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Created March 9, 2014 23:19
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Save JimHaughwout/9456490 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Ways to set up nested keys in Cassandra
-- Different ways to handle nested keys
-- Data can be from an Android device installed as part of the
-- Open Auto Alliance. Hierarchy is Maker: Model:
-- Using bigint casting of 64-bit HEX android_id
CREATE KEYSPACE auto_data_space WITH replication = {
'class': 'SimpleStrategy',
'replication_factor': '3'
USE auto_data_space
-- Option 1: Fastest but least Flexible
--Essentially forces maker and model combo, but no INDEX required
create table car_data (
maker text,
model text,
android_id bigint,
read_ts timestamp,
speed float,
engine_temp float,
fuel_level float,
mileage float
tire_pressure_fl float,
tire_pressure_fr float,
tire_pressure_bl float,
tire_pressure_br float,
PRIMARY KEY ((maker, model), android_id, read_ts) );
-- Option 2: Second fastest but limited flexibility
-- Can select: ALL, All for Maker, all for Maker and Model
-- or all for Maker, Model in time range
create table car_data (
maker text,
model text,
android_id bigint,
read_ts timestamp,
speed float,
engine_temp float,
fuel_level float,
mileage float
tire_pressure_fl float,
tire_pressure_fr float,
tire_pressure_bl float,
tire_pressure_br float,
PRIMARY KEY (maker, model, android_id, read_ts) );
-- Option 3: Most Flexible, byt slowest
-- Needs lots of indices. Not recommended for C*
-- Very similar to models auto-generated by ORM packages
create table car_data (
read_id timeuuid,
maker text,
model text,
android_id bigint,
read_ts timestamp,
speed float,
engine_temp float,
fuel_level float,
mileage float
tire_pressure_fl float,
tire_pressure_fr float,
tire_pressure_bl float,
tire_pressure_br float,
PRIMARY KEY (read_id) );
CREATE INDEX ON car_data(maker);
CREATE INDEX ON car_data(model);
CREATE INDEX ON car_data(android_id);
CREATE INDEX ON car_data(read_ts);
-- Option 4: Optimizes on Android IDs
-- Some indxes needed
-- However, this will not capture repeat transmission of same read,
-- something common in sensor world
create table car_data (
android_id bigint,
read_ts timestamp,
maker text,
model text,
speed float,
engine_temp float,
fuel_level float,
mileage float
tire_pressure_fl float,
tire_pressure_fr float,
tire_pressure_bl float,
tire_pressure_br float,
PRIMARY KEY (android_id, read_ts);
CREATE INDEX ON car_data(maker);
CREATE INDEX ON car_data(model);
-- Option 5 Optimizes on Android IDs
-- Allows duplicate read data transfer and capture at price of extra index
-- timeuuid recommended as can be auto-generated quickly with low collision
create table car_data (
android_id bigint,
event_uid timeuuid,
read_ts timestamp,
maker text,
model text,
speed float,
engine_temp float,
fuel_level float,
mileage float
tire_pressure_fl float,
tire_pressure_fr float,
tire_pressure_bl float,
tire_pressure_br float,
PRIMARY KEY (android_id, event_uid);
CREATE INDEX ON car_data(maker);
CREATE INDEX ON car_data(model);
CREATE INDEX ON car_data(read_ts);
-- Continuiing this to aggregate pressure at given date and weather for geocode
-- Using Worldl Aeronautical Codes (WACs) to simplify zoning
-- Aggregates all reads of pressure by make and model for WAC and date
create table pressure_reads_by_local_and_date (
android_id bigint,
wac int,
date text,
read_ts timestamp,
maker text,
model text,
tire_pressure_fl float,
tire_pressure_fr float,
tire_pressure_bl float,
tire_pressure_br float,
PRIMARY KEY ((android_id, wac, date), read_ts) );
-- Now add all weather readings for WAC and date
create table wx_event_by_local_and_date (
wac int,
date text,
wx_read_ts timestamp,
temp float,
dew_point float,
PRIMARY KEY ((wac, date), wx_read_ts) );
--However, it may simply be easier to have a WAC + DATE + Hour agg
CREATE TABLE hourly_wx_by_local_and_datw (
wac int,
date text,
hour int,
temp_mean float,
temp_max float,
temp_min float,
dew_point_mean float,
dew_point_max float,
dew_point_min float,
PRIMARY KEY (wac, date, hour) );
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