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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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The Minimal CIDOC CRM-Compatible Form in Neo4j

GraphGist by: Jim Salmons, Project Director - The Softalk Apple Project and the FactMiners Ecosystem

There is no substantive human-readable content here. I dumped my Neo4j database representing the minimal CIDOC CRM-Compatible Form model elements and I am wrapping them here with just enough GraphGist document structure so that Structr can import this dataset and auto-generate its Schema. I anticipate some lengthy scope notes and examples sections of the source document, Definition of the CIDOC CRM Conceptual Reference Model, may muck up Structr’s GraphGist importer. YO!

create (_0 {crm_id:"E74", examples:"* the impressionists
* the Navajo
* the Greeks
* the peace protestors in New York City on February 15 2003
* Exxon-Mobil
* King Solomon and his wives
* The President of the Swiss Confederation
* Nicolas Bourbaki
* Betty Crocker
* Ellery Queen
", name:"E74 Group", scopenote:"Scope note:	This class comprises any gatherings or organizations of two or more people that act collectively or in a similar way due to any form of unifying relationship. In the wider sense this class also comprises official positions which used to be regarded in certain contexts as one actor, independent of the current holder of the office, such as the president of a country. A joint pseudonym (i.e., a name that seems indicative of an individual but that is actually used as a persona by two or more people) is a particular case of E74 Group.
A gathering of people becomes an E74 Group when it exhibits organizational characteristics usually typified by a set of ideas or beliefs held in common, or actions performed together. These might be communication, creating some common artifact, a common purpose such as study, worship, business, sports, etc. Nationality can be modelled as membership in an E74 Group (cf. HumanML markup). Married couples and other concepts of family are regarded as particular examples of E74 Group."})

create (_20 {crm_id:"E39", examples:"* London and Continental Railways (E40)
* the Governor of the Bank of England in 1975 (E21)
* Sir Ian McKellan (E21)
", name:"E39 Actor", scopenote:"Scope note:	This class comprises people, either individually or in groups, who have the potential to perform intentional actions for which they can be held responsible.
The CRM does not attempt to model the inadvertent actions of such actors. Individual people should be documented as instances of E21 Person, whereas groups should be documented as instances of either E74 Group or its subclass E40 Legal Body."})
create _0-[:IS_A {IS_A:"E74 Group IS_A E39 Actor"}]->_20
create _0-[:P107_HAS_CURRENT_OR_FORMER_MEMBER {crm_id:"P107", crm_name:"P107 has current or former member", recip_name:"is current or former member of"}]->_20

That’s all folks!

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