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Created October 12, 2018 15:53
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Story, Task, Bug Creation

1. Select Create Issue

2. Dropdown box to the left allows you to adjust the type

Notes pertaining to a story

  • Have it so that it reads similar to stories we've created in Pivotal. "As a ...."
  • Make sure to go into the newly created story and add an Assignee (this is the person that will ultimately work on the story). I prefer that you add an assignee even if you're not sure if that's the person who will address it. That leaves it so that someone at some level will see it and in a worst case scenario, can shift it to the appropriate team member.
  • Drag the newly created story in order of priority in the backlog list of other stories, tasks and bugs it now lives with. If something is very high priority, drag it to the top of the backlog. It is on the assignee to drag it into the current/future sprint.
  • If you create a story and you're unsure as to where it belongs in the list of other stories, bugs and tasks with regards to its priority but in your mind it is something that is high priority, you can always update a priority value stored in the details of the created story. By doing this, note that this won't affect where it lives within the list of other stories (you still would have to drag it where you want creating your own order of priority having nothing to do with the priority value you can assign in the details).
  • Feel free (highly encouraged) to detail what is involved with this story by adding Comments within the story details. This can range from how a decision was made as to why it is now a story + details of how it can/should be implemented.
  • Be diligent with being as descriptive as possible. Imagine you're having to write it in case you might disappear from some invisible person serum to never be seen from again.

Notes pertaining to a bug

  • Retrace the steps you took to create the bug you're going to report. In retracing those steps, write out in detail where you are (not physically) and how you got to the bug. TODO: Create an example here.

General Notes


How do I assign issues to multiple users

Response from JIRA: JIRA is designed so that issues must be assigned to a single individual to prevent tasks from being overlooked. A team lead or manager should assign issues out to individuals, or your users will pick from a list of issues that they have the option to take on. However, if you want to configure JIRA to allow issues to be assigned to multiple users there are a few option for doing so: It is easy to still setup a queue the a group can pick from, or affiliate an issue with group in addition to having it assigned to an individual within that group:

How can we add an assignee when creating an issue instead of having to go back into the already created issue and then add the assignee?

Not sure yet.

How fast does light move around the Earth in one second (snap of a finger)?

7 times

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