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Last active February 6, 2021 20:33
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Save JimHaughwout/11357042 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Command Line script to geocode address or reverse geocode coordinates
#! /usr/bin/env python
Converting lat, long into real addresses (and back) using pygeocoder.
Slower but more robust in terms of tolerance of partial addresses
and level of formated information provided. This still makes use of
Google's geocoding API V3.
Dependency: pip install pygeocoder
: param -a : geocode address
: param -r : reverse geocode from lat-lng to address
: param -j : print full GeocoderResult object in json
To make a command line script:
- Move this file to /usr/local/bin
- Remove .py extention
- chmod +x filename
- Ensure "/usr/local/bin" is in your PATH
from pygeocoder import Geocoder
import sys
from sys import argv
import json
def geocode_address(address="77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA"):
Geocode an address query
:param string address: the address you which to encode
Result is class GeocoderResult with following useful properties:
lat, lng = result.coordinates
latitude = result.latitude
longitude = result.longitude
street_number = result.street_number
street = result.route
city =
state = result.state
province = result.province
postal_code = result.postal_code
country =
formatted_address = result.formatted_address
valid_address is TRUE or FALSE
result = Geocoder.geocode(address)
except: #Catch all exceptions
e = sys.exc_info()[1]
sys.exit("Geocoder %s for %s" % (e, address))
# Check if result is a valid address
if result.valid_address:
return result
sys.exit("Error - encode_address: Address=%r is an invalid address." %
return None
def geodecode_coords(lat, lng):
Convert lat, long info full address of class GeocoderResult
:param float lat is latitude in degrees
:param float lng is longitude in degrees
# Convert to float in case you get whole value degrees
result = Geocoder.reverse_geocode(float(lat), float(lng))
except: #Catch all exceptions
e = sys.exc_info()[1]
sys.exit("Reverse Geocode %s for %r and %r." % (e, lat, lng))
return result
# Check if help options passed
help_message = '''
Usage: %s -options [args]' % argv[0]
\t-r to reverse geocode arg[2]=latitude arg[3]=longitude'
\t-a to geocode arg[2]="address to geocode"'
\t-j to produce full json output vs simple output.
if (len(argv) == 1) or ('-h' in argv[1]):
print help_message
# Determing encoding and output format
encoding = 'unknown'
output = 'simple'
if '-' in argv[1]:
if 'r' in argv[1]:
encoding = 'reverse'
if 'a' in argv[1]:
encoding = 'normal'
if 'j' in argv[1]:
output = 'full json'
# Get and verify input
if encoding == 'reverse':
if len(argv) != 4:
print 'Format is %s %s latitude longitude' % (argv[0], argv[1])
print 'You provided %d arguments' % len(argv)
lat = float(argv[2])
lng = float(argv[3])
e = sys.exc_info()[0]
sys.exit('Error: Did not pass numbers for both latitude and longitude.')
if abs(lat) > 90:
sys.exit('Error: Latitude of %f is out of range [-90, 90].' % lat)
if abs(lng) > 180:
sys.exit('Error: Longitude of %f is out of range [-180, 180].' % lng)
result = geodecode_coords(lat, lng)
elif encoding == 'normal':
if len(argv) != 3:
print 'Format is %s %s "address to encode"' % (argv[0], argv[1])
print 'You provided %d arguments' % len(argv)
address = argv[2]
result = geocode_address(address)
print 'Could not process input, try: %s -help' % argv[0]
if output == 'full json':
print json.dumps(result.raw, sort_keys=True, indent=2, separators=(',', ': '))
print '\nAddress: %s' % result.formatted_address
print 'Lat, Long: %f %f' % (result.coordinates)
print 'Street Number %s' % result.street_number
print 'Street/Route: %s' % result.route
print 'Postal Code: %s' % result.postal_code
print 'Neighborhood: %s' % result.neighborhood
print 'City/Locatlity: %s' %
print 'County (GADM Level 2): %s' % result.county
print 'State/Province (GADM Level 1): %s' % result.state
print 'Country: %s\n' %
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