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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Save JimHaughwout/9456686 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Re-creating some items from the past. Ways to ingest and control access to medical device data in C*
--Example of nested (i.e., controlled access) to medical device data
--used as part of eSource for medical trials
CREATE KEYSPACE med_devices WITH replication = {
'class': 'SimpleStrategy',
'replication_factor': '3'
USE med_devices;
-- This table captures highly sparse medical sensor device data
-- It is designed to easily control the SCOPE of selection:
-- by compound, trial or subject. It uses CDASH standard nomenclature.
-- but insets underscores and moves to lowecase to adhere to C* standards
-- It only uses a small subset of potenal vital signs data.
-- We could partition on (compound, trial) but this would restrict flexibility
create table med_device_data (
compound text,
study_id text,
u_subj_id text,
visit text,
read_ts timestamp,
sensor_id text,
pulse_vsorres float,
temp_vsorres, float,
bp_sysbp_vsorres float,
bp_diabp_vsorres float,
nth_data_pt float,
PRIMARY KEY (compound, study_id, visit, u_subj_id, read_ts) );
-- Swapped visit and subject to get all for visit N for trial arm
-- Load up some test data. Remember that all non PK values are optimized
-- So you have to re-order your CSV (in Excel or via Python output)
-- can also simply pass NOW() as a value if we used timeuuid vs timestampe
-- timeuuids have lower collision rates than simple incements for auto ID
COPY med_device_data (compound, study_id, visit, u_subj_id, read_ts,
bp_diapb_vsorres, bp_sysp_vsorres, nth_data_pt, pulse_vsorres, sensor_id, temp_vsorres)
FROM 'test-data.csv' WITH HEADER=TRUE;
--Lots of select options, all will be fast due to key traversal
SELECT * FROM med_device_data where compound='AMG-162'
SELECT * FROM med_device_data where compound='AMG-162' AND study_id='Dmab 216'
SELECT * FROM med_device_data where compound='AMG-162' AND study_id='Dmab 216' AND visit='VIS1D'
SELECT * FROM med_device_data where compound='AMG-162' AND study_id='Dmab 216' AND visit='ARM 4: Screening' AND u_subj_id='ATO-0043'
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