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Created September 14, 2022 00:14
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  • Save JimHume/b39a89a3ac2b7e3d014d41bd778ba70f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Launch the currently-active-kubernetes-cluster's dashboard while copying the token out of the kube config. This gets around the "REDACTED" issue with kubectl taking out the certs & tokens when asking for details directly out of the config.
# Note: One would want to wrap this in a batch file that contains this:
# PowerShell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& '.\LaunchKubernetesDashboard.ps1'"
# (or whatever you name the file)
# Get the currently-active cluster name
$clusterName = $(kubectl config current-context)
# Get the user name for the active context
$contextUser = $(kubectl config view -o jsonpath="{.contexts[?( == '$clusterName')].context.user}")
# Assign the token by:
# - Load the kube config file while looking for the context user.
# - Get the 4 lines after the match (-context 0,4)
# - Get the last line returned in the context ([-1])
# - Split that entry by spaces (while removing empty entries)
# - Get the last entry in the array ([-1])
$token = $((sls -path .\.kube\config -pattern "name: $contextUser" -context 0,4).Context.PostContext[-1].Split(" ", [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)[-1])
# Copy it to the clipboard for easy access
Set-Clipboard $token
# Find the name of the dashboard pod
$podName=$(kubectl get pods --namespace 'kube-system' -l k8s-app==kubernetes-dashboard -o jsonpath='{.items[]}')
# Fire up the browser with "Start" so that it heads into the background
Start "https://localhost:10000"
# Then start the port forwarding to localhost
kubectl port-forward pods/$podName 10000:8443 -n kube-system
# Use CTRL+C CTRL+C to exit
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