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Last active September 26, 2018 18:48
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Ansible Demo Playbooks
- hosts: localhost
- command: ansible-galaxy install cyberark.modules
- hosts: localhost
- role: cyberark.modules
- cyberark_credential:
api_base_url: ""
validate_certs: no
client_cert: "{{ CYBERARK_CLIENT_CERT }}"
client_key: "{{ CYBERARK_PRIV_KEY }}"
app_id: "sudo_pass"
query: "safe=Linux Root Accounts;folder=root;UserName=root;address={{ inventory_hostname }}"
reason: "Testing Ansible Playbook"
register: cyberark_response
delegate_to: localhost
- debug: msg="{{cyberark_response}}"
- name: set response to fact named cyberark_secret
cyberark_secret: "{{ cyberark_response.result.Content }}"
no_log: false
- hosts: all
connection: local
gather_facts: false
ansible_ssh_pass: "{{ cyberark_secret }}"
- shell: echo Test
changed_when: false
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