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Last active February 19, 2024 10:27
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  • Save JimMoyle/5826fb2b6bb4652c725b46abc6b46a10 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JimMoyle/5826fb2b6bb4652c725b46abc6b46a10 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
function Get-WpmRestApp {
Param (
Position = 0,
ValuefromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
ValuefromPipeline = $true,
Mandatory = $true
ValuefromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
[System.Uri]$Uri = '',
ValuefromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
[Int]$ApiTimeoutSeconds = 90
begin {
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
} # begin
process {
Write-Verbose "Querying $PackageIdentifier from $Uri"
$queryUri = $Uri.ToString().TrimEnd('/') + '/' + $PackageIdentifier
$noResponse = $true
$timeSpan = (Get-Date).AddSeconds($ApiTimeoutSeconds)
while ($noResponse) {
if ((Get-Date) -gt $timeSpan) {
Write-Error "Timeout waiting for $PackageIdentifier response from $queryUri"
try {
$package = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $queryUri -ErrorAction Stop
$noResponse = $false
catch {
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
if ($null -eq $package) {
Write-Error "Could not find package with Id $PackIdentifier"
try {
$packageNewest = $package.Data.Versions | Select-Object @{Name = 'PackageVersion'; Expression = { [Version]$_.PackageVersion } }, Installers, DefaultLocale
if (($packageNewest.PackageVersion | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0) {
$packageNewest = $package.Data.Versions | Select-Object @{Name = 'PackageVersion'; Expression = {
$_.PackageVersion -match "(\D{0})(\d+)((\.{1}\d+)*)(\.{0})" | Out-Null
if ($($Matches[0]) -notlike "*.*") {
[Version]($Matches[0] + ".0")
else {
} , Installers, DefaultLocale
catch {
Write-Output $_
$packageDetail = $packageNewest | Sort-Object -Property PackageVersion -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
$timeSpan = (Get-Date).AddSeconds(30)
$appInfo = $null
while (($appInfo | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0 ) {
if ((Get-Date) -gt $timeSpan) {
Write-Error "Timeout waiting for version query match for $PackIdentifier"
$appInfo = $package.Data.versions | Where-Object { -join $_.Installers.InstallerSha256 -eq -join $packageDetail.Installers.InstallerSha256 }
foreach ($installer in $packageDetail.Installers) {
$output = [PSCustomObject]@{
PackageName = $package.Data.PackageIdentifier
PackageVersion = $packageDetail.PackageVersion
Publisher = $appInfo.DefaultLocale.Publisher
ShortDescription = $appInfo.DefaultLocale.ShortDescription
InstallerIdentifier = $installer.InstallerIdentifier
InstallerSha256 = $installer.InstallerSha256
InstallerUrl = $installer.InstallerUrl
Architecture = $installer.Architecture
InstallerType = $installer.InstallerType
Scope = if ($installer.PSobject.Properties.Name -contains 'Scope') { $installer.Scope } else { $null }
InstallerSwitches = if ($installer.PSobject.Properties.Name -contains 'InstallerSwitches') { $installer.InstallerSwitches } else { $null }
Commands = if ($installer.PSobject.Properties.Name -contains 'Commands') { $installer.Commands } else { $null }
InstallerAbortsTerminal = $installer.InstallerAbortsTerminal
ReleaseDate = $installer.ReleaseDate
InstallLocationRequired = $installer.InstallLocationRequired
RequireExplicitUpgrade = $installer.RequireExplicitUpgrade
DisplayInstallWarnings = $installer.DisplayInstallWarnings
DownloadCommandProhibited = $installer.DownloadCommandProhibited
Write-Output $output
} # process
end {} # end
} #function
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JimMoyle commented Feb 17, 2024

@pl4nty this API isn't publicly supported no.

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