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import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
url = ''
df = pd.read_csv(url)
北部 = ["基隆市", "台北市", "新北市", "桃園市", "新竹縣", "新竹市", '宜蘭縣']
中部 = ["苗栗縣", "台中市", "南投縣", "彰化縣", "雲林縣"]
南部 = ["嘉義縣", "嘉義市", "台南市", "高雄市", "屏東縣", "澎湖"]
東部 = ["花蓮縣", "台東縣"]
外島 = ["金門縣", "連江縣"]
df = df[(df['發病年份']!=2014) & (df["發病年份"]!=2015)]
# print(df['發病年份'].value_counts().sort_index().index)
# 建立「分區」欄位
df['分區'] = df['縣市']
df['分區'] = df['分區'].replace(to_replace=北部 , value='北部')
df['分區'] = df['分區'].replace(to_replace=中部 , value='中部')
df['分區'] = df['分區'].replace(to_replace=南部 , value='南部')
df['分區'] = df['分區'].replace(to_replace=東部 , value='東部')
df['分區'] = df['分區'].replace(to_replace=外島 , value='外島')
# print(df[df["分區"]=='北部'])
# print(df['分區'].value_counts())
sorted_region = ['北部', '中部', '南部', '東部' , '外島']
regionPeopleCount = df.groupby('分區')['確定病例數'].sum()
regionPeopleCount = regionPeopleCount[sorted_region]
plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif']= ['Arial Unicode MS']
patches, texts, autotexts = plt.pie( regionPeopleCount , labels=None, #labels=regionPeopleCount.index,
autopct="%.2f%%", pctdistance=0.6)
plt.legend(labels=regionPeopleCount.index, fontsize=15, loc='best')
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