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Created July 7, 2012 07:46
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@synchronized doesn't retain monitored object under MRC
__block id foo = [MyObject new];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
NSLog(@"block entering synchronized");
@synchronized(foo) {
NSLog(@"running in synchronized");
NSLog(@"running [foo self]");
[foo self];
NSLog(@"ran [foo self]");
NSLog(@"block exited synchronized");
NSLog(@"running at top level, releasing foo");
[foo release];
NSLog(@"running at top level, released foo");
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2012-07-07 00:44:23.115 Synchronized[39663:11e03] block entering synchronized
2012-07-07 00:44:23.116 Synchronized[39663:11e03] running in synchronized
2012-07-07 00:44:24.116 Synchronized[39663:fb03] running at top level, releasing foo
2012-07-07 00:44:24.117 Synchronized[39663:fb03] releasing MyObject
2012-07-07 00:44:24.117 Synchronized[39663:fb03] running at top level, released foo
2012-07-07 00:44:24.119 Synchronized[39663:fb03] Application windows are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch
2012-07-07 00:44:33.118 Synchronized[39663:11e03] running [foo self]

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Does this mean you should retain foo before @synchronized(foo) and release afterwards? Does that mean you need to wrap all of that in a try/catch in case it does throw so that foo can be released in that case too?

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