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Created September 11, 2018 13:35
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To tap into a large group of patients and connect them with physical therapists in their area. Tackling this problem requires us to keep this goal in mind along ever iteration of a new feature. In the most stupefyingly simple scenario, if the idea/feature is not contributing to the goal then it needs to wait.

Going wide with regards to capturing more PTs and connecting them with clinics is the priority over going deep into detail oriented focus on a particular feature.

Clinic Cards

Tapping Into a Clinic Card

Patient Booking An Appointment

🙋🏻‍♀️: 2+ steps on initial booking, 1 step for follow-ups
🏚: 3+ steps on initial booking, 2 steps for follow-ups

  • Patient books appointment for 2 pm on September 15th with a physical therapist named Brad.
  • Clinic receives alert and responds by calling the patient.
  • Patient and clinic exchange additional info and confirm insurance details.
  • The Clinic, sometime after the phone call confirms this appointment on the Clinic platform. ⚠️
  • The patient subsequently opens the app and is able to see that the appointment was confirmed. ⚠️

⚠️ Potential Problems:

  • The clinic needs to able to log in to the clinic platform and confirm the appointment.
  • The clinic might never confirm the appointment which would leave the patient app reflecting incorrect data.
  • What if over the phone, details of the appointment changed (e.g. Date or time). This leaves a simple confirm button not acceptable if the app is to reflect exact appointment information. If a clinic has to tap a confirm button, look to bring up a dialog box that asks for the clinic to input the date and time of the confirmed appointment. Can also work similar to the insurance card where the requests delete the pending appointment and create a new one which is marked confirmed.

🙋🏻‍♀️: 2+ steps
🏚: 3+ steps

  • Patient requests appointment for 2 pm on September 15th with the clinic.
  • Clinic receives alert and responds by calling the patient.
  • Patient and clinic exchange additional info and confirm insurance details. In this phone call, the appointment was booked for 4 pm on September 15th (two hours after the requested time).
  • The Clinic, sometime after the phone call confirms this appointment on the Clinic platform. ⚠️
  • The patient subsequently opens the app and is able to see that the appointment was confirmed. ⚠️

⚠️ Potential Problems:

  • The clinic might never confirm this appointment on the clinic platform after the phone call. This leaves us in a situation where the patient app will incorrectly reflect that an appointment is still pending confirmation when in fact it was booked over the phone and should have been confirmed.
  • The clinic confirms the appointment but the time that was agreed upon over the phone differs from the requested time the patient made in the app (like in the scenario above). This leaves the patient app incorrectly reflecting what time the confirmed appointment is which could lead to confusion.
  • The clinic needs to cancel or reschedule the appointment and does so by calling the patient to let them know. Will the clinic have the ability to reflect any of this info on the clinic platform? If not, the patient app will be incorrectly displaying a confirmed appointment on a specific date which would be incorrect.

Potential Fix: When a clinic taps "Confirm Appointment" on the clinic platform, they should be asked to then provide a date & time. This is then posted as a confirmed appointment for this patient. Ideally a push notification would be sent out here. For the time being, when the user subsequently opens the app, any new request grabbing down the list of Appointments will include this now updated Appointment which will now be confirmed and show the correct time and date. This doesn't solve the problem with a clinic cancelling an appointment over the phone or if they forget to confirm the appointment altogether. Those two seem unavoidable unless we give the patient access to manipulating appointment details from the app which I don't recommend.

🙋🏻‍♀️: 1+ steps
🏚: 1+ steps

  • Patient calls clinic.
  • Clinic may not be able to answer the patients phone call. Assuming they can, information is exchanged, a date and time are agreed upon and an appointment is booked.
  • None of this info is reflected in the app if a user is interested in viewing any information about their appointments booked.

Search Screen

Date Being Removed

  • The date most likely is not a reason a user is deciding to go with a particular clinic. The main reasons would be recommendation, location, insurance, rating and then a user would find a date that works best with visiting that clinic they would have already chosen versus having the next availability and it being sooner than another clinic be a reason to choose differently.
  • Simplifies the search screen with less choices for the user to make.
  • Works nicer with how we expect to implement standard clinics which is that their availability is reflected on their open hours showing times on the clinic every hour. If we put any weight on a date on this screen, the standard clinics will be showing availability everyday compared to Integrated which would be unfair.

Updating the Next Availability Text

  • Should this text remain on the card at all? Standard Clinics will always be displaying that they have availability on that day because of their availability reflecting their open hours.
  • If it does remain, should we change the language at all on the Standard Card to instead state "Request Appointment" where it now states "Next Availability: 11/19"? Or maybe it just remains how it works now where it will state Available Today.

Patient apps 2.0

Search screen

  • no more date on search screen
  • “Book Now” for integrated and standards
  • Basics stay same

Appointment screen

  • Need to handle “requestStatus” of “upcoming appointments” (pending, confirmed, denied)
  • Appointments will not always have PTs

Clinic screen

  • “Request” Times on clinic for standard
  • “Book” Times on PT for integrated
  • Show hours of operation

Clinic web app 2.0

  • No creating new basic clinics
  • Old basic clinics should appear as unfinished standard clinics. Red wording says “this is a basic clinic. Please upgrade your subscription or you will disappear from platform”.
  • No more “isActive” for clinics or PTs. (subscribed clinics are automatically active and their PTs are automatically visible)
  • No appointment lengths
  • No calendar
  • Keep the “availabilities” list for integrated clinics
  • Add “hours of operation” for both clinic types.
  • “Booking buffer” for standard clinics
  • “Upcoming Appointments” has a confirm/deny appointment request action
  • Still one price for clinic subscriptions
  • Remove from all clinics (edited)

Whiteboard Session

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