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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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  • Save JimHokanson/fe44e280ec102ed16345 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JimHokanson/fe44e280ec102ed16345 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is an attempt to create pre data that we can then use to write our normalization procedure in python. It takes the parsing output from our example video just before it goes to the normalization process. The goal is then to create a single file which we can load in Python.
function createCleanPreNormData()
% NOTE: We're starting with temporary files that were created by
% running the MRC GUI on a video
% This function should take the awkward file structures and output:
% - contours, non-normalized, oriented from head to tail
% - ??? a single contour with indices
% - left and right contours???
% - in real units
% - skeletons
% - is_segmented mask
% - anything related to the vulva or
% - stage movement and origins need to be handled .... akdsfkakjdsfkasdfk
% load(getRelativePath(stageMovementFile), 'movesI', 'locations');
% origins = locations;
% Where does the scaling factor come from???
% fileInfo.expList.xml;
%This is the main function of importance
%See Also:
base_path = 'F:\Projects\OpenWorm\worm_data\segworm_data\video\testing_with_GUI\.data';
s = h__getInfo(base_path);
mat_path = fullfile(base_path,'mec-4 (u253) off food x_2010_04_21__17_19_20__1_seg');
n_files = 10;
n_frames = 9*500 + 142; %part 10 only has 142 frames
all_vulva_contours = cell(1,n_frames);
all_non_vulva_contours = cell(1,n_frames);
all_skeletons = cell(1,n_frames);
is_valid = true(1,n_frames);
is_stage_movement = false(1,n_frames);
moves_I = s.movesI;
%NOTE: This is a 2 column vector of starts and stops, seems to be
%1 based but the first row is [0 0]
if moves_I(1) == 0
if moves_I(1,2) == 0
moves_I(1,:) = [];
error('Not sure what to do')
for iRow = 1:size(moves_I)
cur_start = moves_I(iRow,1);
cur_end = moves_I(iRow,2);
is_stage_movement(cur_start:cur_end) = true;
iFrame = 0;
for iFile = 1:n_files
h = load(fullfile(mat_path,sprintf('block%d.mat',iFile)));
all_entries = h.(sprintf('block%d',iFile));
for iEntry = 1:length(all_entries)
iFrame = iFrame + 1;
cur_entry = all_entries{iEntry};
if ~iscell(cur_entry) || is_stage_movement(iFrame)
%empty - dropped frame - d
%stage - 2 - m
%parse failure - 1 - f
is_valid(iFrame) = false;
%Contour information - in pixels, not microns :/
c_pixels = cur_entry{2}{1}; %[n x 2]
c_head_I = cur_entry{2}{6};
c_tail_I = cur_entry{2}{7};
%I think this is redundant information if we have the pixels ...
c_cc_lengths = cur_entry{2}{8};
%This is apparently cumulatively summed and for some
%reason the wraparound length seems to be at the first index
%rather than at the end ...
%temp_cc_lengths = sqrt(sum(diff(c_pixels,1,1).^2,2));
%Skeleton information
s_pixels = cur_entry{3}{1}; %[n x 2]
s_angles = cur_entry{3}{6}; %[n x 1] %How is this computed???
%There appears to be some sort of smoothing going on.
%The first 20 values are not valid - NaN
%The last 20 values are not valid - NaN
s_cc_lengths = cur_entry{3}{8}; %[n x 1], first value is 0
s_widths = cur_entry{3}{9};
%I think this means that the currently identified head and tail
%are incorrect. I am choosing what I think is a much simpler
%approach than was used in the old code
head_flipped = cur_entry{8}{1}{1};
%This however - based on the old code - seems to be correct
%for the true head (it would be good to check this ...)
vulva_clockwise_from_head = cur_entry{8}{2}{1};
c_microns = h__pixels2Microns(s,c_pixels);
s_microns = h__pixels2Microns(s,s_pixels);
%Step 1 - orient everything ...
if head_flipped
[c_head_I,c_tail_I] = deal(c_tail_I,c_head_I);
s_microns = flipud(s_microns);
n_contour = size(c_microns,1);
if c_head_I <= c_tail_I
cw_I = c_head_I:c_tail_I;
ccw_I = fliplr([c_tail_I:n_contour, 1:c_head_I]);
else % cHeadI > cTailI
cw_I = [c_head_I:n_contour, 1:c_tail_I];
ccw_I = fliplr(c_tail_I:c_head_I);
if vulva_clockwise_from_head
vulva_contours = c_microns(cw_I,:);
non_vulva_contours = c_microns(ccw_I,:);
vulva_contours = c_microns(ccw_I,:);
non_vulva_contours = c_microns(cw_I,:);
all_vulva_contours{iFrame} = vulva_contours;
all_non_vulva_contours{iFrame} = non_vulva_contours;
all_skeletons{iFrame} = s_microns;
function s = h__getInfo(base_path)
stage_file_name = 'mec-4 (u253) off food x_2010_04_21__17_19_20__1_stageMotion.mat';
stage_file_path = fullfile(base_path,stage_file_name);
h = load(stage_file_path); = h.locations;
s.movesI = h.movesI;
calibration_file_name = 'mec-4 (u253) off food';
calibration_file_path = fullfile(base_path,calibration_file_name);
xml = xmlread(calibration_file_path);
%This isn't clean, but it works for now.
x_nodes = xml.getElementsByTagName('x');
y_nodes = xml.getElementsByTagName('y');
micronsX = str2double(x_nodes.item(0).item(0).getNodeValue);
micronsY = str2double(y_nodes.item(0).item(0).getNodeValue);
pixelsX = str2double(x_nodes.item(1).item(0).getNodeValue);
pixelsY = str2double(y_nodes.item(1).item(0).getNodeValue);
% Compute the microns/pixels.
%pixel2MicronScale = [pixelsX / micronsX, pixelsY / micronsY];
pixel2MicronX = pixelsX / micronsX;
pixel2MicronY = pixelsY / micronsY;
normScale = sqrt((pixel2MicronX ^ 2 + pixel2MicronY ^ 2) / 2);
s.pixel2MicronScale = normScale * [sign(pixel2MicronX) sign(pixel2MicronY)];
% Compute the rotation matrix.
angle = atan(pixel2MicronY / pixel2MicronX);
if angle > 0
angle = pi / 4 - angle;
angle = pi / 4 + angle;
cosAngle = cos(angle);
sinAngle = sin(angle);
s.rotation = [cosAngle, -sinAngle; sinAngle, cosAngle];
function microns = h__pixels2Microns(s,pixels)
origins =;
rotation = s.rotation;
pixels_to_micron_scale = s.pixel2MicronScale;
pixels = (rotation * pixels')';
microns = pixels;
% Convert the pixels coordinates to micron locations.
microns(:,2) = origins(1) - pixels(:,1) * pixels_to_micron_scale(1);
microns(:,1) = origins(2) - pixels(:,2) * pixels_to_micron_scale(2);
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