, emblems, texts, data sets, images, musical scores, multimedia objects, computer program code or mathematical formulae that have an objectively recognizable structure and that are documented as single units.
It includes sets of signs of any nature, which may serve to designate something, or to communicate some propositional content.
An instance of E90 Symbolic Object does not depend on a specific physical carrier, which can include human memory, and it can exist on one or more carriers simultaneously. An instance of E90 Symbolic Object may or may not have a specific meaning, for example an arbitrary character string.
In some cases, the content of an instance of E90 Symbolic Object may completely be represented by a serialized digital content model, such as a sequence of ASCII-encoded characters, an XML or HTML document, or a TIFF image.  The property P3 has note allows for the description of this content model. In order to disambiguate which symbolic level is the carrier of the meaning, the property P3.1 has type can be used to specify the encoding (e.g. \"bit\", \"Latin character\", RGB pixel)."})
create (_6 {`crm_id`:"E24", `examples`:"* the Forth Railway Bridge (E22)
* the Channel Tunnel (E25)
* the Historical Collection of the Museum Benaki in Athens (E78)
", `name`:"E24 Physical Man-Made Thing", `scopenote`:"Scope note:	This class comprises all persistent physical items that are purposely created by human activity.
This class comprises man-made objects, such as a swords, and man-made features, such as rock art. No assumptions are made as to the extent of modification required to justify regarding an object as man-made. For example, a \"cup and ring\" carving on bedrock is regarded as instance of E24 Physical Man-Made Thing."})
create (_7 {`crm_id`:"E72", `examples`:"* the Cullinan diamond (E19)
* definition of the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model Version 2.1 (E73)
", `name`:"E72 Legal Object", `scopenote`:"Scope note:	This class comprises those material or immaterial items to which instances of E30 Right, such as the right of ownership or use, can be applied.
This is true for all E18 Physical Thing. In the case of instances of E28 Conceptual Object, however, the identity of the E28 Conceptual Object or the method of its use may be too ambiguous to reliably establish instances of E30 Right, as in the case of taxa and inspirations. Ownership of corporations is currently regarded as out of scope of the CRM."})
create (_8 {`crm_id`:"E11", `examples`:"* the construction of the SS Great Britain (E12)
* the impregnation of the Vasa warship in Stockholm for preservation after 1956
* the transformation of the Enola Gay into a museum exhibit by the National Air and Space Museum in Washington DC between 1993 and 1995 (E12, E81)
* the last renewal of the gold coating of the Toshogu shrine in Nikko, Japan
", `name`:"E11 Modification", `scopenote`:"Scope note:	This class comprises all instances of E7 Activity that create, alter or change E24 Physical Man-Made Thing.
This class includes the production of an item from raw materials, and other so far undocumented objects, and the preventive treatment or restoration of an object for conservation.
Since the distinction between modification and production is not always clear, modification is regarded as the more generally applicable concept. This implies that some items may be consumed or destroyed in a Modification, and that others may be produced as a result of it. An event should also be documented using E81 Transformation if it results in the destruction of one or more objects and the simultaneous production of others using parts or material from the originals. In this case, the new items have separate identities.
If the instance of the E29 Design or Procedure utilized for the modification prescribes the use of specific materials, they should be documented using property P68 foresees use of (use foreseen by): E57 Material of E29 Design or Procedure, rather than via P126 employed (was employed in): E57 Material."})
create (_9 {`crm_id`:"E4", `examples`:"* Jurassic
* European Bronze Age
* Italian Renaissance
* Thirty Years War
* Sturm und Drang
* Cubism
", `name`:"E4 Period", `scopenote`:"Scope note:	This class comprises sets of coherent phenomena or cultural manifestations bounded in time and space.
It is the social or physical coherence of these phenomena that identify an E4 Period and not the associated spatio-temporal bounds. These bounds are a mere approximation of the actual process of growth, spread and retreat. Consequently, different periods can overlap and coexist in time and space, such as when a nomadic culture exists in the same area as a sedentary culture.
Typically this class is used to describe prehistoric or historic periods such as the \"Neolithic Period\", the \"Ming Dynasty\" or the \"McCarthy Era\". There are however no assumptions about the scale of the associated phenomena. In particular all events are seen as synthetic processes consisting of coherent phenomena. Therefore E4 Period is a superclass of E5 Event. For example, a modern clinical E67 Birth can be seen as both an atomic E5 Event and as an E4 Period that consists of multiple activities performed by multiple instances of E39 Actor.
There are two different conceptualisations of 'artistic style', defined either by physical features or by historical context. For example, \"Impressionism\" can be viewed as a period lasting from approximately 1870 to 1905 during which paintings with particular characteristics were produced by a group of artists that included (among others) Monet, Renoir, Pissarro, Sisley and Degas. Alternatively, it can be regarded as a style applicable to all paintings sharing the characteristics of the works produced by the Impressionist painters, regardless of historical context. The first interpretation is an E4 Period, and the second defines morphological object types that fall under E55 Type.
Another specific case of an E4 Period is the set of activities and phenomena associated with a settlement, such as the populated period of Nineveh."})
create (_10 {`crm_id`:"E77", `examples`:"* Leonard da Vinci
* Stonehenge
* the hole in the ozone layer
* the First Law of Thermodynamics
* the Bermuda Triangle
", `name`:"E77 Persistent Item", `scopenote`:"Scope note:	This class comprises items that have a persistent identity, sometimes known as \"endurants\" in philosophy.
They can be repeatedly recognized within the duration of their existence by identity criteria rather than by continuity or observation. Persistent Items can be either physical entities, such as people, animals or things, or conceptual entities such as ideas, concepts, products of the imagination or common names.
The criteria that determine the identity of an item are often difficult to establish -; the decision depends largely on the judgement of the observer. For example, a building is regarded as no longer existing if it is dismantled and the materials reused in a different configuration. On the other hand, human beings go through radical and profound changes during their life-span, affecting both material composition and form, yet preserve their identity by other criteria. Similarly, inanimate objects may be subject to exchange of parts and matter. The class E77 Persistent Item does not take any position about the nature of the applicable identity criteria and if actual knowledge about identity of an instance of this class exists. There may be cases, where the identity of an E77 Persistent Item is not decidable by a certain state of knowledge.
The main classes of objects that fall outside the scope the E77 Persistent Item class are temporal objects such as periods, events and acts, and descriptive properties."})
create (_11 {`crm_id`:"E7", `examples`:"* the Battle of Stalingrad
* the Yalta Conference
* my birthday celebration 28-6-1995
* the writing of \"Faust\" by Goethe (E65)
* the formation of the Bauhaus 1919 (E66)
* calling the place identified by TGN '7017998' 'Quyunjig' by the people of Iraq
* Kira Weber working in glass art from 1984 to 1993
* Kira Weber working in oil and pastel painting from 1993
", `name`:"E7 Activity", `scopenote`:"Scope note:	This class comprises actions intentionally carried out by instances of E39 Actor that result in changes of state in the cultural, social, or physical systems documented.
This notion includes complex, composite and long-lasting actions such as the building of a settlement or a war, as well as simple, short-lived actions such as the opening of a door."})
create (_12 {`crm_id`:"E18", `examples`:"* the Cullinan Diamond (E19)
* the cave \"Ideon Andron\" in Crete (E26)
* the Mona Lisa (E22)
", `name`:"E18 Physical Thing", `scopenote`:"Scope note:	This class comprises all persistent physical items with a relatively stable form, man-made or natural.
Depending on the existence of natural boundaries of such things, the CRM distinguishes the instances of E19 Physical Object from instances of E26 Physical Feature, such as holes, rivers, pieces of land etc. Most instances of E19 Physical Object can be moved (if not too heavy), whereas features are integral to the surrounding matter.
The CRM is generally not concerned with amounts of matter in fluid or gaseous states."})
create (_13 {`crm_id`:"E55", `examples`:"* weight, length, depth [types of E54]
* portrait, sketch, animation [types of E38]
* French, English, German [E56]
* excellent, good, poor [types of E3]
* Ford Model T, chop stick [types of E22]
* cave, doline, scratch [types of E26]
* poem, short story [types of E33]
* wedding, earthquake, skirmish [types of E5]
", `name`:"E55 Type", `scopenote`:"Scope note:	This class comprises concepts denoted by terms from thesauri and controlled vocabularies used to characterize and classify instances of CRM classes. Instances of E55 Type represent concepts  in contrast to instances of E41 Appellation which are used to name instances of CRM classes.
E55 Type is the CRM's interface to domain specific ontologies and thesauri. These can be represented in the CRM as subclasses of E55 Type, forming hierarchies of terms, i.e. instances of E55 Type linked via P127 has broader  term (has narrower term). Such hierarchies may be extended with additional properties."})
create (_14 {`crm_id`:"E89", `examples`:"* Maxwell's Equations
* The ideational contents of Aristotle's book entitled 'Metaphysics' as rendered in the Greek texts translated in … Oxford edition…
* The underlying prototype of any \"no-smoking\" sign (E36)
* The common ideas of the plots of the movie \"The Seven Samurai\" by Akira Kurosawa and the movie \"The Magnificent Seven\" by John Sturges
* The image content of the photo of the Allied Leaders at Yalta 1945 (E38)
", `name`:"E89 Propositional Object", `scopenote`:"Scope note: 	This class comprises immaterial items, including but not limited to stories, plots, procedural prescriptions, algorithms, laws of physics or images that are, or represent in some sense, sets of propositions about real or imaginary things and that are documented as single units or serve as topic of discourse.
This class also comprises items that are \"about\" something in the sense of a subject. In the wider sense, this class includes expressions of psychological value such as non-figural art and musical themes. However, conceptual items such as types and classes are not instances of E89 Propositional Object. This should not be confused with the definition of a type, which is indeed an instance of E89 Propositional Object."})
create (_15 {`crm_id`:"E52", `examples`:"* 1961
* From 12-17-1993 to 12-8-1996
* 14h30 – 16h22 4th July 1945
* 9.30 am 1.1.1999 to 2.00 pm 1.1.1999
* duration of the Ming Dynasty
", `name`:"E52 Time-Span", `scopenote`:"Scope note:	This class comprises abstract temporal extents, in the sense of Galilean physics, having a beginning, an end and a duration.
Time Span has no other semantic connotations. Time-Spans are used to define the temporal extent of instances of E4 Period, E5 Event and any other phenomena valid for a certain time. An E52 Time-Span may be identified by one or more instances of E49 Time Appellation.
Since our knowledge of history is imperfect, instances of E52 Time-Span can best be considered as approximations of the actual Time-Spans of temporal entities. The properties of E52 Time-Span are intended to allow these approximations to be expressed precisely.  An extreme case of approximation, might, for example, define an E52 Time-Span having unknown beginning, end and duration. Used as a common E52 Time-Span for two events, it would nevertheless define them as being simultaneous, even if nothing else was known.
	Automatic processing and querying of instances of E52 Time-Span is facilitated if data can be parsed into an E61 Time Primitive."})
create (_16 {`crm_id`:"E62", `examples`:"* the Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over the Lazy Dog
* 6F 6E 54 79 70 31 0D 9E
", `name`:"E62 String", `scopenote`:"Scope note:	This class comprises the instances of E59 Primitive Values used for documentation such as free text strings, bitmaps, vector graphics, etc.
E62 String is not further elaborated upon within the model"})
create (_17 {`crm_id`:"E63", `examples`:"* the birth of my child
* the birth of Snoopy, my dog
* the calving of the iceberg that sank the Titanic
* the construction of the Eiffel Tower
", `name`:"E63 Beginning of Existence", `scopenote`:"Scope note: 	This class comprises events that bring into existence any E77 Persistent Item.
It may be used for temporal reasoning about things (intellectual products, physical items, groups of people, living beings) beginning to exist; it serves as a hook for determination of a terminus post quem and ante quem."})
create (_18 {`crm_id`:"E59", `examples`:"* ABCDEFG (E62)
* 3.14 (E60)
* 0
* 1921-01-01 (E61)
", `name`:"E59 Primitive Value", `scopenote`:"Scope note:	This class comprises primitive values used as documentation elements, which are not further elaborated upon within the model.
As such they are not considered as elements within our universe of discourse. No specific implementation recommendations are made. It is recommended that the primitive value system from the implementation platform be used to substitute for this class and its subclasses."})
create (_19 {`crm_id`:"E41", `examples`:"* \"Martin\"
* \"the Forth Bridge\"
* \"the Merchant of Venice\" (E35)
* \"Spigelia marilandica (L.) L.\" [not the species, just the name]
* \"information science\" [not the science itself, but the name through which we refer to it in an English-speaking context]
* \"?\" [Chinese \"an\", meaning \"peace\"]
", `name`:"E41 Appellation", `scopenote`:"Scope note:	This class comprises signs, either meaningful or not, or arrangements of signs following a specific syntax, that are used or can be used to refer to and identify a specific instance of some class or category within a certain context.
Instances of E41 Appellation do not identify things by their meaning, even if they happen to have one, but instead by convention, tradition, or agreement. Instances of E41 Appellation are cultural constructs; as such, they have a context, a history, and a use in time and space by some group of users. A given instance of E41 Appellation can have alternative forms, i.e., other instances of E41 Appellation that are always regarded as equivalent independent from the thing it denotes.
Specific subclasses of E41 Appellation should be used when instances of E41 Appellation of a characteristic form are used for particular objects. Instances of E49 Time Appellation, for example, which take the form of instances of E50 Date, can be easily recognised.
E41 Appellation should not be confused with the act of naming something. Cf. E15 Identifier Assignment"})
create (_20 {`crm_id`:"E39", `examples`:"* London and Continental Railways (E40)
* the Governor of the Bank of England in 1975 (E21)
* Sir Ian McKellan (E21)
", `name`:"E39 Actor", `scopenote`:"Scope note:	This class comprises people, either individually or in groups, who have the potential to perform intentional actions for which they can be held responsible.
The CRM does not attempt to model the inadvertent actions of such actors. Individual people should be documented as instances of E21 Person, whereas groups should be documented as instances of either E74 Group or its subclass E40 Legal Body."})
create (_21 {`crm_id`:"E5", `examples`:"* the birth of Cleopatra (E67)
* the destruction of Herculaneum by volcanic eruption in 79 AD (E6)
* World War II (E7)
* the Battle of Stalingrad (E7)
* the Yalta Conference (E7)
* my birthday celebration 28-6-1995 (E7)
* the falling of a tile from my roof last Sunday
* the CIDOC Conference 2003 (E7)
", `name`:"E5 Event", `scopenote`:"Scope note:	This class comprises changes of states in cultural, social or physical systems, regardless of scale, brought about by a series or group of coherent physical, cultural, technological or legal phenomena. Such changes of state will affect instances of E77 Persistent Item or its subclasses.
The distinction between an E5 Event and an E4 Period is partly a question of the scale of observation. Viewed at a coarse level of detail, an E5 Event is an 'instantaneous' change of state. At a fine level, the E5 Event can be analysed into its component phenomena within a space and time frame, and as such can be seen as an E4 Period. The reverse is not necessarily the case: not all instances of E4 Period give rise to a noteworthy change of state."})
create (_22 {`crm_id`:"E64", `examples`:"* the death of Snoopy, my dog
* the melting of the snowman
* the burning of the Temple of Artemis in Ephesos by Herostratos in 356BC
", `name`:"E64 End of Existence", `scopenote`:"Scope note: 	This class comprises events that end the existence of any E77 Persistent Item.
It may be used for temporal reasoning about things (physical items, groups of people, living beings) ceasing to exist; it serves as a hook for determination of a terminus postquem and antequem. In cases where substance from a Persistent Item continues to exist in a new form, the process would be documented by E81 Transformation."})
create (_23 {`crm_id`:"E53", `examples`:"* the extent of the UK in the year 2003
* the position of the hallmark on the inside of my wedding ring
* the place referred to in the phrase: \"Fish collected at three miles north of the confluence of the Arve and the Rhone\"
* here -> <-
", `name`:"E53 Place", `scopenote`:"Scope note:	This class comprises extents in space, in particular on the surface of the earth, in the pure sense of physics: independent from temporal phenomena and matter.
The instances of E53 Place are usually determined by reference to the position of \"immobile\" objects such as buildings, cities, mountains, rivers, or dedicated geodetic marks. A Place can be determined by combining a frame of reference and a location with respect to this frame. It may be identified by one or more instances of E44 Place Appellation.
It is sometimes argued that instances of E53 Place are best identified by global coordinates or absolute reference systems. However, relative references are often more relevant in the context of cultural documentation and tend to be more precise. In particular, we are often interested in position in relation to large, mobile objects, such as ships. For example, the Place at which Nelson died is known with reference to a large mobile object – H.M.S Victory. A resolution of this Place in terms of absolute coordinates would require knowledge of the movements of the vessel and the precise time of death, either of which may be revised, and the result would lack historical and cultural relevance.
Any object can serve as a frame of reference for E53 Place determination. The model foresees the notion of a \"section\" of an E19 Physical Object as a valid E53 Place determination."})
create (_24 {`crm_id`:"E71", `examples`:"* Beethoven's 5th Symphony (E73)
* Michelangelo's David
* Einstein's Theory of General Relativity (E73)
* the taxon 'Fringilla coelebs Linnaeus,1758' (E55)
", `name`:"E71 Man-Made Thing", `scopenote`:"Scope note: 	This class comprises discrete, identifiable man-made items that are documented as single units.
These items are either intellectual products or man-made physical things, and are characterized by relative stability. They may for instance have a solid physical form, an electronic encoding, or they may be logical concepts or structures."})
create (_25 {`crm_id`:"E2", `examples`:"* Bronze Age (E4)
* the earthquake in Lisbon 1755 (E5)
* the Peterhof Palace near Saint Petersburg being in ruins from 1944 – 1946 (E3)
", `name`:"E2 Temporal Entity", `scopenote`:"Scope note:	This class comprises all phenomena, such as the instances of E4 Periods, E5 Events and states, which happen over a limited extent in time.
	In some contexts, these are also called perdurants. This class is disjoint from E77 Persistent Item. This is an abstract class and has no direct instances. E2 Temporal Entity is specialized into E4 Period, which applies to a particular geographic area (defined with a greater or lesser degree of precision), and E3 Condition State, which applies to instances of E18 Physical Thing."})
create (_26 {`crm_id`:"E13", `examples`:"* the assessment of the current ownership of Martin Doerr's silver cup in February 1997
", `name`:"E13 Attribute Assignment", `scopenote`:"Scope note:	This class comprises the actions of making assertions about properties of an object or any relation between two items or concepts.
This class allows the documentation of how the respective assignment came about, and whose opinion it was. All the attributes or properties assigned in such an action can also be seen as directly attached to the respective item or concept, possibly as a collection of contradictory values. All cases of properties in this model that are also described indirectly through an action are characterised as \"short cuts\" of this action. This redundant modelling of two alternative views is preferred because many implementations may have good reasons to model either the action or the short cut, and the relation between both alternatives can be captured by simple rules.
In particular, the class describes the actions of people making propositions and statements during certain museum procedures, e.g. the person and date when a condition statement was made, an identifier was assigned, the museum object was measured, etc. Which kinds of such assignments and statements need to be documented explicitly in structures of a schema rather than free text, depends on if this information should be accessible by structured queries."})
create (_27 {`crm_id`:"E1", `examples`:"* the earthquake in Lisbon 1755 (E5)
", `name`:"E1 CRM Entity", `scopenote`:"Scope note:	This class comprises all things in the universe of discourse of the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model.
It is an abstract concept providing for three general properties:
1.	Identification by name or appellation, and in particular by a preferred identifier
2.	Classification by type, allowing further refinement of the specific subclass an instance belongs to
3.	Attachment of free text for the expression of anything not captured by formal properties
With the exception of E59 Primitive Value, all other classes within the CRM are directly or indirectly specialisations of E1 CRM Entity."})
create (_28 {`crm_id`:"E30", `examples`:"* copyright held by ISO on ISO/CD 21127
* ownership of the \"Mona Lisa\" by the Louvre
", `name`:"E30 Right", `scopenote`:"Scope note:	This class comprises legal privileges concerning material and immaterial things or their derivatives.
These include reproduction and property rights."})
create (_29 {`crm_id`:"E73", `examples`:"* image BM000038850.JPG from the Clayton Herbarium in London
* E. A. Poe's \"The Raven\"
* the movie \"The Seven Samurai\" by Akira Kurosawa
* the Maxwell Equations
", `name`:"E73 Information Object", `scopenote`:"Scope note: 	This class comprises identifiable immaterial items, such as a poems, jokes, data sets, images, texts, multimedia objects, procedural prescriptions, computer program code, algorithm or mathematical formulae, that have an objectively recognizable structure and are documented as single units.
An E73 Information Object does not depend on a specific physical carrier, which can include human memory, and it can exist on one or more carriers simultaneously.
Instances of E73 Information Object of a linguistic nature should be declared as instances of the E33 Linguistic Object subclass. Instances of E73 Information Object of a documentary nature should be declared as instances of the E31 Document subclass. Conceptual items such as types and classes are not instances of E73 Information Object, nor are ideas without a reproducible expression."})
create (_30 {`crm_id`:"E65", `examples`:"* the framing of the U.S. Constitution
* the drafting of U.N. resolution 1441
", `name`:"E65 Creation", `scopenote`:"Scope note: 	This class comprises events that result in the creation of conceptual items or immaterial products, such as legends, poems, texts, music, images, movies, laws, types etc."})
create (_31 {`crm_id`:"E12", `examples`:"* the construction of the SS Great Britain
* the first casting of the Little Mermaid from the harbour of Copenhagen
* Rembrandt's creating of the seventh state of his etching \"Woman sitting half dressed beside a stove\", 1658, identified by Bartsch Number 197 (E12,E65,E81)
", `name`:"E12 Production", `scopenote`:"Scope note:	This class comprises activities that are designed to, and succeed in, creating one or more new items.
It specializes the notion of modification into production. The decision as to whether or not an object is regarded as new is context sensitive. Normally, items are considered \"new\" if there is no obvious overall similarity between them and the consumed items and material used in their production. In other cases, an item is considered \"new\" because it becomes relevant to documentation by a modification. For example, the scribbling of a name on a potsherd may make it a voting token. The original potsherd may not be worth documenting, in contrast to the inscribed one.
This entity can be collective: the printing of a thousand books, for example, would normally be considered a single event.
An event should also be documented using E81 Transformation if it results in the destruction of one or more objects and the simultaneous production of others using parts or material from the originals. In this case, the new items have separate identities and matter is preserved, but identity is not."})
create _0-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E74 Group IS_A E39 Actor"}]->_20
create _0-[:`P107_HAS_CURRENT_OR_FORMER_MEMBER` {`crm_id`:"P107", `crm_name`:"P107 has current or former member", `recip_name`:"is current or former member of"}]->_20
create _1-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E28 Conceptual Object IS_A E71 Man-Made Thing"}]->_24
create _2-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E70 Thing IS_A E77 Persistent Item"}]->_10
create _2-[:`P43_HAS_DIMENSION` {`crm_id`:"P43", `crm_name`:"P43 has dimension", `recip_name`:"is dimension of"}]->_3
create _2-[:`P130_SHOWS_FEATURES_OF` {`crm_id`:"P130", `crm_name`:"P130 shows features of", `recip_name`:"features are also found on"}]->_2
create _3-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E54 Dimension IS_A E1 CRM Entity"}]->_27
create _4-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E61 Time Primitive IS_A E59 Primitive Value"}]->_18
create _5-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E90 Symbolic Object IS_A E72 Legal Object"}]->_7
create _5-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E90 Symbolic Object IS_A E28 Conceptual Object"}]->_1
create _5-[:`P106_IS_COMPOSED_OF` {`crm_id`:"P106", `crm_name`:"P106 is composed of", `recip_name`:"forms part of"}]->_5
create _6-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E24 Physical Man-Made Thing IS_A E71 Man-Made Thing"}]->_24
create _6-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E24 Physical Man-Made Thing IS_A E18 Physical Thing"}]->_12
create _6-[:`P128_CARRIES` {`crm_id`:"P128", `crm_name`:"P128 carries", `recip_name`:"is carried by"}]->_5
create _7-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E72 Legal Object IS_A E70 Thing"}]->_2
create _7-[:`P104_IS_SUBJECT_TO` {`crm_id`:"P104", `crm_name`:"P104 is subject to", `recip_name`:"applies to"}]->_28
create _8-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E11 Modification IS_A E7 Activity"}]->_11
create _8-[:`P31_HAS_MODIFIED` {`crm_id`:"P31", `crm_name`:"P31 has modified", `recip_name`:"was modified by"}]->_6
create _9-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E4 Period IS_A E2 Temporal Entity"}]->_25
create _9-[:`P7_TOOK_PLACE_AT` {`crm_id`:"P7", `crm_name`:"P7 took place at", `recip_name`:"witnessed"}]->_23
create _9-[:`P10_FALLS_WITHIN` {`crm_id`:"P10", `crm_name`:"P10 falls within", `recip_name`:"contains"}]->_9
create _10-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E77 Persistent Item IS_A E1 CRM Entity"}]->_27
create _11-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E7 Activity IS_A E5 Event"}]->_21
create _11-[:`P14_CARRIED_OUT_BY` {`crm_id`:"P14", `crm_name`:"P14 carried out by", `recip_name`:"performed"}]->_20
create _11-[:`P15_WAS_INFLUENCED_BY` {`crm_id`:"P15", `crm_name`:"P15 was influenced by", `recip_name`:"influenced"}]->_27
create _11-[:`P16_USED_SPECIFIC_OBJECT` {`crm_id`:"P16", `crm_name`:"P16 used specific object", `recip_name`:"was used for"}]->_2
create _11-[:`P20_HAD_SPECIFIC_PURPOSE` {`crm_id`:"P20", `crm_name`:"P20 had specific purpose", `recip_name`:"was purpose of"}]->_21
create _12-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E18 Physical Thing IS_A E72 Legal Object"}]->_7
create _12-[:`P46_IS_COMPOSED_OF` {`crm_id`:"P46", `crm_name`:"P46 is composed of", `recip_name`:"forms part of"}]->_12
create _12-[:`P59_HAS_SECTION` {`crm_id`:"P59", `crm_name`:"P59 has section", `recip_name`:"is located on or within"}]->_23
create _13-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E55 Type IS_A E28 Conceptual Object"}]->_1
create _13-[:`P127_HAS_BROADER_TERM` {`crm_id`:"P127", `crm_name`:"P127 has broader term", `recip_name`:"has narrower term"}]->_13
create _14-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E89 Propositional Object IS_A E28 Conceptual Object"}]->_1
create _14-[:`P148_HAS_COMPONENT` {`crm_id`:"P148", `crm_name`:"P148 has component", `recip_name`:"is component of"}]->_14
create _14-[:`P67_REFERS_TO` {`crm_id`:"P67", `crm_name`:"P67 refers to", `recip_name`:"is referred to by"}]->_27
create _15-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E52 Time-Span IS_A E1 CRM Entity"}]->_27
create _15-[:`P81_ONGOING_THROUGHOUT` {`crm_id`:"P81", `crm_name`:"P81 ongoing throughout"}]->_4
create _15-[:`P82_AT_SOME_TIME_WITHIN` {`crm_id`:"P82", `crm_name`:"P82 at some time within"}]->_4
create _16-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E62 String IS_A E59 Primitive Value"}]->_18
create _17-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E63 Beginning of Existence IS_A E5 Event"}]->_21
create _17-[:`P92_BROUGHT_INTO_EXISTENCE` {`crm_id`:"P92", `crm_name`:"P92 brought into existence", `recip_name`:"was brought into existence by"}]->_10
create _19-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E41 Appellation IS_A E90 Symbolic Object"}]->_5
create _20-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E39 Actor IS_A E77 Persistent Item"}]->_10
create _20-[:`P75_POSSESSES` {`crm_id`:"P75", `crm_name`:"P75 possesses", `recip_name`:"is possessed by"}]->_28
create _21-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E5 Event IS_A E4 Period"}]->_9
create _22-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E64 End of Existence IS_A E5 Event"}]->_21
create _22-[:`P93_TOOK_OUT_OF_EXISTENCE` {`crm_id`:"P93", `crm_name`:"P93 took out of existence", `recip_name`:"was taken out of existence by"}]->_10
create _23-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E53 Place IS_A E1 CRM Entity"}]->_27
create _23-[:`P89_FALLS_WITHIN` {`crm_id`:"P89", `crm_name`:"P89 falls within", `recip_name`:"contains"}]->_23
create _24-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E71 Man-Made Thing IS_A E70 Thing"}]->_2
create _25-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E2 Temporal Entity IS_A E1 CRM Entity"}]->_27
create _25-[:`P4_HAS_TIME-SPAN` {`crm_id`:"P4", `crm_name`:"P4 has time-span", `recip_name`:"is time-span of"}]->_15
create _26-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E13 Attribute Assignment IS_A E7 Activity"}]->_11
create _26-[:`P140_ASSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE_TO` {`crm_id`:"P140", `crm_name`:"P140 assigned attribute to", `recip_name`:"was attributed by"}]->_27
create _26-[:`P141_ASSIGNED` {`crm_id`:"P141", `crm_name`:"P141 assigned", `recip_name`:"was assigned by"}]->_27
create _27-[:`P1_IS_IDENTIFIED_BY` {`crm_id`:"P1", `crm_name`:"P1 is identified by", `recip_name`:"identifies"}]->_19
create _27-[:`P2_HAS_TYPE` {`crm_id`:"P2", `crm_name`:"P2 has type", `recip_name`:"is type of"}]->_13
create _27-[:`P3_HAS_NOTE` {`crm_id`:"P3", `crm_name`:"P3 has note"}]->_16
create _28-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E30 Right IS_A E89 Propositional Object"}]->_14
create _29-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E73 Information Object IS_A E90 Symbolic Object"}]->_5
create _29-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E73 Information Object IS_A E89 Propositional Object"}]->_14
create _30-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E65 Creation IS_A E63 Beginning of Existence"}]->_17
create _30-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E65 Creation IS_A E7 Activity"}]->_11
create _30-[:`P94_HAS_CREATED` {`crm_id`:"P94", `crm_name`:"P94 has created", `recip_name`:"was created by"}]->_1
create _31-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E12 Production IS_A E63 Beginning of Existence"}]->_17
create _31-[:`IS_A` {`IS_A`:"E12 Production IS_A E11 Modification"}]->_8
create _31-[:`P108_HAS_PRODUCED` {`crm_id`:"P108", `crm_name`:"P108 has produced", `recip_name`:"was produced by"}]->_6

That’s all folks!

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